Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A lot of workouts

Happy Holidays to all!

It has been a really long time since I have written and I need to catch up on posting my workout information. So here it goes.

12/12/08 - Rest Day. Thank god because the workout at the was a gnarly one and didn't look like fun!

12/13/08 - Freddies Revenge: 5 rounds 5 push jerks, 10 burpees. Time: 11:27 weight was 111 CF Coronado weight.

12/14/08 - 5 rounds: 400m run 5 jumping pull-ups, 10 situps, 15 squats. Didn't keep time since it was Sunday and I was just getting in a workout.

12/15/08 - 3 rounds: 50 box jumps (24'' box), 21 deadlifts @ 135#, 30 pull-ups. This workout sucked. The box jumps were really hard for me and it really affected the deadlifts. Plus grip strength was tough going from deadlifts to pull-ups.

12/16/08 - Rest Day

12/17/08 - 1 rep Max Push Jerk - 131# Cf Coronado weight (122# everywhere else). Regardless of how you calculate the weight it is a new PR

12/18/08 - Tabata squats, ring push ups and one arm snatches. Total score was 26. 14 on squats, 5 on push-ups (was on my knees) and 11 on snatches - 30. Then we did 8 200m sprints. Yuck!

12/19/08 - "McFlurry" 400m run, 21 Power cleans (95# CF Coronado weight, 86 everywhere else), 21 pull-ups, 400m run, 15 thrusters (65# CF Coronado weight, 56 everywhere else), 15 pull-ups, 400m run, 9 power cleans, 9 pull-ups, 400m run. Time was something near 17:00. This was a tough one but I liked it a lot.

12/20/08 - rest day

12/21/08 - AMRAP of 15 wall ball (10#), 30 sit-ups, 15 push-ups. 6 rounds plus a little more

12/22/08 - Missed this workout because I had a date in Escondido.

12/23/08 - 21-15-9 push jerks, ring dips, burpees (89# silver bar true weight) I think my time was near 16 something. Went a little heavy with the push jerks to build strength in my shoulders.

12/24/08 - meet up with Matt Peace to do the workout at the local school. 400m walking lunges and every 5 knee touches 5 push-up for first half and 5 sit-ups the second half. I think we finished this around 22 minutes.

I will try to get in a Christmas Crossfit workout. I think last year I did 150 burpees. I think it took me like and hour so I might do it again and see how I do. Unless Andy posts something better.

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