So a change of pace for this blog. I think we have raccoons that are coming into the house at night. Yeah Raccoons in the house in San Diego!
Yesterday while I was cooking dinner Sean mentioned that he thinks raccoons are back into the garage. He know this because Keo's dog food was pulled down from the shelf and they tried to get in it. Raccoons are smart little guys and since we do leave the garage open at night I thought good for them. Way to be resourceful.
Well at night we leave the back doors (there french doors) open and have the front window open so that we can have a nice breeze through the house. It cools things off really nicely. Well this morning I went into the kitchen to make my lunch and I found an egg shell on the floor. I thought that was a little weird but reallt didn't think much about it since Sean and Joe made cupcakes last night (which took every ounce of will power not to eat one). I figured that it probably feel out of the bag when he was taking something to the trash. But then I saw that the catch basin for George Foremen that had all of the good grease from their burgers was on the floor and cleaned pretty spotless. I sleep with the door closed so Max could not be the culprit so the conclusion that I come to in raccoons. RACCOONS! Yikes
No I know everyone has seen the Great Outdoors with John Candy. What a classic! But that was all that I could think of this morning. The raccoons talking to each other about how dumb it is that we leave the doors open. Here is how the rest of the story will work. I will talk to Sean about it tonight. We will close the doors. The raccoons will crawl through the window that doesn't have a screen and then mock us because we thought just closing the door would solve the problem. I'll keep everyone posted on how this turns out. I will be sleeping with my bedroom door shut every night that's for sure!
As for the WOD. 5 rounds 21 push jerk 65#, 15 KTE, 9 pull-ups Time: 24:07
Kind of hard to get motivated for the workout. There were only four of us at class and both Mike W. and I were not really feeling it. Especially this is a workout that totally focuses on the areas where I am weal. Upper body, shoulder, lats and abs. Yuck. There are times that I feel like Andy is making the workouts just to make me angry. Mike had a spanich smoothie (yuck) in the belly that was talking to him and I was just off. I had to work early on Thursday and went to bed kind of late so it could have been a lack of enough sleep for me. We'll see how I feel today now that my schedule is back on track.
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