1/21/09 Ladder workout HSPU's and L-pull-up's. Really do I need to say more. I can't do either of these movements proper and so I do the push ups from a box and the l-pull up's are more like jumping pull up to a slowly descend s -hold. Sucks Time was something like 26:00. Plus the whole vibe in the gym was pretty shitty. Nobody was happy to do this workout!
1/22/09 Went out to Coach B to get some oly lifting in. The minute I left the garage I wanted to go back. He is so good to work with. We did some skill transfer work for the snatch. Muscle snatches and then we did a progression of snatches from different starting positions. High hang, mid thigh and then from the ground. We progressed through that with increasing weight as we went. The we did just one rep from the ground of snatches to build up in weight. I think my max weight for the night was something near 84#. It was hard to figure out because everything is in kilos and I was able to use the lighter womens bar. I think it only weights 33# and has a nice diameter for the grip. Since women tend to have smaller hands.
Then we did some clean and jerk work. I really need to work on faster elbows and really thinking about getting them around and under the bar. Then we did a little front squatting. Coach said that I need to work on my leg strength. Lastly we did some box jumps. Good stuff. If I could I would really like to get to his gym once a week but I know that would never work out. Maybe at least 2 - 3 times a month. A Saturday here or there would be good.
1/23/09 "2 min drill" 4 rounds of 1 clean and jerk and 1 burpee ASAP in 2 min. Rest 1 min. in between rounds. 8-8-7-7. 95# This was a tough one. 95# gets pretty heavy pretty quick. But I like cleans and jerking is fun as well so I liked this one. Good to see the other girls in the gym getting some and going heavy!
1/24/09 - usually Saturday is do what you want day but Andy had a different plan so half the class did one workout and the other half did another. I wanted to do the thruster workout so that's what I did.
1-10 thrusters 50m sprint 95# Time 20:30 This sucked. That is a total of 55 95# thrusters and plus all of the cleans that you have to do to get the bar up off the ground when you are to tired to do another thruster. So I probably did at least 20 cleans on top of it. My shruggers are sore still from Friday and Saturday.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The heart of the southwest
So Max and I loaded up the truck and went on a camping trip to Kofa NWR. I have wanted to check out this Refuge since I moved down here. All of the pictures that I saw looked really cool and it isn't that far from San Diego. So I took Thursday and Friday off and we headed east. It took about 2.5 hours to get to Yuma and then about another hour to get into the refuge and find a camping spot for the night. An amazing trip and I am going back that's for sure. Saw a bunch of wildlife (roadrunner, mule deer, gila woodpecker, golder eagle) plus checked out some cool mines, old cabins, natural springs and slot canyons. Here are justr a few of the pictures. The sunrises and sunsets got better everytime. Plus I spent five days driving around in four wheel drive and testing my nerves in some places. Awesome!

Heavy FGB!
So the whole bar weight at the gym is totally fucking with my numbers and it's a pain in the ass.
Past fight gone bad numbers have been:
October 31st: 261 with 65#SDHP and PP (but really only 56#), and 10# wall ball
September 9th: 220 with 75# SDHP and PP (but really only 66# and 20# wall ball
So this time......1/20/09
257 with a true 65# SDHP and PP but using a 10# wall ball
Round One: PP 22 Row 12 WB 25 SDHP 18 BJ 20 - 97 total
Round Two: PP 17 Row 10 WB 24 SDHP 10 BJ 21 - 82 total
Round Three: PP 15 Row 10 WB 21 SDHP 11 BJ 21- 78 total
So looking at the numbers compared to the September 9th they went up by 20 points. It would have been interesting to do this with the 20# wall ball and see what my number would have been then. I think it still would have been higher then 220. When I did similar weight and used the 20# WB my total for WB was 50, this time similar weight 10# WB total was 70. So there is 20 points of the difference between the two. I increased my box jump numbers this time. I only broke 20 one round last time and I had 20 each round this time. Okay so if you are still reading this you can see that there is a bit of an obsession but it is important for me to see progress. Even if it is just small things here and there it is important for me to see progress.
Here is a re-cap of the other workouts that I have done since last post.
1/13/09 - Rest day
1/14/09 - AMRAP in 20 min of
10 ring dips, 15 pull-ups, 20 sit-ups
I was able to get in a total of 9 rounds but the last two I did jumping pull ups because I got a blood blister and I didn't want to tear it. So 7 strict rounds was good for me. I don't like ring-dips!
1/15/09 - 1/18/09 Kofa NWR Camping Trip see upcoming post. Awesome!
1/19/09: 5 rounds
5 reps of: 1 hang power snatch, 3 overhead squats (65#)
15 burpees
Time: 16:40
Felt great! The time off was good and I think my body needed it. So I hit it pretty hard for this workout. Plus I love going overhead and 65# is not a very heavy overhead squat. By the end of the rounds I was having a harder time with the one hang power snatch. It was becoming a half power snatch with a little push press in there. Need to work on getting fully under the bar.
Past fight gone bad numbers have been:
October 31st: 261 with 65#SDHP and PP (but really only 56#), and 10# wall ball
September 9th: 220 with 75# SDHP and PP (but really only 66# and 20# wall ball
So this time......1/20/09
257 with a true 65# SDHP and PP but using a 10# wall ball
Round One: PP 22 Row 12 WB 25 SDHP 18 BJ 20 - 97 total
Round Two: PP 17 Row 10 WB 24 SDHP 10 BJ 21 - 82 total
Round Three: PP 15 Row 10 WB 21 SDHP 11 BJ 21- 78 total
So looking at the numbers compared to the September 9th they went up by 20 points. It would have been interesting to do this with the 20# wall ball and see what my number would have been then. I think it still would have been higher then 220. When I did similar weight and used the 20# WB my total for WB was 50, this time similar weight 10# WB total was 70. So there is 20 points of the difference between the two. I increased my box jump numbers this time. I only broke 20 one round last time and I had 20 each round this time. Okay so if you are still reading this you can see that there is a bit of an obsession but it is important for me to see progress. Even if it is just small things here and there it is important for me to see progress.
Here is a re-cap of the other workouts that I have done since last post.
1/13/09 - Rest day
1/14/09 - AMRAP in 20 min of
10 ring dips, 15 pull-ups, 20 sit-ups
I was able to get in a total of 9 rounds but the last two I did jumping pull ups because I got a blood blister and I didn't want to tear it. So 7 strict rounds was good for me. I don't like ring-dips!
1/15/09 - 1/18/09 Kofa NWR Camping Trip see upcoming post. Awesome!
1/19/09: 5 rounds
5 reps of: 1 hang power snatch, 3 overhead squats (65#)
15 burpees
Time: 16:40
Felt great! The time off was good and I think my body needed it. So I hit it pretty hard for this workout. Plus I love going overhead and 65# is not a very heavy overhead squat. By the end of the rounds I was having a harder time with the one hang power snatch. It was becoming a half power snatch with a little push press in there. Need to work on getting fully under the bar.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Checkin where I stand
1/7/09 - AMRAP in 20 min of 5 push jerks 76#, 10 box jumps 20'' 15 KB swings Rounds: 9 1/3 I think if I really pushed myself just a bit harder I could have reached 10. I need to pick up my kettlebell swings. I liked the push jerks and felt strong. Good workout.
200m run, 50 sit-ups, 400m run, 40 KTE, 800m run, 30 situps, 400m run, 40 KTE, 200m run, 50 sit-ups. YUCK! I really do not like knees to elbows. Time: 21:55
1/9/09 - Rest day
1/10/09 - So I decided that I was going to one of the workouts that was done at the games and see what my time would be. Just to get an idea where I stand. It was 5 rounds of 5 deadlifts @ 185#, 10 burpees. Time: 5:43 This one hurt. I have not hurt like this in awhile. My legs and core are still sore on Monday. I looked at the times at the games and my time is not the worst but it is at the top. So something to think about. I did do this workout way back in July after the games @ 155# and I think my time was slower. So it is really nice to see the progress that I have been making.
1/11/09 - 5 rounds 400m run, 50 squats. This really was needed. I needed to get out and do something because my legs were so sore from Sat. workout. It felt good just to be moving. Didn't keep time but a successful workout none the less.
1/12/09 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 Squat Snatch: So finally get to put the stuff I learned at the Oly cert to work. My last PR for snatch was 90 coronado weight (81# real weight). So when I saw this come up I was excited. Plus I got to work with Kayla and that is fun. It is nice to see her feeling better and really wanting to hit it hard.
We roughly went something like 75 - 85 - 95 (86 real weight) - 100 (f) - 100(f). So that is a 5 pound increase and a new PR. So today at the gym I was happy. Plus I am getting pretty low in my catch position and that's cool as well. I really need to focus on active shoulder when the bar comes up. It really makes a difference. It was really nice to get past that 90# snag that I was stuck on for so long. I can feel I am getting stronger so it is nice to see how work on technique plus an increase in strength can really help push the numbers up. Pretty cool!
On another note I had a pretty good weekend. Went to lunch and a movie with a group of girls. Some from the gym and some from Priscella's gym. It was totally a girls day out sort of thing. We saw Bride Wars. A good chick flick that was better then I expected. Then Saturday night Max and I went and hiked Cowles Mt. in the dark because the moon was so bright you didn't even need a headlamp. It was pretty. But there were a lot of people doing the same thing I was and I wasn't really into the big crowds.
Sunday I went and watch the Chargers have a poor showing against the Steelers. Pretty sad but the company was fun and we all had a good time. Dave and Jess hosted and a ton of people from the gym came over. Good times had by all. I had some crab dip and meatballs!
200m run, 50 sit-ups, 400m run, 40 KTE, 800m run, 30 situps, 400m run, 40 KTE, 200m run, 50 sit-ups. YUCK! I really do not like knees to elbows. Time: 21:55
1/9/09 - Rest day
1/10/09 - So I decided that I was going to one of the workouts that was done at the games and see what my time would be. Just to get an idea where I stand. It was 5 rounds of 5 deadlifts @ 185#, 10 burpees. Time: 5:43 This one hurt. I have not hurt like this in awhile. My legs and core are still sore on Monday. I looked at the times at the games and my time is not the worst but it is at the top. So something to think about. I did do this workout way back in July after the games @ 155# and I think my time was slower. So it is really nice to see the progress that I have been making.
1/11/09 - 5 rounds 400m run, 50 squats. This really was needed. I needed to get out and do something because my legs were so sore from Sat. workout. It felt good just to be moving. Didn't keep time but a successful workout none the less.
1/12/09 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 Squat Snatch: So finally get to put the stuff I learned at the Oly cert to work. My last PR for snatch was 90 coronado weight (81# real weight). So when I saw this come up I was excited. Plus I got to work with Kayla and that is fun. It is nice to see her feeling better and really wanting to hit it hard.
We roughly went something like 75 - 85 - 95 (86 real weight) - 100 (f) - 100(f). So that is a 5 pound increase and a new PR. So today at the gym I was happy. Plus I am getting pretty low in my catch position and that's cool as well. I really need to focus on active shoulder when the bar comes up. It really makes a difference. It was really nice to get past that 90# snag that I was stuck on for so long. I can feel I am getting stronger so it is nice to see how work on technique plus an increase in strength can really help push the numbers up. Pretty cool!
On another note I had a pretty good weekend. Went to lunch and a movie with a group of girls. Some from the gym and some from Priscella's gym. It was totally a girls day out sort of thing. We saw Bride Wars. A good chick flick that was better then I expected. Then Saturday night Max and I went and hiked Cowles Mt. in the dark because the moon was so bright you didn't even need a headlamp. It was pretty. But there were a lot of people doing the same thing I was and I wasn't really into the big crowds.
Sunday I went and watch the Chargers have a poor showing against the Steelers. Pretty sad but the company was fun and we all had a good time. Dave and Jess hosted and a ton of people from the gym came over. Good times had by all. I had some crab dip and meatballs!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Sore abs!
1-4-09 "Michael" - 3 rounds 800m run, 50 back extensions, 50 sit-ups
I was able to do the back extensions and sit-ups on the Glute-Ham machine and it made a huge difference. Time: 34:03
So here's the thing....I felt fine on Monday. Abs were a little sore but not bad. Back didn't hurt at all. As I went to bed on Monday night I was a little more sore in my upper abs but really didn't think much about it. Then in the middle of the night I rolled over to sleep on my stomach and put my arms above my head and I screamed. I mean it hurts to even touch that part of my body. My stomach is so sore that it hurts to sit upright. I didn't think I would get this sore. I thought about taking an extra rest day because I was so sore. But wanted to stick with the three on one off so I worked through it.
1-5-09 Rest Day.
1-6-09 3 rounds 400m run, 21 SDHP, 15 pull-ups. I went with the first group and they set a pretty quick pace which was good because it pushed me. Plus I wanted to go a little heavier so I used a 53# kettlebell. I like SDHP's plus this will help with a better number for fight gone bad. Time was 11:55. Glad to see that I got under 12 min. Plus I beat all of the other women in the gym who went prescribed. I am pretty competitive and I like to be at the top. So when I actually am it feels good.
I was really happy to see the way some of the girls at the gym tonight pushed themselves to go hard. Mel used a 53# KB, Priscella and Kelly both did kipping pull-ups for the whole workout and Katie (Matt's girl) did really good with 45# SDHP for being such a newbie. Way to get some girls!
On another note I have given up sugar. Pretty much all refined sugar. I still will get some sugar from the fruits that I eat but that is about it. I am tryng these new bars where all of the sugar comes from honey. So I really don't get any sugar in my diet. We'll see how this goes. I might make an exception on my cheat days so that I don't feel like I can never eat sugar. I will keep it in small quantites thought. I am drinking a beer right now and it is tasty!
I was able to do the back extensions and sit-ups on the Glute-Ham machine and it made a huge difference. Time: 34:03
So here's the thing....I felt fine on Monday. Abs were a little sore but not bad. Back didn't hurt at all. As I went to bed on Monday night I was a little more sore in my upper abs but really didn't think much about it. Then in the middle of the night I rolled over to sleep on my stomach and put my arms above my head and I screamed. I mean it hurts to even touch that part of my body. My stomach is so sore that it hurts to sit upright. I didn't think I would get this sore. I thought about taking an extra rest day because I was so sore. But wanted to stick with the three on one off so I worked through it.
1-5-09 Rest Day.
1-6-09 3 rounds 400m run, 21 SDHP, 15 pull-ups. I went with the first group and they set a pretty quick pace which was good because it pushed me. Plus I wanted to go a little heavier so I used a 53# kettlebell. I like SDHP's plus this will help with a better number for fight gone bad. Time was 11:55. Glad to see that I got under 12 min. Plus I beat all of the other women in the gym who went prescribed. I am pretty competitive and I like to be at the top. So when I actually am it feels good.
I was really happy to see the way some of the girls at the gym tonight pushed themselves to go hard. Mel used a 53# KB, Priscella and Kelly both did kipping pull-ups for the whole workout and Katie (Matt's girl) did really good with 45# SDHP for being such a newbie. Way to get some girls!
On another note I have given up sugar. Pretty much all refined sugar. I still will get some sugar from the fruits that I eat but that is about it. I am tryng these new bars where all of the sugar comes from honey. So I really don't get any sugar in my diet. We'll see how this goes. I might make an exception on my cheat days so that I don't feel like I can never eat sugar. I will keep it in small quantites thought. I am drinking a beer right now and it is tasty!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
New Year and a year older!
12-25-08 Christmas. Why not do 150 burpees! Oh the fun. It was good for me to do this one and to see how much faster I was able to get these done from when I did them last year. It took me about 16:20. I was happy with that. This could become my Christmas tradition. We'll see.
AMRAP in 20 min of
1 round of Cindy (5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats)
1 power clean
As you move to round two do only one round of Cindy but increase the power cleans based on each round you are on. 4 round do 4 power cleans.
I went with prescribed 95#. Killer. I was able to get in just about 9 rounds. Mel and I had to double up and that meant that there were times when we had to share the bar for the cleans. So I know if I had the bar to myself I would have gotten 9.
Filthy fifty - 30:30 I went to the 9am class for this and really enjoyed it. Dani was there and it was good to workout with her. It is just great to have another really strong girl in the gym to compete with. Dani is a top crossfitter and someone who I can use to gauge myself against. I might make a few trips over to her gym now and then to get a workout with her. One thing that I realized from having her at the gym is that it would be nice to have a really strong female training to push me harder. I don't know. Something to think about.
3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 OHS - For me I ended up being able to do 125- 3 times. Felt good. Then we did AMRAP of OHS with 75 (actually 66#) I was able to get 23 of them before I needed to drop the bar. I like overhead squats.
On a side note. A new years goal is to be able to do bodyweight overhead squats. I don't want to committ to a number of reps. I just want to start with one and go from there!
1-1-08 - Rest day. Happy new year
5 rounds : 5 thrusters, 10 hang power snatch, 15 back squats, 400m run
1/2 body weight: 75# This sucked. I mean really sucked. The thrusters and the back squats were not that bad but the 75# snatches were really hard and kicked my ass. Time 29:26. Under 30 mins was my goal. Made it!
Evan made up a workout for me to do and it was a good one. I really like the mix of movements involved
5 rounds: 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats, 200m run, 6 get-ups (12k KB), 10 burpees, 15 KB swings (16K kb). The get-ups took a lot of time but were not too hard. I think the core workout that I get from doing those. I am getting really high on my pull-ups and that is good. Time was something like 34:00. The watch has issues.
Not sure what i am going to do tomorrow. I need to get something in. Maybe a 10k trail run. That would be good. I have not ran in a long time.
AMRAP in 20 min of
1 round of Cindy (5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats)
1 power clean
As you move to round two do only one round of Cindy but increase the power cleans based on each round you are on. 4 round do 4 power cleans.
I went with prescribed 95#. Killer. I was able to get in just about 9 rounds. Mel and I had to double up and that meant that there were times when we had to share the bar for the cleans. So I know if I had the bar to myself I would have gotten 9.
Filthy fifty - 30:30 I went to the 9am class for this and really enjoyed it. Dani was there and it was good to workout with her. It is just great to have another really strong girl in the gym to compete with. Dani is a top crossfitter and someone who I can use to gauge myself against. I might make a few trips over to her gym now and then to get a workout with her. One thing that I realized from having her at the gym is that it would be nice to have a really strong female training to push me harder. I don't know. Something to think about.
3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 OHS - For me I ended up being able to do 125- 3 times. Felt good. Then we did AMRAP of OHS with 75 (actually 66#) I was able to get 23 of them before I needed to drop the bar. I like overhead squats.
On a side note. A new years goal is to be able to do bodyweight overhead squats. I don't want to committ to a number of reps. I just want to start with one and go from there!
1-1-08 - Rest day. Happy new year
5 rounds : 5 thrusters, 10 hang power snatch, 15 back squats, 400m run
1/2 body weight: 75# This sucked. I mean really sucked. The thrusters and the back squats were not that bad but the 75# snatches were really hard and kicked my ass. Time 29:26. Under 30 mins was my goal. Made it!
Evan made up a workout for me to do and it was a good one. I really like the mix of movements involved
5 rounds: 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats, 200m run, 6 get-ups (12k KB), 10 burpees, 15 KB swings (16K kb). The get-ups took a lot of time but were not too hard. I think the core workout that I get from doing those. I am getting really high on my pull-ups and that is good. Time was something like 34:00. The watch has issues.
Not sure what i am going to do tomorrow. I need to get something in. Maybe a 10k trail run. That would be good. I have not ran in a long time.
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