Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Fitness Test

So I had an appointment with the doc today to get what they call a fit test. It is a series of test that I do to measure VO2 Max, body fat, lean muscle, strength and flexibility.

This is what I found out. My VO2 is stellar. It actually took quite a long time to even get my heart rate up to the range in which the doctor starts the test. Resting heart rate was 45 and I needed to get in between 110 - 150. Took a little work on the treadmill but not bad. VO2 = 149

Total weight: 145. Body fat: 17.4% BMI: 22 Lean muscle: 120 lbs. Flexibility was really good. Did the old school sit and reach method but with a new fancy machine. Kind of cool. Still probably would not be able to beat my hyper flexible friend Stephanie Hart but maybe a good run for her money!

For strength they just had me do a pseudo bicep curl to measure strength. I don't really agree that this is a way to measure total body strength and not just bicep strength but okay. This is where I scored the lowest. I could have told you that was going to happen based on the fact that my upper body is not as strong as the rest of my body. So my bicep strength ranking was good and not in the excellent column.

So they said that my body age is 18 compared to my actually chronological age of 28. I don't know exactly what that means but I have a print out that i can read that will give me the details. The physical therapist was very impressed and said it was refreshing to have someone come in and do better then she expects. Plus from the looks at the clientele at the hospital I think she deals with mostly obese women.

How this relates to Crossfit. So since I now know that I have 120lbs of lean muscle mass I can calculate how many blocks I should be eating in a day. 120 lean muscle X .7 activity level = 84 divided by 7 put me right at 12. So I am going to change things up a bit. I am going to go 3 - 1 - 3 - 1 - 3 - 1. So my morning snack just got smaller. We'll see how that feels. I am going to start with this and do it for two weeks and see how my body feels with the decrease in calories.

I don't really know where I want my body fat to be. Most of the top performing females in CrossFit (based on Robb Wolf) are between 12 - 14% body fat. I think I would like to shoot for 15%. Overall right now I am no where near the level of the top performing females in CrossFit. But I think I could potentially get there if I really stuck to the diet. (As I am typing this I am eating some of those nasty tortilla chips that I will never bring into my own house!) Plus I love the shape that my body has been taking since doing CrossFit full time. Someone at the gym said I have nice Abs! I told him that was the best compliment that I have ever received.

So that's the scoop yo! I think in 3 - 6 months if I am sticking with the diet and continuing to CrossFit schedule 5 on 2 off or 3 on 1 off I will do this again and see if there have been any changes to overall composition. Stay tuned ladies and gentlemen!

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