Monday WOD: 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 -3 Back Squat. The point was figure out what is your three rep max. Not a one rep max but what weight can you successfully get 3 squats in. I started with 133 and 143. Tried 151 and was only able to get two, So I dropped down and got 3 at 141 and then 3 at 146. So that is what my 3 rep max is. Crazy that 5 pounds made such a big difference.
Tuesday WOD: 4 rounds: 400m run, 21 kettlebell swings (35#) 21 knees to elbows. KTE suck. But this workout really worked grip strength and my forearms were really sore. From swinging the kettlebells and then holding myself on the bar. Time was 20:11
Wednesday I had to go to the morning class because Andy has a ceremony in the evening that a lot of people from the gym are going to. So I rolled out of bed really early and trekked over the bridge. The WOD was "BEAR" 5 rounds: of the sequence power clean, front squat, push press, back squat, push press. 7 times. So for one round you do a total of 35 of each of those exercises. It was a partner workout where you get to rest while the other is working. The bar can not get set on the ground or else you have to start at zero. I worked with Carrie who is a ton of fun and a good workout partner. Our time was 31:49. It was a grind of a workout to get through but we did it.
I have not been really good when it comes to diet. I had half an kit lat bar and some M&M's yesterday. I really don't know why but I was craving sweets all day. The candy was really good. I did feel a bit crummy with the workout on Tuesday. It could be because of the candy, or the heat, or the lack of water. Who knows.
The thing about the Zone is that it's not hard to figure out how to eat within the diet. The hardest thing is just sticking with it. You just really need to stick with it. That's the hard part. I don't need a lot of variety in my diet and I eat at home most of the time so I am able to control what I eat. It's just that I wanted candy yesterday and I made the decision to eat it and not stick within the diet. That was the decision.
Since Sean is out of town I decided to put up my rings and play with them a bit on the front porch. I have been practicing ring dips, negatives and the transition for the muscle up. It is nice to have them set up and be able to walk right outside the door and play around with them when I get back from taking out the garbage. So hopefully this will improve the areas where I need a lot of work.

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