Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It sure is green up here

It's fall in Oregon. The leaves are different colors, the air is crisp and there is just a bit of rain in the air. It is really nice. We went to the Japanese Gardens today. Here are a few pictures.

This week is going to be busy but I am going to be able to get in some workouts. Monday was a rest day. This morning I went back to Recreate Fitness and did a workout at the old gym with Nathan and Tina. I am going to try

Tuesday WOD: 45 sec on 15 sec off 4 rounds hand to hand KB swings, box jumps, sandbag cleans, figure 8's to hold with KB, renegade lungs. It was a lot different then I usually do but it was enjoyable and I am glad that I did.

Hopefully tomorrow I can workout with Nichole at Crossfit Clackamas after the conference. It will be good to get a workout in with her. I know she is strong so it will be interesting to see how I hang.

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