Monday, November 24, 2008

In the desert!

So I went out to the desert for the weekend and haven't had the time to write until now. So here is the workout scoop:

Wednesday WOD: Fran Gone Bad: 90 seconds max effort thrusters (65#), 90 seconds max effort pull-ups and 90 seconds max effort burpee box jump 20'' box. 3 rounds. Just like fight gone bad you had a 60 second rest in between each round. This workout totally sucked. My arms were spent from Monday's workout and deadlifts. My total score was 144.

Thursday was a rest day

Friday WOD 21-15-9 Hang squat cleans 75# and ring dips. 7:04 Still have to do ring dips from the toes. Which sucks but i still can't do ring dips. The cleans were easy and I should have gone up in weight.

Saturday and Sunday I went out to the Anza-Borrego desert. I wanted to check out some of the washes and the desert. This was the first time I have been out there and it was really cool. I really like the desert. I want to go back. I had a kit fox come right up into my camp and drink from the water bowl. I saw a trantula and had to deal with cholla and Max. But all in all it was amazing and the scenery and the stars were just amazing. I really like the desert and I just feel drawn to it. Here are some good pictures from the trip.

Monday WOD: Fran 6:14. Hell ya mo fo's how do you like that time! This was just about a 2 minute improvement from last time I did Fran and I feel like I could have cut that down a bit. I need to continue to work on that butterfly kip and get my rhythm and I think I can get it to under 6 pretty easily. Overall it felt really good and I was stoked to see my time when I finished.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Back in SD

I have to say first and foremost that the friends that I have made since going to Crossfit Coronado are amazing and have become people that I want to have in my life for the rest of my life. It was really nice to come back to the gym on Monday and feel like I was coming home. All of the faces and the hugs were great and it made me feel like I am creating a great community of people in my life here in San Diego. Crossfit has done a lot for me in a lot of different ways but the most amazing thing that it has done is brought amazing, caring and supportive people in my life. Not only in San Diego but also in Portland. I can still go back to my gym in Portland or workout with my old trainer and its like we've been hanging out since I left. That's cool and there are not a lot of other things, places, exercise programs that can't say the same.

I took both Saturday and Sunday off. Needed the rest, traveling and had a football game.

As for working was fun to come back and get into the grueling workouts designed by Andy Stumpf. Oh how I have missed them!

Monday WOD: "Isabindy" (Isabell and Cindy) 3 rounds 10 squat snatch, 5 rounds of Cindy (5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups and 15 squats)

So let me do the math for you. That is 75 pull-ups, 150 push-ups and 225 squats plus the 30 full squat snatches. This one was brutal in many different ways. First: It was a long one. My time was 34:00. That is a long workout and a mental challenge to continue to push through it. Second were the fucking push-ups. Damn those were hard. I was only good for straight 10 for the first round. Then it became 3 - 3 - 2 - 2 or 3 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 1 and lastly sets of ones at the end. Yuck. What was a positive note to all of it is that I was able to work in the butterfly kip and I'm getting it. It will take more time to get the flow but it totally helped speed up the pull ups of cindy. NICE!

Tuesday WOD: Deadlift 1 -1 - 1 - 1 - 1 going for max weight
I had to go to the morning class on Tuesday and it is nice to get the workout done and have the rest of the day to be able to do whatever you need to. But I go to the gym in the morning without looking at what the workout is so I don't have the opportunity to look at past pr or times from other workouts. So I went into this one not really sure what my PR deadlift was. I thought it was 231 but it ended up being 237. Doesn't matter because now it is 246. Nice. That is a good increase for me. I know that the lift was not pretty and it took awhile for me to get the bar fully up but it got up. Like Lori said "as long as it gets up we are happy." Oh Lori. You crack me up.

Starting to feel pretty sore tonight. My sholder and elbow don't hurt from doing butterfly kips. Something I have been told to watch because a lot of people have gotten hurt from doing them. My legs are tired and a little stiff. We'll see how they feel tomorrow morning .

Friday, November 14, 2008

Working out in Portland

I am very lucky that I know people up here in Portland and that makes it easier for me to get workouts in while I am away from the gym.

Wednesday WOD: 3 rounds 10 push jerks, 20 hang power cleans, 30 deadlifts 65# Time 11:34 When Nichole said that this was going to be the workout and the weight that I was going to use I thought that it was going to be lite. But my forearms and grip was killing me by middle of round 2. It was hard to hold on the the bar while I was doing the cleans. Overall a good workout. I like it because my grip strength is weak and by working on that it will help with pull-ups and kettlebell swings.

Thursday WOD AMRAP in 10 minutes of 250m row, 12 slam balls (16#) 5 and a half rounds. This was a good short one to get the heart rate up pretty quickly. I don't get to row as much as I would like and this workout just reminded me how much rowing sucks. But a good one.

Friday: Rest day

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It sure is green up here

It's fall in Oregon. The leaves are different colors, the air is crisp and there is just a bit of rain in the air. It is really nice. We went to the Japanese Gardens today. Here are a few pictures.

This week is going to be busy but I am going to be able to get in some workouts. Monday was a rest day. This morning I went back to Recreate Fitness and did a workout at the old gym with Nathan and Tina. I am going to try

Tuesday WOD: 45 sec on 15 sec off 4 rounds hand to hand KB swings, box jumps, sandbag cleans, figure 8's to hold with KB, renegade lungs. It was a lot different then I usually do but it was enjoyable and I am glad that I did.

Hopefully tomorrow I can workout with Nichole at Crossfit Clackamas after the conference. It will be good to get a workout in with her. I know she is strong so it will be interesting to see how I hang.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

In P-town

On Friday I traveled to Portland for a couple of reasons. I am working all next week and attending the NAI conference. It is going to be a great conference and I am excited about what I can potentially learn. The conference is Tuesday thorough Saturday.

I came up early to attend a level one cert for Crossfit. I was interested to see how much more I would learn at the Cert. There was a lot that I had already learned through the work that I have been doing at Coronado but there was some other stuff that was really interesting. I don't really know a lot about programming or parts of the nutrition concepts but these were covered and I got a lot from them. Plus I was able to talk to a lot of other people and ask them a bunch of questions. Nadia was there and my goodness that chick is strong. Something to strive for that's for sure. So I think above all the thing about attending the cert is that I get excited about Crossfit, the programming, the workouts, the people and everything about it. Plus it also gets me excited to go back to the gym that I workout at and do these crazy workouts with all of my friends. The people that I workout with and sweat with and push the boundaries with are people that have become a real piece of my life and I miss them.

One of the major highlights that I am going to work on is the butterfly kip. I was able to do a few at the gym and I think that I like these a lot more then regular kipping. Just the fact that I was able to do a few was exciting and I can't wait to get back to the gym and practice more. This is where I want to go with pull-ups. If butterfly's are fast and more efficient why spend the time learning kipping. I was able to get the rhythm on a few but was not able to get above the bar. So I like these and am going to continue to work on them.

So back to the WODS
Thursday: Helen 3 rounds 400m run, 21 kettlebell swings and 12 pull-ups. Time 12:31
So this was a minute and a half slower then my last time. Here are my thoughts on that. Last time I did helen it was a Monday. So I was fully rested from the weekend. Where as this time I did it on Thursday. My fourth workout of the week. I also think that my pull-up times were slower this go around. So something to think about.

I am going to start to do a 3 on 1 off routine as much as possible for the next month or so to see how I feel. This was something that was talked about at the Cert and I see the logic. So I am going to apply it to my life for a bit and see how it goes.

Friday - rest day for travel

Saturday: FRAN yup that's right. They had us do Fran at the Cert. My time 8:11. Not bad. The fastest prescribed girl time was 7:24. So about 40 seconds slower. I went 21 straight thruster, 8 then 7 thrusters and then 5 and 4. The pull-ups are still slowing me down. I hate them and this just made it very clear that I need to work on these more and more.

Sunday: I am tired and I can feel my legs. But a workout was needed to be done. It was AMRAP of 7 med ball cleans, 7 burpees. I was able to get 11 rounds. My legs are tired!

I am going to go and workout tomorrow to start the 3 on 1 off routine. I get to workout with Nichole and that will be fun. I think we are going to be doing some back squats. We shall see.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Start of November

So it looks like I am resorting to a once a week posting…oh well

Workout data

Thursday WOD: AMRAP of 20 Double Unders, 10 HSPU, 5 squat cleans – 7 rounds
Double unders have gotten a lot easier for me and that really helped with this workout. I was able to get through those pretty quickly. I decided to do HSPU from a box instead of negatives, and went with 99# for squat cleans. Squat cleans are a comfortable movement for me and I like them so I tend to go heavier when I can. Plus all of the smaller weights were being used by the other ladies so it was just easier to use the 10K’s and 5lbs.

Friday WOD Fight Gone Bad – Heavy
So the usual weight for women on FGB is 55# and this time it was calling for 65# SDHP and PP. I have done FGB with the men’s weight and my score was 220 so I was shooting for 300. That didn’t happen. I wasn’t able to start with wall ball and I hate to admit it but that right there was a mental block for me.

Here are my numbers
Round One: SDHP 28, BJ 21, PP 20, Row 15, WB 19 = 103
Round Two: SDHP 20, BJ 20, PP 13, Row 15, WB 15 = 83
Round Three: SDHP 17, BJ 19, PP 11, Row 13, WB 15 = 75
Total 261

So my number was 40 points higher then when I did it with 75# but I would have liked to seen a higher number. It is the PP that really kicks my butt. Need to work on those. My row numbers were higher when I did it with 75#. Interesting.

Saturday I had to work and then Sunday I had a football game and then Max and I went on a hike at Cottonwood Creek. Here are two pics from the trip.

Monday WOD: Squat Snatch 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1
Still stuck at 90# BUT the depth that I got when I did 85# and 90# was really good and got me pretty happy. I got all the way down into the full squat and had to stand to up. That was cool.

Tuesday WOD: 5 400m sprints
YUCK times ranged between 1:27 - 1:35. Good cardio work.

Wednesday WOD
SP 1 – 1 – 1 – 1
PP 3 – 3 – 3 – 3
PJ 5 – 5 – 5 – 5

This was one of the workouts that I did when I started the blog. The bad thing is that I have been going to the morning class and that means I don’t know what my PR’s are or what my time was because I don’t have the time (or make the time) to check out my notes before I head to class. This is something that I am going to have to change because for me there is a lot of mental motivation that goes through on in my head when I know what my last times, PR’s were and that I want to break them.

So not knowing what I did last time I am not really happy with these numbers:
SP: 65, 75, 85, 90 (f),
PP: 95, 100, 105, 110,
PJ: 110 (3), 95, 100, 105

Compared to my last numbers.
Shoulder press: 85# is PR
Push press number went up from 95 to 110 (awesome)
Push Jerk still at 110

So some progress and some things to still work on. That’s the thing about Crossfit. Always something to work on.

As for diet…well it has been pretty bad. I have had a hunkering for white chocolate macadamia nut cookies lately. This has resulted in me fluctuating in weight. Right now I am near 150. I know that if I went back to Zone hardcore I would drop a quick 5 pounds. Knowing that I think I don’t worry about it too much. But in terms of workout times and how I progress the extra weight does not help. Ideally I think I would like to be around 140 but that would mean that I would have to be a real hardass about diet. One of my goals is to be able to do a body weight overhead squat.