Thursday, July 30, 2009

Monday July 27th - So i was supposed to catch a flight to DC today at 12:10 but the flight was delayed and was going to miss my connection so that meant I was bumped to catch the red eye at 10:50pm. YUCK. But it did mean that I was going to be able to get a workout in.

40 squats
30 push presses 65#
40 squats
30 ring pushups
40 squats
30 push jerks 65#
40 squats
30 ball slams 20#
40 squats
30 one arm dumbell snatch 25#
time was something 18:30 something

This sucked and my quads were sore the instant I stopped. Nuf said!

Tuesday July 28th
Working out at a non Crossfit gym sucks! I was able to row a bit, did some shoulder presses, knees to elbow and some burpees. Felt good to do something but not what i want to do.

Wednesday and Thursday - working too hard and don't have the time to workout!

In rural West Virginia

So I am out in rural West Virginia working at NCTC. It is so pretty out here. Green fields of hay, hillside of trees, big rivers and really nice people. I do miss this. As much as I like the city and the weather that San Diego has to offer I think my heart belongs to places like these.

Thursday July 23rd
Strength 3 x 5 back squat 139#
WOD 7 rounds - 4 HSPU, 7 push presses 85#, 10 ball slams 20#
Time was something like 15:45. I felt good on the back squat even though I was doing it with the Hobbit and she can practically squat a VW Bug! Oh well. The workout was a good one. I like the 7 rounds because it is a mental challenge for you to get through 7 instead of 5. The weight for the PP's was heavy and I felt it. The thing with this one was that you ended up getting back to the push presses really quickly. The HSPU's were quick and the ball slams were quick so the next thing you know you are right back at the push presses. Yikes.

Friday July 24th
Strength: 3 power snatches on the minute for 10 minutes at 76#
WOD 15 minutes alternating max pullups and ring push ups with a run to the trash cans in between.

The snatches were a good warm up. I might have been able to go heavier but my form would have suffered. So I stuck with 76 and made sure that i was pulling with the arms and really getting full hip extension. As for the WOD. This was a tough one. I was able to get in 5 total rounds of 7 ring pushup on toes and 10 pullups. I might have been able to do more in the beginning rounds but that would have meant I would have done less in the later rounds and i wanted to stay steady the whole way. The run to the trash cans gave my muscles enough rest to be able to tackle the upcoming exercises. If the run wasn't included I think my pullup numbers would have been less. My triceps will be sore.

Saturday July 25
Tabata Day
squats, sit-ups, GHD back extensions, row
Made sure to get 15 each round for the squats and the sit-ups. 10 on the ghd was tough and my back and hammys were not happy. For the row I just stayed at a 1:58 pace for the 20 secs of work. That was a good "work out the kinks" sort of wod. I was really sore from the ring pushups and the heavy push presses and neg hspu but wanted to do something and this hit the spot.

Sunday rest

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Doing something new

July 17th - Did a workout that Steve had posted because it incorporated ring push up and I need those.

50 reps of each of the following: Double unders, ring push ups, lunges, KTE, double unders. Time was in the 13:45min range I think.

I decided to do this a little different and offered it to my class as well. For the ladies 50 ring push ups are hard and you are going to to muscle fatigue before you are able to do more. That is going to cause your heart rate to drop and your overall time to increase. So I did everything in the middle but just broke it up a little differently. So I would do 10 ring push ups then 10 KTE and then some lunges and back to ring push ups. I liked it this way better because it kept me moving and I felt like I was getting through the ring pushups faster because i was getting rest but still staying active.

Weekend - Saturday I rested, Sunday was some beach volleyball and Concert in the Park!

So I am starting full time with Ben and his programming. Kind of want to see what this kid is capable of but also be able to provide him some feedback about the programming and what I think about it. We'll see how it goes.

July 20
Warm up
3x5 press @ 70pounds

WOD AMRAP - 15 min
3 hang squat cleans 110#
6 pushups
9 KB swings 35#
Got 9 rounds

So he wanted me to go light with the KB so that my heart rate stayed up. That was fine. The squat was what killed me and slowed me down. I'm not that strong in the bottom of the squat and 110 is a heavy squat clean for me.

July 21
warm up with snatch technique work. Snatch balance and snatch pulls

WOD 5 rounds
9 OHS 75#
15 pull-ups
21 GHD sit ups

The OHS were easy and I got through those unbroken. The GHD situps were challenging but again able to get through those unbroken. The pull-ups slowed me way down. Sets of 5 the first two rounds and then threes. I'll tell you one thing my lats and abs are sore from the pullups and then the extension on the GHD machine. Like it hurts to lift my arms up over my head.

Going to try the crossfit football schedule of 2 on 1 off, 3 on 1 off schedule and see how it goes. Yesterday was a rest day and who knows what Ben might have in store for today. I can't wait!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Still on cloud 9

So I finally got home from the games on Monday and hit the gym on Tuesday with a good one..

July 14
thrusters 65#
KB swings 35#
400m run
Time 15 something
A tough one but good. I had to do jumping because my hands are still a little torn from an older WOD and I didn't want them to rip open again. I did double up on jumping and that sucked. I still think I went faster doing jumping then if i had kipped but by doing jumping my heart rate never dropped. When I kip my heart rate drops a bit. Went straight through the thrusters on all sets as well as the KB swings.

July 15
Wanted to do a game wod so I picked
3 rounds
30 wall balls 14# ball
30 squat snatches 45#

Holy smokes batman! Leg buster! I can only imagine how miserable this was for the competitors. This was the last workout on the first day. The 5th WOD of the day after running, deadlifts, rowing and other misery they had to do this. YIKES! Fastest time at the games was low 11:00min. Truly amazing!

July 16
I had to cover Ben's classes and wasn't really into what Steve posted so Mel and I did
7 rounds
7 OHS 75#
7 Box jumps 24''
7 Wall Balls 16#
Time 13:28

Holy smokes batman! leg buster! Not sure what I was thinking when I made this WOD up. My legs were sore from yesterday but I really wanted to do some overhead squats. So why not. It was a good one. The numbers were challenging but low enough that you did not want to rest. You could get through 7 easily so that kept you moving the whole workout. Good stuff!

Is this Heaven? No it's the Crossfit games!

So I went up to Armoas early to help with the logistics of the games this year. I went up early last year but didn't help out as much. I got to the site on Wednesday and did not stop until Sunday night around 9pm! Wouldn't have changed it for the world!

I was in the thick of things at a level that I was not at last year. People asked me how long I have been working for CFHQ because they though I was working for them and not just volunteering. Organizing Judges, volunteers, running registration, yelling at people to get out of the way, working at the Crossfit store or beer garden, to cooking chicken at one of the vendors to make sure that all of our judges got fed and were happy! I did it all. I even tackled bees! Did it all with a huge smile on my face. I loved every minute of it. The great people that I worked with, the amazing strength that I got to witness in the competitors, the generosity of judges and volunteers to bust their ass all weekend to make it possible and just all of the special people who I got to meet. Just amazing.

Mel and Priscella decided they wanted to come up and watch. Well watching turned into volunteering at registration which turned into judging the affiliate competition which turned into working the beer garden. Priscella made some money from tips at the beer garden and Mel had to take a nap in the truck because she needs just a little more sleep then some to operate at a functional level. Both had a great time and I was glad that they were there with me to enjoy the games. Stella and Sarah came with the kids as well and camped the first night. Which was a WOD for the two of them in itself with 6 kids. But a fun experience for the kids and the moms at the games! The hill in Aromas babysat their kids and gave Stella's middle kid a sore butt from running up and down.

The memories, smiles and laughter, friends I made and the people who made this happen are things that I will never forget and can't wait to see them next year!

Pre games WODs

Monday July 6th
Deadlift 1rm & Push jerk 1rm
Hadn't done either of these in awhile so was interested in what I was going to be able to do. I did well and was really happy with my numbers. For the deadlift I finished at 238 and the push jerk I got 135. Good numbers!

Tuesday July 7th
5 rounds
run 400m
30 box jumps 24''
30 wall ball 12#
Time: a little over 29min

Boy did I take a spill! Caught the edge on the box jump and ate shit. cracked my shin wide open. Bloody and bruised. Yuck! Still looks pretty nasty over a week later. Then I did it to the other leg later in the WOD. Just not as bad. Felt strong though!


Monday, July 6, 2009

I love Oly Lifting!

So everyone at the gym was missing the Oly lifting so Steve gave us a good one "grace's snatch"
30 clean and jerks and 30 full squat snatches. Women prescribed was 85# I knew that 85# clean and jerk would be easy but 30 full squatch snatches at 85# is tough. But I did it and felt really good. Time was somewhere around 22:00 min I think. But felt really good doing those snatches. I like snatches!

Friday I went into the gym a little early and wanted to get a short workout in to stay active but nothing too big. So pulled a card from the Hopper Deck and got Angie 50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10 double unders and sit-ups. A good one to stay active but not crush us for the weekend festivities! Time was around 10:30. My double unders are pretty good and you have to just grind through the sit-ups.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Ben diabolical mind!

So I asked Ben to give me a workout on Wednesday that had some Oly Lifting in it. This is what I got.

7 rounds - 3 hang squat snatches 71#, 6 chest to bar pull-up’s, 9 kettlebell swings 53#
It was a good one. I thought the hang squat snatches were going to be tough but they ended up being the easiest part of the workout. The chest to bar pullup’s sucked and where the part that took the most time. Sets of 3’s or 2’s. The kettlebell swing was hard as well. That is a lot of weight to move! Time 16:26. Definitly something the classes should do.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I going to start this again. I promise!

So I am going to start to post again on this because I've come to the conclusion it is a really good way to track my workouts! So starting tomorrow I'm back on it!