Thursday, August 20, 2009


August 17th
Strength 3x5 presses 75 x 75 x 75
WOD 5 - 10 - 15 - 15 - 5
Back squat 119#
burpee box jumps
Time 26 something

Felt good on the presses. My strength for those has really gone up. Back squats on the other hand are my weak spot. I hate them and for a different reason then other movements like HSPU or ring dips. I can't do those movements. I can squat, I just can't do a lot of weight and that frustrates me. So this WOD actually called for bodyweight +10 pounds. That would be 160. There was no way for me to do that weight for that many reps. So I tried 129 for the first 5 reps and there was crushing. So dropped to 119 and still had to struggle to get two reps every time. Burpee box jumps no problem.

Aug 18th
10 rounds
15 SDHP 55#
5 bear crawls (one equals the length of the gym)
Time: 36:56

NICE! This was a good grind through it sort of workout. The SDHP easy. Did two rounds of HSPU neg then went to the box. The bear crawls. My god! Killer. It just felt like I got back to the bear crawls so quickly. They are a shoulder and hip flexor killer! I think Mel hates me!

Monday, August 17, 2009

I'm on it!

If I did this every day I would have to write a lot less! I'm going to try that!

Aug 13th
Strength - Jerk 5 x 3 119-119-119-124-124
WOD Randy (75 power snatches) @ 55# 9:30
Tabata row - total of 880m

I really liked this overall workout. The jerks felt good and heavy and a good strength/warmup for Randy. Randy got the heartrate up and I love to snatch so this was good. But 55# is a ligth snatch for me but 75 is a lot to get through so pace through it. Then the tabata row at the end. A heartrate crusher! Man that was a good one

Went camping over the weekend. Here is a photo of me and my camping buddy!

Aug 16
Strength - 3x5 deadlift 197-197-197
WOD 15-10-5-10-15
dumbell thrusters 30# (each arm)
200m sprint
Time 17:46

This was a nasty one. Dumbell thruster are the devil reincarnated!