Tuesday, August 26, 2008


So we did snatches at the gym tonight. Probably the most complex move that we do at the gym. It's a tough one. For me the hardest part is pulling myself under the bar and getting into the squat position. I am strong enough to get the bar up to eye level but have a mental block when it comes to getting below it into the full squat. For some reason my mind does not think that it is a good idea to throw weight above my head and try to squat with it in the position. I don't know why. Sounds like fun to me.

So instead of going for a PR today I wanted to get in more reps so that I could really start to build the muscle memory of getting under the bar in the full squat. This meant that I did lighter weight. I was able to do 85# but dropped down to 75# to practice the movement. I like having a video to watch because it tells a lot about what I am doing. I am lifting the bar off the ground well and the pull up looks good. I don't think I came to full extension of the hips but I'm close. I need to focus on really shrugging the shoulders and then pulling myself under the bar. Practice, practice, practice.

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