I knew that I was going to be a lot more on top of this blog at the beginning and it would taper off but I feel like recently I really haven’t put a lot of time into it. I will try to better. I promise.
Thursday was a rest day for me. Really trying to do the 3 on 1 off routine. It is nice to have a day off when I can get things done around the house and walk the dog before it gets dark.
Friday WOD: 1 – 10 – 1 Hang power snatch, strict pull-ups. Prescribed was 45# but I decided to go heavy. Really the only reason I went heavy was because we had a few top crossfitters visiting the gym that night. Maggie was one of them. She is a really good crossfitter and I think she finished 5th at the games. Well she decided to do it with 75#. Holy shit 75#, and strict pull-ups the whole way. Impressive! So it was nice to have another girl in the gym go heavy because it makes me get a little more competitive and go heavy. Since I am not able to do strict pull-ups I did kipping the whole way. At first Ben wanted me to go 2 – 1 but that only lasted a few rounds. I don’t remember what my time was, but overall a good workout.
Saturday and Sunday I attended the Olympic Weightlifting Certification. There was a group of us from the gym that attended. It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot. I hope I don’t forget all of it. We did snatch work all day Saturday and then clean and jerk work all day Sunday. I was exhausted by the end of the day Sunday. My body was tired. But overall I had a really good time. Here is the picture of the group that went from Crossfit Coronado. Minus Evan who was taking the photo. Coach B was a wealth ok knowledge and I was really impressive with his teaching capabilities.
Thursday was a rest day for me. Really trying to do the 3 on 1 off routine. It is nice to have a day off when I can get things done around the house and walk the dog before it gets dark.
Friday WOD: 1 – 10 – 1 Hang power snatch, strict pull-ups. Prescribed was 45# but I decided to go heavy. Really the only reason I went heavy was because we had a few top crossfitters visiting the gym that night. Maggie was one of them. She is a really good crossfitter and I think she finished 5th at the games. Well she decided to do it with 75#. Holy shit 75#, and strict pull-ups the whole way. Impressive! So it was nice to have another girl in the gym go heavy because it makes me get a little more competitive and go heavy. Since I am not able to do strict pull-ups I did kipping the whole way. At first Ben wanted me to go 2 – 1 but that only lasted a few rounds. I don’t remember what my time was, but overall a good workout.
Saturday and Sunday I attended the Olympic Weightlifting Certification. There was a group of us from the gym that attended. It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot. I hope I don’t forget all of it. We did snatch work all day Saturday and then clean and jerk work all day Sunday. I was exhausted by the end of the day Sunday. My body was tired. But overall I had a really good time. Here is the picture of the group that went from Crossfit Coronado. Minus Evan who was taking the photo. Coach B was a wealth ok knowledge and I was really impressive with his teaching capabilities.

Monday was a rest day but the gym was doing squat snatches. Bummed that I was going to miss this one but I knew that I was in no shape to try to workout. So I went to the class just to watch and help where I could. It was a small class and that was nice. Plus the number of girls there that night was twice as many as men. So I was able to work a little with the girls. Snatch is a really tough one and you could tell that the girls were frustrated with it but progress was made. I think all of them got PR’s.
Tuesday was tabata Diane. Deadlifts and hand stand pushups. 8 rounds of each exercise 20 seconds of work 10 seconds of rest. I did 153# deadlifts and neg handstand push ups. My total score was 65 but broke out 44 deadlifts and 21 neg handstand pushups. I went to the 9am class and they were a lot of fun to workout with. They are funny women who make me laugh. It seems like this is the time that they get to be away from the kids and the house so they are a bit out of control. Props to Ben for tackling this class. I could not handle all of these women.
Tuesday was tabata Diane. Deadlifts and hand stand pushups. 8 rounds of each exercise 20 seconds of work 10 seconds of rest. I did 153# deadlifts and neg handstand push ups. My total score was 65 but broke out 44 deadlifts and 21 neg handstand pushups. I went to the 9am class and they were a lot of fun to workout with. They are funny women who make me laugh. It seems like this is the time that they get to be away from the kids and the house so they are a bit out of control. Props to Ben for tackling this class. I could not handle all of these women.
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