Friday, August 29, 2008

Quads, hanstrings and a side of glutes!

So the last two days at the gym have been pretty leg focused. Thursday was 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 back squats and then tonight was a thruster, pull-up mix. So my legs are tired. The back squats went well. My series was 89 - 99 - 119 - 139 - 149. It is nice to see that I am squatting more then my body weight. It was tough. I have a hard time with the weight low on my back. But I know that I need it there to be able to get up from the squats.

Today was a good one. A mix of thrusters and pull-ups. This was how it worked. I pull-up the first minute, 2 thrusters the 2nd, 3 pull-ups the third, 4 thrusters the 4th and so on. so at first it really doesn't seem that hard. Until you get to round 12. The it take some pushing to make sure you get all of the thrusters in. I was able to do kipping pull-ups until the 13th round and then started to do jumping. I was able to get the round of 20 thrusters in but just could not get 22 thrusters in 1 minute. I did the math and I did over 100 thrusters today. Man that is a lot. The thing that is crazy is that thrusters are not a complex movement but it takes a lot out of you. Actually they are killer.

Not sure what my plans for the long weekend are. I have to work tomorrow and kind of want to go camping since I have Monday off. So I might head up into the mountains or maybe not. It will depend on how I feel tomorrow after work.

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