Back to my gym! It's always nice to come back to the gym and see all of my friends. After a great trip to Phoenix it was nice to come home. The hotel was nice and it was good to get out of town but nothing beats your own bed. While I was in Phoenix I was looking through my pictures the other day and came across one of the farm that I used to spend a lot of time at when I lived in Corvallis. I really miss this place, the amazing people here and the memories I have. Got a little sentimental.
Monday was holiday so I went to the 9am class because Mel and I wanted to go and see Slumdog Millionaire. The 9am class is fun to go to every once in awhile but the make-up of the class was different since it was a holiday.
WOD Front squats 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3. I went 120 – 125 – 130 – 135 – 135 (2)
So that was good. A new PR!
Tuesday was a killer. Truly a reminder that Andy is slightly sadistic.
5 rounds: 7 deadlifts (188#), 15 pull-ups. Everything about it sucked. The weight was heavy, I’m not great at stringing a ton of pull-ups in a row and by round two I had to break the deadlifts up 3 - 4 and then it was 3 -2 – 2- and the it was singles for the last two rounds. Not fun and I was sore. Time was 14:52
Wednesday Kayla and I went to Coach B’s to work on our oly lifts. A ton of fun and great advice. I worked mostly on position to make sure I was pulling the weight off the ground properly. Kayla really worked on getting deeper into the squat position but slowly lowering herself down and stretching. By the end of the night she was able to get pretty low into the squat. Good stuff.
Thursday – rest day! Thank goodness because they were doing Murph at the gym and that just sucks.
Friday – thruster, burpee workout. 1st minute one thruster, 2nd minute 2 burpees, 3rd minute, 4th minute 4 burpee…and so on. Do as many rounds as possible until you can’t complete the required number of exercises. I was able to complete 12 burpees but was not able to get 13 thrusters in. I think I probably could have if I was feeling 100% and pushed myself but oh well.
Saturday – open gm and I just played around a bit. Did some ab’s, jump roped, double unders, overhead lunges with 15# bar and some other stuff. Wasn’t really feeling a workout but wanted to move around a bit.
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