Friday, August 8, 2008

Legs are tired!

My legs want to stay in bed this morning! They are tight and sore from the squats on Thursday and the the double unders and jumping pull-up's yesterday. Yesterday's workout was a fun one that I got pretty good...

5 rounds
40 ab mat sit-ups
30 double unders
20 pull up's
Times were: 4:21 kip, 5:04 kip, 3:33 10 kip, 10 jump, 2:37 jump, 2:40 jump
* When doing just jumping compared to kipping the workout totally changes. My heart rate remained high going from double-unders to jumping pull-up's and my legs fatigued. When doing kipping I felt like it was more of grip/wrist strength and arms from double-unders that were tired. Interesting. Something to consider when programming a workout.

I was never the first one to finish the sit-ups (usually behind by 5 - 7) but was able to get the 30 double-unders in and be the first at the pull-up bar. My double-unders have really improved. I think it is due to the ninja shoes! Pull-ups are still my nemasis but we are slowly working on the battle. In time young Padawan!

Stuck with the meal plan yesterday and to be totally honest I felt like I was constanly eating all day. A snack here, lunch, another snack dinner, snack. I felt like I ate a lot. Was never hungry or stomache never growled. I wonder if 13 blocks is maybe too much food. I reallt don't know how many blocks I should be eating. I am going with what Andy said and I think he kind of knows what he is talking about. So we'll stick with it awhile and watch my weight and energy level. This morning I got on the scale and was 142lbs. Now on to day 2!

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