Monday, August 17, 2009

I'm on it!

If I did this every day I would have to write a lot less! I'm going to try that!

Aug 13th
Strength - Jerk 5 x 3 119-119-119-124-124
WOD Randy (75 power snatches) @ 55# 9:30
Tabata row - total of 880m

I really liked this overall workout. The jerks felt good and heavy and a good strength/warmup for Randy. Randy got the heartrate up and I love to snatch so this was good. But 55# is a ligth snatch for me but 75 is a lot to get through so pace through it. Then the tabata row at the end. A heartrate crusher! Man that was a good one

Went camping over the weekend. Here is a photo of me and my camping buddy!

Aug 16
Strength - 3x5 deadlift 197-197-197
WOD 15-10-5-10-15
dumbell thrusters 30# (each arm)
200m sprint
Time 17:46

This was a nasty one. Dumbell thruster are the devil reincarnated!

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