Sunday, August 31, 2008
Off the Trail
Friday, August 29, 2008
Quads, hanstrings and a side of glutes!
Today was a good one. A mix of thrusters and pull-ups. This was how it worked. I pull-up the first minute, 2 thrusters the 2nd, 3 pull-ups the third, 4 thrusters the 4th and so on. so at first it really doesn't seem that hard. Until you get to round 12. The it take some pushing to make sure you get all of the thrusters in. I was able to do kipping pull-ups until the 13th round and then started to do jumping. I was able to get the round of 20 thrusters in but just could not get 22 thrusters in 1 minute. I did the math and I did over 100 thrusters today. Man that is a lot. The thing that is crazy is that thrusters are not a complex movement but it takes a lot out of you. Actually they are killer.
Not sure what my plans for the long weekend are. I have to work tomorrow and kind of want to go camping since I have Monday off. So I might head up into the mountains or maybe not. It will depend on how I feel tomorrow after work.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Balboa Park
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
So we did snatches at the gym tonight. Probably the most complex move that we do at the gym. It's a tough one. For me the hardest part is pulling myself under the bar and getting into the squat position. I am strong enough to get the bar up to eye level but have a mental block when it comes to getting below it into the full squat. For some reason my mind does not think that it is a good idea to throw weight above my head and try to squat with it in the position. I don't know why. Sounds like fun to me.
So instead of going for a PR today I wanted to get in more reps so that I could really start to build the muscle memory of getting under the bar in the full squat. This meant that I did lighter weight. I was able to do 85# but dropped down to 75# to practice the movement. I like having a video to watch because it tells a lot about what I am doing. I am lifting the bar off the ground well and the pull up looks good. I don't think I came to full extension of the hips but I'm close. I need to focus on really shrugging the shoulders and then pulling myself under the bar. Practice, practice, practice.
A Suite at Petco

Monday, August 25, 2008
Weekend Update
Sunday Sean and I went on a hike. We were trying to find Boden Canyon but never got there. We ended up doing another trail. It was hot and we got a lot concerned about max so we backtracked and hung out in the San Ysabel River. Not much of a river this time of year but it was a good 10 degrees cooler in the creek bed and max was able to cool off and dig in the mud. It was fun. It was nice to go on a hike with Sean. he seemed like he enjoyed it and would be interested in going on more in the future. So that will be nice.
Sunday night I had a football game at 5pm. We killed them. We have a really fun team and the guys on the team are fast. It really like to watch them run. They are quick and can make cuts and plays that still surprise me. Kevin played ball at Iowa and ran track so he is really good. Plus he is an overall nice guy so that's cool.
Today I went to the 9am class to workout because tonight I am headed to a Padres game. The women in the class are fun and sure do have a lot of kids! The thing that I do like about the class is that it is mostly women and strong women who want to be strong. They really push themselves to go hard and not rest. I do think that there is a slight increase in intensity level in that class compared to the 5pm. I am not really sure why but I do feel it.
The WOD was 3 rounds: 400m run, 50 squats, 25 pull-ups. I was able to do it prescribed without ripping my hands. That was the huge success for the day. No tearing! Time was 20:02. Not bad. Still need to get more of those pull-ups in a row instead of breaking them up. I also need to work on pushing away from the bar when I get to the top. Really too much to have to think about when I am that tired. I really did push myself on the run and that felt good!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Weak shoulders!
Shoulder Press 1 - 1- 1 - 1- 1
Push Press 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3
Push Jerk 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5
My numbers were low because I really wanted to dial in on my technique rather then try to but a lot of weight overhead.
SP - 65 - 70 - 75 - 80 - 85
PP - 75 - 80 - 85 - 95(2) - 95(3)
PJ - 85 - 95 - 100 - 105 - 110
Thursday, August 21, 2008
I missed Fran!
So yesterday I was hungry! Usually if I am working out or doing something and not thinking about food then it really doesn't bother me. But since I was sitting in the car and didn't get in a workout my stomach was letting me know. But I didn't cheat! I went to my football game at 6pm and that bought me some time. I usually like to eat between 7:30 - 8:00pm. So by the time I got home from the game I was back on schedule. I found this cool blog that Crossfit Santa Cruz Central has that gives a lot of recipe's. I am going to plan out my meals and then go shopping.
Right now I am tyring to eat everything that I have in the fridge and cupboards before I go shopping. I think I spend A LOT of money at the store just buying things here and there when I want something instead of using the things that I have already. So I made a pack to try to use everything before I go shopping. Somethings will be impossible to go without but it is actually kind of a challenge to myself to get creative!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Here's the Gym
Monday, August 18, 2008
Full Squat Clean
Sunday, August 17, 2008
It's a pretty rough life!
I should go back to bed!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Hiking and then the Beach
Friday at the gym was a day for deadlifts. We were not going for max rep but sets of 3. I'm not sure exactly how mine went but my last set was just 2 of 229. That was good. Kind of a low key Friday which I was fine with. Priscella, Brigid and Mike M. all went for PR's and got them. That was really cool to see. That is one of the things that I like about the gym. You get to watch people get stronger and achieve things that they never thought that hey could do. From people who are going for max weight on a snatch to those who finally can do 10 push-ups not on their knees.
Spent the afternoon at the beach with Mike and Priscella. Had a good time. As I was sitting on the beach I found myself still surprised that I live here. People come to San Diego from all over the world and I live here. I can come to the beach anytime and the sun and good weather is something we get everyday. Blows my mind sometimes. The ocean was a nice 74 degrees and the waves were pretty big due to a tropical storm off-shore. Did a little body surfing, sun tanning and smashball. Not a bad Saturday. Going to chill and watch a movie tonight!
Friday, August 15, 2008

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Fitness Test
This is what I found out. My VO2 is stellar. It actually took quite a long time to even get my heart rate up to the range in which the doctor starts the test. Resting heart rate was 45 and I needed to get in between 110 - 150. Took a little work on the treadmill but not bad. VO2 = 149
Total weight: 145. Body fat: 17.4% BMI: 22 Lean muscle: 120 lbs. Flexibility was really good. Did the old school sit and reach method but with a new fancy machine. Kind of cool. Still probably would not be able to beat my hyper flexible friend Stephanie Hart but maybe a good run for her money!
For strength they just had me do a pseudo bicep curl to measure strength. I don't really agree that this is a way to measure total body strength and not just bicep strength but okay. This is where I scored the lowest. I could have told you that was going to happen based on the fact that my upper body is not as strong as the rest of my body. So my bicep strength ranking was good and not in the excellent column.
So they said that my body age is 18 compared to my actually chronological age of 28. I don't know exactly what that means but I have a print out that i can read that will give me the details. The physical therapist was very impressed and said it was refreshing to have someone come in and do better then she expects. Plus from the looks at the clientele at the hospital I think she deals with mostly obese women.
How this relates to Crossfit. So since I now know that I have 120lbs of lean muscle mass I can calculate how many blocks I should be eating in a day. 120 lean muscle X .7 activity level = 84 divided by 7 put me right at 12. So I am going to change things up a bit. I am going to go 3 - 1 - 3 - 1 - 3 - 1. So my morning snack just got smaller. We'll see how that feels. I am going to start with this and do it for two weeks and see how my body feels with the decrease in calories.
I don't really know where I want my body fat to be. Most of the top performing females in CrossFit (based on Robb Wolf) are between 12 - 14% body fat. I think I would like to shoot for 15%. Overall right now I am no where near the level of the top performing females in CrossFit. But I think I could potentially get there if I really stuck to the diet. (As I am typing this I am eating some of those nasty tortilla chips that I will never bring into my own house!) Plus I love the shape that my body has been taking since doing CrossFit full time. Someone at the gym said I have nice Abs! I told him that was the best compliment that I have ever received.
So that's the scoop yo! I think in 3 - 6 months if I am sticking with the diet and continuing to CrossFit schedule 5 on 2 off or 3 on 1 off I will do this again and see if there have been any changes to overall composition. Stay tuned ladies and gentlemen!
Thruster and Burpees
1a: anguish of body or mind, 1b: something that causes agony or pain
2: the infliction of intense pain
I think if you were develop the CrossFit Coronado definition of torture it would be the above and:
3. doing thrusters and burpees in the same workout
I mean seriously, that is just slightly on the sadistic side. So for Tuesday the workout was
3 Rounds - 21 thrusters, 21 back squats, 21 burpees , 21 pull-ups
So I decided to go heavy on the thrusters and back squats (75#) so that I can get stronger on my squats but also my upper body from the thrusters. This meant that burpees killed me and were by far the hardest part of the workout. No matter how you many burpees you do they suck every time! As for the pull-ups I did 7 kip, 14 jump, 7 kip, 14 jump and 10 kip, 11 jump. I feel like if I could do 10 on the last round I should have been able to do more then 7 on the first two rounds. I think I need to push myself harder on pull-ups. I just worry about ripping up my hands. Overall I was pretty spent when finished but I felt good. Time: 27:28
When ever I have a good workout the rest of the evening feels good. So went home and did the usual. Walk the dog, cook dinner, do the dishes, did some laundry and Spanish class homework. In bed by 11:00. Not a bad day!
I made one of the recipes from the performance menu page for dinner. I think it was called sauteed zucchini. Very good and you get a lot of zucchini for just one block of carbs (if you break the reciepe into two servings). I am going to see what other recipes on the site I might try. I have been sneaking a few tortilla chips here and there from the kitchen. BAD. Note: When I have my own place never bring tortilla chips into the house!
Monday, August 11, 2008
I've squatted and can't stand up!
Ate my snack a little early today because I was feeling hungry after lunch. Usually I try for 3:15ish but today it was more like 2:45pm. Don't know why. I was worried that I would not have the energy for the workout but I really don't think it made a difference.
Dinner tonight:
Protein: 2oz talapia, 1.5 oz feta
Carbs: 1 cup cherry tomatoes, 1 1/4 cup broccoli, 3 handfuls of salad mix, 1/2 cup mushrooms
Fat: 3 tbsp Avocado
Kind of boring but ready to eat in about 15 minutes. Quick and dirty!
Below is a picture of my cool ninja shoes. That's what Andy calls them. I really like them so far. They are comfortable and better on my feet then just going barefooted. Took a bit of getting used to but I think they are money! Also a photo of some weights. I like weights.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
I can't believe the weight that some of the women are throwing over their head. Almost twice body weight. That's nutts. I mean really. Just to watch them pull the bar up and then get down into the full squat and stand. It is just mind blowing. You can't appreciate what it is like until you have tried it. Makes me want to go to the gym and do some snatches!
So the weekend went well. Diet stayed strong during the day on both Saturday and Sunday. Went out with Jess and Kristen on Saturday. Had 3 beers and some shrimp and swordfish tacos. Sunday was salad, cucuous, cheese and crackers oh and with some turkey pepperoni. Not bad decisions overall but definitely not in the zone. I don't feel like I made horrible decisions this weekend so we'll see how I feel at the gym this week.
Saturday I went to the beach and had fun with Max and Noah. Today I spent the afternoon by the pool, got some sun and then had a football game. Relaxed at concert in the park with Jess to end the weekend. This week should be a fun one!

Friday, August 8, 2008
Snatches and some Shopping
Felt a wee bit hungry here and there throughout the day but nothing major. Still dong the 3-2-3-1-3-1 for blocks. So far so good. The game has just started. I got a long road to go.
The workout went well. Max weight of snatches 3-3-1-1-1-1. I went 65-75-80-85-90-95(F). 90 is a new PR! I really need to work on pulling myself under the bar and getting into the full squat. I have the same issue when doing the push jerk. I need to get down under the bar. The weight is not the issue.....and that makes it even more frustrating. Dutch was at the gym today and it was a pretty amazing to watch how he gets all the way down to the full squat to get the weight. Andy still beat him and I think got a PR. It is really fun to watch the top athletes get some. That will be me one day!
On another note I went shopping at Whole Foods (I know it cost a pretty penny but the food is good quality.) I decided to take a picture of the food I bought. I think the only thing in this photo that is high in fat would be the peanut butter. The rest meat, veggies and fruit with some string cheese and the feta. Not what my cart would have looked like 6 months ago. Then again I don't quite look like I did 6 months ago!
Legs are tired!
5 rounds
40 ab mat sit-ups
30 double unders
20 pull up's
Times were: 4:21 kip, 5:04 kip, 3:33 10 kip, 10 jump, 2:37 jump, 2:40 jump
* When doing just jumping compared to kipping the workout totally changes. My heart rate remained high going from double-unders to jumping pull-up's and my legs fatigued. When doing kipping I felt like it was more of grip/wrist strength and arms from double-unders that were tired. Interesting. Something to consider when programming a workout.
I was never the first one to finish the sit-ups (usually behind by 5 - 7) but was able to get the 30 double-unders in and be the first at the pull-up bar. My double-unders have really improved. I think it is due to the ninja shoes! Pull-ups are still my nemasis but we are slowly working on the battle. In time young Padawan!
Stuck with the meal plan yesterday and to be totally honest I felt like I was constanly eating all day. A snack here, lunch, another snack dinner, snack. I felt like I ate a lot. Was never hungry or stomache never growled. I wonder if 13 blocks is maybe too much food. I reallt don't know how many blocks I should be eating. I am going with what Andy said and I think he kind of knows what he is talking about. So we'll stick with it awhile and watch my weight and energy level. This morning I got on the scale and was 142lbs. Now on to day 2!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Gonna hit it hard and go from there
Yesterday I met with Andy at the gym and chatted a bit about diet and my overall training. I made it clear that I love what CrossFit has done for my overall health and I feel like I am in the best shape of my life. we talked about the possibility of competing in the Games next year. Just saying that scares me because the women at the games were in AMAZING shape and it will require me to go hard and push myself a lot more to get to that point. Plus there are going to be a lot more women hitting next year. So we'll see about that.
As for diet...we mixed things up a bit. I am going to get 13 blocks in a day but change the way I get it. Eating a little more frequently. So a typical day is going to be 3 block breakfast (around 7:30 - 8:00am) a 2 block snack (around 10:30 - 11:00am) 3 block lunch (1:30 - 2:00pm) a 1 block snack before I workout (4:00-4:30pm) a 3 block dinner (7:30 - 8:30pm) and a 1 block snack before I go to bed (10:00 - 10:30pm). That should equal 13!
We'll see how it goes. I am going to keep track of what I eat in my notebook but I will post WOD's here and how I feel.