Monday, March 23, 2009

I've been mean to my body!

So the reason that I came to Corvallis was to see one of my really good friends defend her PhD. She did great and it was fun to watch her give her presentation. But also part of the reason was too see all of my other friends that were coming into town and to celebrate! Man did I celebrate! Some people came into town that I had not seen since I moved away or some even longer then that. It was Corvallis in 2006. Out of control and having a great time with great friends.

I consumed more alcohol Thursday through Saturday then I had consumed in the past two months. Thursday it was wine with Steph and Liz, Friday it was way too much Markers and diet coke and then Saturday it was beer and whiskey and Coke at Paul's who has a kegarater in his basement.

My body hates me! I went on a run Saturday because I felt like I needed to sweat out all of the booze. I bet if you were to have licked me after my run you would have been able to taste a little whiskey!

So back on the wagon from here on out. I really need to get back on the Zone hard and cut out the booze for a long time. Here is a picture from Friday night. I think it sums it up pretty well.

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