So what’s a better way to celebrate coming back to the gym from being away on vacation then doing Fran. Yup Fran. Just what I wanted to see. Yeah right. I was kind of hoping for a strength day. Oh well.
Here’s some background….. Prescribed Fran at the Level One Cert (november) TIME: 8:11
Crossfit Coronado 57# Fran (November 24) TIME: 6:14
So this is the first time that I have done it prescribed in Coronado. I actually did 67# and my time was 7:02. Kind of disappointed. I would have really liked to see a six as the first number but oh well. It was a minute faster from when I last did it. I still need to work on the pull-ups. I went straight through the 21 thrusters and then broke then up 8 and 7 and then went straight through the last 9. But it’s the pull-ups that slow me down.
3/25/09 – Run 10K I have not ran a 10K in a really long time. I brought max with me and that was nice. My time probably was around a little more then an hour. Hey who cares what my time was I ran a 10K. It felt as good as a 10K could feel. Got some side aches toward the end and I don’t think I ran the course right but it felt good to run that distance.
3/26/09 – 5 rounds 15 burpees, 10 KB swings. Ben had me go a little heavier with the KB swings since we were only doing 10 each round and let me tell you the difference between 35# and 53# is huge. I really had to crack the hips to get the thing going. It sucked. Time: 9:37
3/27/09 – 5 – 15 – 25 – 15 – 5 Front squat, ring dips. This workout took me to a place I have really never been before. I thought I was going to breakdown. I’m not a good squatter and Andy thought it would be good to go a little heavy. So Mel and I decided to throw down with 102# Just 7 pounds more then prescribed. How big of a difference could that make? HUGE! My back was rounding, my elbows were dropping and my whole core was firing every time I was driving myself out of the squat. Holy shit it sucked. Then to ring dips on toes. But my legs were so tired from the squats that I got little assistance from them on the dips. Which is a good thing but just added to the suckyness. Time: 15:26.
Saturday and Sunday rest days. I have flag football in the morning on Sunday and then a few of us are going to go on a hike in the mountains. Should be fun. It’s just a 5 mile loop and flat for most of the way so that will be a nice active recovery day for me.
My legs are tight today and I would bet that they are going to get more sore for the football game tomorrow. So it will be good to stay active and keep them moving.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
I've been mean to my body!
So the reason that I came to Corvallis was to see one of my really good friends defend her PhD. She did great and it was fun to watch her give her presentation. But also part of the reason was too see all of my other friends that were coming into town and to celebrate! Man did I celebrate! Some people came into town that I had not seen since I moved away or some even longer then that. It was Corvallis in 2006. Out of control and having a great time with great friends.
I consumed more alcohol Thursday through Saturday then I had consumed in the past two months. Thursday it was wine with Steph and Liz, Friday it was way too much Markers and diet coke and then Saturday it was beer and whiskey and Coke at Paul's who has a kegarater in his basement.
My body hates me! I went on a run Saturday because I felt like I needed to sweat out all of the booze. I bet if you were to have licked me after my run you would have been able to taste a little whiskey!
So back on the wagon from here on out. I really need to get back on the Zone hard and cut out the booze for a long time. Here is a picture from Friday night. I think it sums it up pretty well.
Out of town working out
So since I am in Corvallis I know that I need to get in a few workouts so that my training doesn't drop off. I wasn't able to hit it as hard as I would have liked but here are a few of the workouts that I did.
3/18/09 - 400m sprints I was able to get to a track near the place I was staying and got in the sprint workout from my gym. 400m sprint rest 2min, 400m rest 1:30min, 400m rest 1:00min, 400m rest 30sec, 400m. My rest times were a little bit off because i didn't have someone to keep track of time and the fact that I was breathing so heavy I could do simple math in my head. I rest the right amount the first 3 rounds because I could breathe but the last two I think my rest time was a little bit more. Times were between 1:27 first one to 1:40 last one. I think it was a huge accomplishment on my part to even get out there and sprint. Glad I did it.
3/19/09 - I actually put Steph through a workout. She did a variations of the overhead lunge, burpee workout. She did 3 rounds 10 lunges each leg, holding a can of corn overhead in each hand and 10 burpees. This is a good one and really got her heart rate up. I was impressed that she was able to power through the burpees. No matter how you skin them they sucks. She was sore afterwards in her triceps and shoulder. This is due to holding the weight overhead and also the burpees. It was good. I really enjoyed sharing Crossfit with her.
I know that if I had decided to stay in Corvallis I would be training some of my friends and other people in Crossfit. It has done so much for me not only physically but my confidence, health and overall well being that I want to share it with the people that I love so that they can experience it. I know it is not for everone but I think a few of them would have really enjoyed it and would have gotten results. So even the short workout that I did with Steph was a ton of fun and it just felt really good to be sharing this experience with someone who means a lot to me.
I did a variation of the same just with more lunges and burpees. I held two bigger tomato cans overhead.
3/20/09 - I went and played racquetball with Lance. I really enjoy playing racquetball because I can see how much more stamina and endurance I have because of the crossfit workouts that i have been doing. Plus it is also nice to take the work that I have been doing in the gym and apply to a completely different thing. I would say that I got a small workout in, broke a sweat but not really anything intense. Lance on the other hand probably lost 5 pounds of sweat and at times looked like he might die. I enjoyed it in a cynical way.
3/21/09 - I got in an easy pace 4 mile run along the Yaquina Bay at Paul's house. It was a needed run but I felt like shit due to the horrible things I had done to my body the night before. But needed to sweat out all of the booze!
3/22/09 - rest and head back up to Portland to spend the next few days with Chris. Spent some time in a hot tub. Oh my. Hot tubs are great and feel so good. I need to find a friend with a hot tub in San Diego. Potentially a guy friend. That would be even better!
3/23/09 - Went to Crossfit MLK. I had met Chris at the Level One Cert in Portland and remembered that he was working on opening this new gym in Portland and I wanted to check it out. It is huge and has a ton of equipment. That's cool. It is in an old bank building with a vault and everything. He said that i could come to the 10:00am class. The workout was:
15 power cleans, 30 ring dips
12 pc, 24 rd
9 pc, 18 rd
6 pc, 12 rd
3 pc, 6 rd
Prescribed was 105# for the ladies and I would have liked to do that weight but he put on 95#. I would have done 105# if I was in Coronado but since he didn't know me and didn't want to push too hard he went safe and put on 95#. It still was a good workout. The first 15 I powered through and I think me form was pretty bad. As I started to get tired and needed to really be explosive my form got a lot better. I really need to drive from the starting position and shrug hard. I came down a few times on mt collarbone and I know that there will be a nice bruise there tomorrow. Time was 12:48. Overall a good workout and I liked working with Chris. I will come back to his gym the next time I am in Portland.
3/18/09 - 400m sprints I was able to get to a track near the place I was staying and got in the sprint workout from my gym. 400m sprint rest 2min, 400m rest 1:30min, 400m rest 1:00min, 400m rest 30sec, 400m. My rest times were a little bit off because i didn't have someone to keep track of time and the fact that I was breathing so heavy I could do simple math in my head. I rest the right amount the first 3 rounds because I could breathe but the last two I think my rest time was a little bit more. Times were between 1:27 first one to 1:40 last one. I think it was a huge accomplishment on my part to even get out there and sprint. Glad I did it.
3/19/09 - I actually put Steph through a workout. She did a variations of the overhead lunge, burpee workout. She did 3 rounds 10 lunges each leg, holding a can of corn overhead in each hand and 10 burpees. This is a good one and really got her heart rate up. I was impressed that she was able to power through the burpees. No matter how you skin them they sucks. She was sore afterwards in her triceps and shoulder. This is due to holding the weight overhead and also the burpees. It was good. I really enjoyed sharing Crossfit with her.
I know that if I had decided to stay in Corvallis I would be training some of my friends and other people in Crossfit. It has done so much for me not only physically but my confidence, health and overall well being that I want to share it with the people that I love so that they can experience it. I know it is not for everone but I think a few of them would have really enjoyed it and would have gotten results. So even the short workout that I did with Steph was a ton of fun and it just felt really good to be sharing this experience with someone who means a lot to me.
I did a variation of the same just with more lunges and burpees. I held two bigger tomato cans overhead.
3/20/09 - I went and played racquetball with Lance. I really enjoy playing racquetball because I can see how much more stamina and endurance I have because of the crossfit workouts that i have been doing. Plus it is also nice to take the work that I have been doing in the gym and apply to a completely different thing. I would say that I got a small workout in, broke a sweat but not really anything intense. Lance on the other hand probably lost 5 pounds of sweat and at times looked like he might die. I enjoyed it in a cynical way.
3/21/09 - I got in an easy pace 4 mile run along the Yaquina Bay at Paul's house. It was a needed run but I felt like shit due to the horrible things I had done to my body the night before. But needed to sweat out all of the booze!
3/22/09 - rest and head back up to Portland to spend the next few days with Chris. Spent some time in a hot tub. Oh my. Hot tubs are great and feel so good. I need to find a friend with a hot tub in San Diego. Potentially a guy friend. That would be even better!
3/23/09 - Went to Crossfit MLK. I had met Chris at the Level One Cert in Portland and remembered that he was working on opening this new gym in Portland and I wanted to check it out. It is huge and has a ton of equipment. That's cool. It is in an old bank building with a vault and everything. He said that i could come to the 10:00am class. The workout was:
15 power cleans, 30 ring dips
12 pc, 24 rd
9 pc, 18 rd
6 pc, 12 rd
3 pc, 6 rd
Prescribed was 105# for the ladies and I would have liked to do that weight but he put on 95#. I would have done 105# if I was in Coronado but since he didn't know me and didn't want to push too hard he went safe and put on 95#. It still was a good workout. The first 15 I powered through and I think me form was pretty bad. As I started to get tired and needed to really be explosive my form got a lot better. I really need to drive from the starting position and shrug hard. I came down a few times on mt collarbone and I know that there will be a nice bruise there tomorrow. Time was 12:48. Overall a good workout and I liked working with Chris. I will come back to his gym the next time I am in Portland.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Some fun things I've been doing
So on non-workout notes.
I went to my first gala and had a ton of fun. It is like a wedding on steroids. Free food, free booze and dancing. The gala was to raise money for PROEBA. A binational education program that the SD Natural History Museum does. We have given them money in the past to help facilitate the program. My Spanish teacher at the Museum works with PROEBA and Libby and Janet are in my class and they are sort of big wigs at the Museum. That is kind of how I got to go. I was able to work coat check for 2 hours and then enjoy the party. It was a ton of fun. Here are a few pics.
This is a picture of the ladies from Spanish class. Libby, Karen, Gilligan, me and Janet. We are a fun group!
This is what it looked like. Quite the spread! Really cool. There was a bottle of tequila at every table for people to share. I saw somebody leaving the party with a bottle tucked in his jacket!
Here is a picture of me with a dinosaur in the background. I was a few drinks in at this point and was having a good time. Had some killer mojoitos!
Jimmy and Christy had some friends from Philly come out to SD for the week. They all know each other from playing flag football in Philly. So they organized a pick up tournament Philly vs. San Diego sort of thing. It was a lot of fun and we got our asses kick. They are a lot better then us. Quicker to the ball on defense, faster to get the long pass and overall just really good. They were all really nice and a lot of fun to hang with. I invited Mel to come out and play because we are always in need of girls and I thought she might enjoy it. She had never played before and totally kicked ass. Had 5 catches, a few with some extra yard after catch and almost a touchdown. She also had a good pull on a flag for someone who has never played before. I was impressed. Maybe next season she should play.
I took a shot to the eye that resulted in a pretty good shiner. I will try to get a picture of it before it goes away and post it! I look like I have been beaten. After football we went back to Jimmy and Christy for a BBQ. Good food and good friends.
I went to my first gala and had a ton of fun. It is like a wedding on steroids. Free food, free booze and dancing. The gala was to raise money for PROEBA. A binational education program that the SD Natural History Museum does. We have given them money in the past to help facilitate the program. My Spanish teacher at the Museum works with PROEBA and Libby and Janet are in my class and they are sort of big wigs at the Museum. That is kind of how I got to go. I was able to work coat check for 2 hours and then enjoy the party. It was a ton of fun. Here are a few pics.
Jimmy and Christy had some friends from Philly come out to SD for the week. They all know each other from playing flag football in Philly. So they organized a pick up tournament Philly vs. San Diego sort of thing. It was a lot of fun and we got our asses kick. They are a lot better then us. Quicker to the ball on defense, faster to get the long pass and overall just really good. They were all really nice and a lot of fun to hang with. I invited Mel to come out and play because we are always in need of girls and I thought she might enjoy it. She had never played before and totally kicked ass. Had 5 catches, a few with some extra yard after catch and almost a touchdown. She also had a good pull on a flag for someone who has never played before. I was impressed. Maybe next season she should play.
I took a shot to the eye that resulted in a pretty good shiner. I will try to get a picture of it before it goes away and post it! I look like I have been beaten. After football we went back to Jimmy and Christy for a BBQ. Good food and good friends.
I've been bad!
So I haven't kept up with this lately and that has meant i have forgot some of my times but nothing too serious. Here's the latest workout info!
I decided to do a workout that incorporated something that we don’t do a lot at the gym and with something that I could do in Jo’s garage. So I did Turkish get-ups and burpees. Kind of a spin off of Lori’s b-day workout. It was 40 TGU’s 10 burpees, 10 TGU’s 40 burpees, 10 TGU’s 10 burpees, 40 TGU. This was tough but a good one. Time was around 20 min.
3/2 – 3/3 Rest
3/4/09 – Back at CrossFit Coronado and for a good one. The workout was 5 rounds of 10 DL @ 195, 15 ring dips. 195 is really heavy and I had a hard time trying to figure out what weight to use. I wanted to do 195 but I think the workout would have taken me 30min. So I scaled back and did 175 (disappointed) and my time was about 16min I think. Not sure. This is what happens when you don’t stay up on your blog and don’t write down times. You forget and that makes it hard to keep track of things. But the main things that I want to get across via this blog are the times but also how I felt. I would have liked to go heavier. At least 188 like I had for the last heavy deadlift workout. It was frustrating not to be able to go prescribed. I haven’t felt that way in a long time when it comes to the posted weights. I still can’t do HSPU and ring dips and I am working on that but when it comes to weight I usually am prescribed and so this workout was kind of an ego check as well.
Quarter gone bad
15 seconds of work followed by 45 seconds of rest. 5 rounds of weighted pull-ups, burpees and thrusters. PU with 12 pounds and 95# thrusters. You score is the total number of reps completed. I got 86. My numbers broke out like this
PU 6, 6, 6, 7, 6
Burpees 6, 6, 6, 7, 7
Thrusters 4, 4, 4, 3, 4
Thrusters were hard and 95# is a lot of weight!
3/6/09 – I attended my first gala at the SD Natural History Museum. Had a ton of fun and will post pic’s on my facebook page. Should have gone to the gym in the morning but did not want to get out of bed.
3/7 – 3/8 Rest
Back squat 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2
Last time I did my 3 rep max was 150. So I really wanted to get a bigger number then that and just see how it went from there. My numbers were 135 – 158 – 163 (f). I stopped and just screwed around the gym and helped some other people out. I got a new PR for back squat and that was good.
5 rounds
12 L-PU
20 box jumps 24’’ box
12 burpees
Not sure what my time was. This workout was a good one. Going from box jumps to burpees really sucked and keeps your heart rate up. Neg L-PU’s for me. But those felt a little easier then in the past so that make me happy.
400m walking lunge: 15:27
This is a much more fun workout when you do it at the gym with everyone then by yourself on a track. Good times!
3/12/09 – rest
I’m pretty sore from the walking lunges and the box jumps/burpees.
30 sec max effort, rest 2 min
1 min max effort rest 1:30 min
1:30 min max effort rest 1 min
2 min max effort rest 30 sec
1 min max effort
Deadlift @ 95#
My rounds looked like this 16, 37, 40, 44, 23 - for a total of 160 deadlifts. Awesome workout!
I can tell that I am going to just get more sore from this workout on top of what we had done earlier in the week.
3 rounds
10 OHS 95#
15 burpee pull-ups
25 kettlebell swings
Time: 19:46
The original workout called for DL instead of OHS but I wanted to do something other then DL since we did those earlier in the weal and I haven’t done OHS in a long time so we thought we would do those instead. I like OHS and this was a good full body workout. Shoulders are sore and core a little tight. Feels good!
3/15/09 – rest
3/16/09 – 5 rounds 6 hang squat cleans 12 pull-ups 97# I like cleans and was able to get the bar up to my shoulders pretty quick and easy. The hard part was the squat with 97 pounds. That’s heavy and I am weal when it comes to squats. So driving up from the squat was hard. Plus after the pull-ups your grip started to go to pot. It was a good grip workout. Time was 10:51. Nice to see that it was under 11min.
I decided to do a workout that incorporated something that we don’t do a lot at the gym and with something that I could do in Jo’s garage. So I did Turkish get-ups and burpees. Kind of a spin off of Lori’s b-day workout. It was 40 TGU’s 10 burpees, 10 TGU’s 40 burpees, 10 TGU’s 10 burpees, 40 TGU. This was tough but a good one. Time was around 20 min.
3/2 – 3/3 Rest
3/4/09 – Back at CrossFit Coronado and for a good one. The workout was 5 rounds of 10 DL @ 195, 15 ring dips. 195 is really heavy and I had a hard time trying to figure out what weight to use. I wanted to do 195 but I think the workout would have taken me 30min. So I scaled back and did 175 (disappointed) and my time was about 16min I think. Not sure. This is what happens when you don’t stay up on your blog and don’t write down times. You forget and that makes it hard to keep track of things. But the main things that I want to get across via this blog are the times but also how I felt. I would have liked to go heavier. At least 188 like I had for the last heavy deadlift workout. It was frustrating not to be able to go prescribed. I haven’t felt that way in a long time when it comes to the posted weights. I still can’t do HSPU and ring dips and I am working on that but when it comes to weight I usually am prescribed and so this workout was kind of an ego check as well.
Quarter gone bad
15 seconds of work followed by 45 seconds of rest. 5 rounds of weighted pull-ups, burpees and thrusters. PU with 12 pounds and 95# thrusters. You score is the total number of reps completed. I got 86. My numbers broke out like this
PU 6, 6, 6, 7, 6
Burpees 6, 6, 6, 7, 7
Thrusters 4, 4, 4, 3, 4
Thrusters were hard and 95# is a lot of weight!
3/6/09 – I attended my first gala at the SD Natural History Museum. Had a ton of fun and will post pic’s on my facebook page. Should have gone to the gym in the morning but did not want to get out of bed.
3/7 – 3/8 Rest
Back squat 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2
Last time I did my 3 rep max was 150. So I really wanted to get a bigger number then that and just see how it went from there. My numbers were 135 – 158 – 163 (f). I stopped and just screwed around the gym and helped some other people out. I got a new PR for back squat and that was good.
5 rounds
12 L-PU
20 box jumps 24’’ box
12 burpees
Not sure what my time was. This workout was a good one. Going from box jumps to burpees really sucked and keeps your heart rate up. Neg L-PU’s for me. But those felt a little easier then in the past so that make me happy.
400m walking lunge: 15:27
This is a much more fun workout when you do it at the gym with everyone then by yourself on a track. Good times!
3/12/09 – rest
I’m pretty sore from the walking lunges and the box jumps/burpees.
30 sec max effort, rest 2 min
1 min max effort rest 1:30 min
1:30 min max effort rest 1 min
2 min max effort rest 30 sec
1 min max effort
Deadlift @ 95#
My rounds looked like this 16, 37, 40, 44, 23 - for a total of 160 deadlifts. Awesome workout!
I can tell that I am going to just get more sore from this workout on top of what we had done earlier in the week.
3 rounds
10 OHS 95#
15 burpee pull-ups
25 kettlebell swings
Time: 19:46
The original workout called for DL instead of OHS but I wanted to do something other then DL since we did those earlier in the weal and I haven’t done OHS in a long time so we thought we would do those instead. I like OHS and this was a good full body workout. Shoulders are sore and core a little tight. Feels good!
3/15/09 – rest
3/16/09 – 5 rounds 6 hang squat cleans 12 pull-ups 97# I like cleans and was able to get the bar up to my shoulders pretty quick and easy. The hard part was the squat with 97 pounds. That’s heavy and I am weal when it comes to squats. So driving up from the squat was hard. Plus after the pull-ups your grip started to go to pot. It was a good grip workout. Time was 10:51. Nice to see that it was under 11min.
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