Wednesday, April 8, 2009

It's crunch time!

4/1/09 – Suicide sprints
I have not done these since my high school days on the basketball court. They really sucked then and they still suck today. The shuttle runs were 50m – 100m – 50m. So all in all you are sprinting 400m. My times were anywhere from 1:30 – 1:47. It sucked big time while I was doing it but overall it felt good.

AMRAP in 15min of
5 pull-ups
7 knees to elbows
10 push jerks 95#

This was a grip workout that really killed me. I was able to do the 5 pullups in a row each time. Break up the KTE 3 – 2 – 2- and the onto the push jerks. 95# is heavy and these sucked. On a few of the rounds I missed my attempt because I wasn’t getting under the bar and trying to press it overhead. I’m not strong enough to press 95# overhead so it went onto the ground. It was really good to have Kayla as my partner because she reminded me to get drop lower and that really helped when I was so fatigued. Thanks Kayla. Little cues like that throughout the workout do help.

3 hang squat cleans on the minute for 15 minutes 95# (13 rounds) 115# (2 rounds)
Andy did this different then I expected but I really liked it. It made you feel the pull of the clean from the 3 different positions. Mid-shin, just above the knee and from the hang.
I liked this workout. Plus you ended up getting a rhythm down and really focusing on getting a big shrug, full hip extension and squat. Good stuff. The last two rounds with 115# really sucked. It was easy to get to my rack but driving out of the squat sucked!

4/4/09 and 4/5/09
I attended a Crossfit Kids certification and had a blast. I learned a lot. Not only about how to train kids but also how to look at things a lot different. Kids are so much fun and just a blast to work with. The cues that they used broke the movements down to such a simple level that it makes sense. I think I wrote a small book with all of the notes I took.

Plus it was good to chat with Jeff and Mikki Martin. They are just a wealth of knowledge and overall really cool people. Nichole was there and it was fun to hangout with her. She is moving back to SD and I am glad to hear that. It would be fun to workout with her.

It was a long weekend but a fun one! I will need to go to Brand X here and there to get a workout in.

10 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1

I had done a similar workout to this at the end of January but instead of bear crawl we had to do a 50m sprint. My time for that workout was 20:30. My time for this workout was 21:09. So about 40 seconds longer but the bearcrawls were a lot more time consuming then the 50m sprint. Which probably was more like a jog when I did it but still not as hard as bearcrawls. Bearcrawls just suck. On my last one I touched the wall and tried to stand up but couldn’t. So I just sat there. About a minute laster Gene joined me because he could not get up as well. Oh you gotta love it!

5 rounds
21 KB swings 53#
15 box jumps 24’’ box
9 L-pull ups

Andy made me go heavy and swing the big bell. The difference between a 35# KB and a 53# is huge. It really forces you to use you hips and just crack the thing up overhead. It sucked. I broke them up 11 – 10 for most of the rounds expect for the last two when I went 9 – 6 – 4. SUCKED. Box jumps were killed for the hip flexors after yesterday’s bearcrawls and thrusters. I still can’t do a prescribed l-pullup but I feel like I am getting better with the scaled version. I was able to hold myself up longer and keep my legs straighter on the descend. Time: 19:00

So today is the 8th. One week from today I will find out what the workouts are going to be for the Regionals. It’s getting really close and I am starting to get more and more nervous. I need to keep pick up the intensity a bit at the gym, keep going heavy and really push myself. YIKES!

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