Friday, April 10, 2009



Nancy - 5 rounds 15 Overhead squats 400m run

So this is a benchmark workout and because I have been doing this whole blog thing I was able to look back and see that we did Nancy in on the 3rd of September. I went prescribed with 66# and my time was 18:29. This time I decided to go heavy because of the upcoming games and because I am strong on overhead squats. So I used 80# and my time was 18:36. So that is almost the same amount of time for the workout but am increase of 14#. That makes me feel good. It is really nice to see the data that shows you are getting strong and faster. You may feel stronger and your body may look different but to see the numbers just reconfirms everything.

5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 - Back squat
Here are the numbers 110 - 115 - 130 - 140 - 145
The set of 140 was harder then the set of 145. What I did do for the set of 145 was put the bar lower on my back. That helped and I was able to drive out of the bottom of the squat a lot easier then the last set when the bar was a little higher on my back. I'm still not great at squatting. I need to strengthen my legs. There is a lot I need to strengthen!

I booked my hotel for the Games and it is really starting to sink in that I'm competing. I'm glad that I signed up and registered for them back in March because I'm starting to wonder what the hell I was thinking!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

It's crunch time!

4/1/09 – Suicide sprints
I have not done these since my high school days on the basketball court. They really sucked then and they still suck today. The shuttle runs were 50m – 100m – 50m. So all in all you are sprinting 400m. My times were anywhere from 1:30 – 1:47. It sucked big time while I was doing it but overall it felt good.

AMRAP in 15min of
5 pull-ups
7 knees to elbows
10 push jerks 95#

This was a grip workout that really killed me. I was able to do the 5 pullups in a row each time. Break up the KTE 3 – 2 – 2- and the onto the push jerks. 95# is heavy and these sucked. On a few of the rounds I missed my attempt because I wasn’t getting under the bar and trying to press it overhead. I’m not strong enough to press 95# overhead so it went onto the ground. It was really good to have Kayla as my partner because she reminded me to get drop lower and that really helped when I was so fatigued. Thanks Kayla. Little cues like that throughout the workout do help.

3 hang squat cleans on the minute for 15 minutes 95# (13 rounds) 115# (2 rounds)
Andy did this different then I expected but I really liked it. It made you feel the pull of the clean from the 3 different positions. Mid-shin, just above the knee and from the hang.
I liked this workout. Plus you ended up getting a rhythm down and really focusing on getting a big shrug, full hip extension and squat. Good stuff. The last two rounds with 115# really sucked. It was easy to get to my rack but driving out of the squat sucked!

4/4/09 and 4/5/09
I attended a Crossfit Kids certification and had a blast. I learned a lot. Not only about how to train kids but also how to look at things a lot different. Kids are so much fun and just a blast to work with. The cues that they used broke the movements down to such a simple level that it makes sense. I think I wrote a small book with all of the notes I took.

Plus it was good to chat with Jeff and Mikki Martin. They are just a wealth of knowledge and overall really cool people. Nichole was there and it was fun to hangout with her. She is moving back to SD and I am glad to hear that. It would be fun to workout with her.

It was a long weekend but a fun one! I will need to go to Brand X here and there to get a workout in.

10 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1

I had done a similar workout to this at the end of January but instead of bear crawl we had to do a 50m sprint. My time for that workout was 20:30. My time for this workout was 21:09. So about 40 seconds longer but the bearcrawls were a lot more time consuming then the 50m sprint. Which probably was more like a jog when I did it but still not as hard as bearcrawls. Bearcrawls just suck. On my last one I touched the wall and tried to stand up but couldn’t. So I just sat there. About a minute laster Gene joined me because he could not get up as well. Oh you gotta love it!

5 rounds
21 KB swings 53#
15 box jumps 24’’ box
9 L-pull ups

Andy made me go heavy and swing the big bell. The difference between a 35# KB and a 53# is huge. It really forces you to use you hips and just crack the thing up overhead. It sucked. I broke them up 11 – 10 for most of the rounds expect for the last two when I went 9 – 6 – 4. SUCKED. Box jumps were killed for the hip flexors after yesterday’s bearcrawls and thrusters. I still can’t do a prescribed l-pullup but I feel like I am getting better with the scaled version. I was able to hold myself up longer and keep my legs straighter on the descend. Time: 19:00

So today is the 8th. One week from today I will find out what the workouts are going to be for the Regionals. It’s getting really close and I am starting to get more and more nervous. I need to keep pick up the intensity a bit at the gym, keep going heavy and really push myself. YIKES!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A nice weekend!

Had a good rest weekend. Saturday the weather was amazing. I sat on the deck and fell asleep. Sunday I had an early morning football game and then went on a hike with Mel and Mike Marriot from the gym. It was a good hike. We did pieces from the Sunset and Big Laguna Trail. We stopped at Water of the Woods for some snacks and you could clearly tell that we are pretty conscience about what we eat. I had brought salami, blueberries and some cashews. Mel brought a blood orange some almonds and some really tasty dark chocolate. A good snack to go with good friends and a good hike. I think we did something like 6.5 miles. A nice Sunday! I hope to hike more. I kind of slacked off recently. I’ll post pictures when I get them from Mel.

In terms of workouts…here you go

Deadlifts 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 I went 195 – 205 – 215 – 220 – 225. That was good. I felt strong. The last set was tough and I could feel my back not maintaining perfect form but I was dramatically rounding it and I’m not too sore today. So it felt good. I would have liked to give 230 a try but didn’t want to over do it. Next time. I would really like to see what my one rep max would be since the last time I did it I think it was only 210 or something considerably lower then 225.

10 rounds of 10 OHS 76#, 10 burpees – Time 22:04
I really did well on this workout. I like overhead squats and can just get through the burpees. I was able to get all 10 overhead squats without breaking them up for the whole 10 rounds. So that helped keep the time low and then I just had to get through the burpees. So I really liked this workout! It is interesting to think about doing a workout that is 100 OHS and 100 burpess compared to a workout that is 10 rounds of 10 and 10. It is completely different mind game when you break it up into sets of 10. Even though you are going to be doing the same amount of work. Funny how that works.

Today they are calling for shuttle sprints. A lot of sprints. Should be pretty miserable!