I could go for a big bowl of chips and some salsa right now. I like chips that are salty and let's be honest the ones that a little on the greasy side are the best! Oh goodness. It is interesting to see how you body reacts and what it really craves when you start to regulate what you give it. I had to walk behind a bagel shop today to go to the ATM and as I walked past a truck was delivering the bagels to be cooked for tomorrow morning. All I could smell was fresh bread and that yeasty smell. I started to salivate a bit. Then I started to make a list in my head of all of the bread like things that I have not had in a really long time. Garlic bread (you know the kind you get from the Olive garden), bagels, thick and homemade french toast, cinnamon rolls, and donuts. Oh a glazed donut or a maple bar. Wow, I could only imagine what that would do to my glycemic index and blood sugar. Sometimes I wish computers had a key to represent huge amounts of sarcasm because I can't believe I even wrote the last line.
So Steph if you're reading this the following story is for you. I hope it makes you giggle.....
Yesterday around 5:30 I was bored and I really didn't have anything to do at the house so I decided to go to Eddie Bauer in the Fashion Valley Mall to try on some Cords that I saw in the catalog and really liked. So that was the plan. Go to EB and try on cords. That's generally how I shop. I know what I want or what I'm looking for, go to the store that has it, try it on and buy it. Go home. I really have never been a shopper. Shopping really is not something that I enjoy doing. Well for some weird reason I was in a shopping mood yesterday. Even though I wasn't going to buy anything because I'll wait till I'm in Oregon and won't have to pay sales tax. So really I was just going to go and try them on. Which is even more bizarre.
I parked on the far side were the crowds were less and had to walk through Nordstroms to get into the mall. As I was walking through I saw that they were having their big Labor Day Weekend Shoe Sale. Oh I though this might be fun! So off to the sale rack to see what kind of crazy heels I could try to break my ankle in. It's even better for someone like me because the shoes on sale are already organized by size. I found these black stilettos that were really sexy. Why not. Then there were these cream colored small one inch sandal things that were cute and totally more practical but that was not was I was going for. So I pick the leopard print open toe number with some straps that go up my leg. We all know how I handle weird straps. A sales rep caught me attention and he asked if he could get something from the back for me to try on. I gave him the two I had picked and he was off. I had a seat and took a good look at what I currently had on my feet. Reef sandals that are worn down to the point were if I step on a rock just in the right spot it hurts like a mother because I have worn all of the cushion.
Well the nice man came back with the shoes I had chose and then left. You know I really don't get the whole high heel thing. Who thought that it would be a good idea to walk in something that picks her heel off the ground 4 inches and have her balance on the balls of her feet. So I put the first pair on and I'm telling you I wish I could have seen myself get off the couch to go see what they looked like in the mirror. I think it probably looked like a mix of a 8 month pregnant lady trying to stand with someone had been on a horse for the last two days. It is really hard to stand. The 60 year old lady on the couch opposite of me laughed and said (I'm not joking here) "oh darling you need to get out of those flip-flops and into some heels. You can't be seen walking around in heels like that. You must practice to look good"
I said thank you for the advice, took the shoes off, slipped on the flip-flops and went to EB. Of course they had closed early for Labor Day!
As for the WOD for the day ....
5 rounds: 10 L pull-ups, 15 ring-dips and 20 lunges (each leg)
So since L pull-ups are not an option it was more like jump to a holding L at first (the first 2 rounds) then bent knees and slowly lower. Slowly lower was at times a mildly controlled drop but it was mildly controlled. Ring dips were jump up and control down to the starting position of what a true ring dips would be. These were hard and I was hurting in the chest and triceps area a lot. These really sucked. Then lunges. Lunges are lunges. You just get through them. Time: 21:59. I am guessing that we will do a strength day tomorrow that will work the legs. Over head squats or potentially deadlifts? Well see what good old Andy has for us! Should be fun.
1 comment:
So you didn't buy some new reefs instead?!? sounds like you need them hon :)
I did giggle... and seriously had the best image of you trying to get the straps tied up and trying not to draw attention to yourself while you cut off all circulation to your foot :) If any of you out there reading want a good laugh - take Chantel shopping and pick out some confusing tops or dresses for her to try on. Cracks me up everytime!
Save up your carbs for Oregon-time... We'll make sure you get some Juanitas when you are here!
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