So about 60 miles east from where I work is a desert. Which is kind of weird to think about since I practically work on the ocean. But the Imperial Valley is only an hour drive and right now they are having temperature near 110 degrees everyday. So that means every afternoon these really cool thunderheads form to the east. I like to sit at the picnic table at work and just watch them develop. They are cool. Big puffy white things that rise up. They are always calling for flash flood warning and rain showers in the afternoon. It would be nice for us to get a thunder storm here on the west side but I don't think it is going to happen. Sean says every once in awhile we get them but they are pretty rare. Would be cool!
WOD: NANCY 5 rounds 15 Overhead Squats and 400m run. Went heavy today with 75# Was going to do only 65# but a girl in the gym needed the 10# plates so Andy switched mine and I got the 15's. I wasn't too grumpy about it. I am strong when it comes to overhead squats and my legs were not too tired from yesterday's workout. So why not....go heavy! Time was 18:29. I could have shaved off some time here and there but overall I am glad with this time. Can't wait to see Nancy again later in the year. After the workout we did a little extra credit L-sit work. This was something I kind of requested. We never to them and they are something that I want to get better at to eventually be able to get the L pull-up. Tabata L-sits yikes. People at the gym were not happy with me but I think they secretly enjoyed it!
P.S. I'm eating tortilla chips!
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