Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Here's the Gym

So this is it. CrossFit Coronado. I spend a lot of time here. In this old garage on the island. That's exactly what it is. An old garage that was gutted, added some rubber mats, pull-up bars, and some equipment. Put it all together and you have a CrossFit gym. You don't really need a whole lot more then that. But it is amazing how such a little space can cause so much pain. Go figure.

WOD was "Cindy" - 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups and 15 squats

Was able to do it prescribed for the first time. I have done it before at Recreate Fitness but had to do jumping pull-up and then did it before at CrossFit Chula Vista in January and did assisted band pull-ups and push-ups from ky knees. I know that when I did it in Portland I was able to get 12 rounds in. So know doing it prescibed I was able to get 11. Pull-ups are getting better. I now need to work on stringing more in a row instead of breaking them up. Push-ups still suck. For the first 2 rounds I was able to go 10 straight. Then for the next 5 rounds it went 5 - 3 - 2 or 4 - 2 - 2 - 2. I really tried to get as many as possible for the first set and then break the rest up as needed without ever going to failure. But overall this puts me at a good point to be able to judge progress in the future. So that's exciting.

I wonder what tomorrow might bring. Maybe a strength day.

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