August 17th
Strength 3x5 presses 75 x 75 x 75
WOD 5 - 10 - 15 - 15 - 5
Back squat 119#
burpee box jumps
Time 26 something
Felt good on the presses. My strength for those has really gone up. Back squats on the other hand are my weak spot. I hate them and for a different reason then other movements like HSPU or ring dips. I can't do those movements. I can squat, I just can't do a lot of weight and that frustrates me. So this WOD actually called for bodyweight +10 pounds. That would be 160. There was no way for me to do that weight for that many reps. So I tried 129 for the first 5 reps and there was crushing. So dropped to 119 and still had to struggle to get two reps every time. Burpee box jumps no problem.
Aug 18th
10 rounds
15 SDHP 55#
5 bear crawls (one equals the length of the gym)
Time: 36:56
NICE! This was a good grind through it sort of workout. The SDHP easy. Did two rounds of HSPU neg then went to the box. The bear crawls. My god! Killer. It just felt like I got back to the bear crawls so quickly. They are a shoulder and hip flexor killer! I think Mel hates me!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
I'm on it!
If I did this every day I would have to write a lot less! I'm going to try that!
Aug 13th
Strength - Jerk 5 x 3 119-119-119-124-124
WOD Randy (75 power snatches) @ 55# 9:30
Tabata row - total of 880m
I really liked this overall workout. The jerks felt good and heavy and a good strength/warmup for Randy. Randy got the heartrate up and I love to snatch so this was good. But 55# is a ligth snatch for me but 75 is a lot to get through so pace through it. Then the tabata row at the end. A heartrate crusher! Man that was a good one
Went camping over the weekend. Here is a photo of me and my camping buddy!
Aug 16
Strength - 3x5 deadlift 197-197-197
WOD 15-10-5-10-15
dumbell thrusters 30# (each arm)
200m sprint
Time 17:46
This was a nasty one. Dumbell thruster are the devil reincarnated!
Aug 13th
Strength - Jerk 5 x 3 119-119-119-124-124
WOD Randy (75 power snatches) @ 55# 9:30
Tabata row - total of 880m
I really liked this overall workout. The jerks felt good and heavy and a good strength/warmup for Randy. Randy got the heartrate up and I love to snatch so this was good. But 55# is a ligth snatch for me but 75 is a lot to get through so pace through it. Then the tabata row at the end. A heartrate crusher! Man that was a good one
Went camping over the weekend. Here is a photo of me and my camping buddy!
Aug 16
Strength - 3x5 deadlift 197-197-197
WOD 15-10-5-10-15
dumbell thrusters 30# (each arm)
200m sprint
Time 17:46
This was a nasty one. Dumbell thruster are the devil reincarnated!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Monday July 27th - So i was supposed to catch a flight to DC today at 12:10 but the flight was delayed and was going to miss my connection so that meant I was bumped to catch the red eye at 10:50pm. YUCK. But it did mean that I was going to be able to get a workout in.
40 squats
30 push presses 65#
40 squats
30 ring pushups
40 squats
30 push jerks 65#
40 squats
30 ball slams 20#
40 squats
30 one arm dumbell snatch 25#
time was something 18:30 something
This sucked and my quads were sore the instant I stopped. Nuf said!
Tuesday July 28th
Working out at a non Crossfit gym sucks! I was able to row a bit, did some shoulder presses, knees to elbow and some burpees. Felt good to do something but not what i want to do.
Wednesday and Thursday - working too hard and don't have the time to workout!
40 squats
30 push presses 65#
40 squats
30 ring pushups
40 squats
30 push jerks 65#
40 squats
30 ball slams 20#
40 squats
30 one arm dumbell snatch 25#
time was something 18:30 something
This sucked and my quads were sore the instant I stopped. Nuf said!
Tuesday July 28th
Working out at a non Crossfit gym sucks! I was able to row a bit, did some shoulder presses, knees to elbow and some burpees. Felt good to do something but not what i want to do.
Wednesday and Thursday - working too hard and don't have the time to workout!
In rural West Virginia
So I am out in rural West Virginia working at NCTC. It is so pretty out here. Green fields of hay, hillside of trees, big rivers and really nice people. I do miss this. As much as I like the city and the weather that San Diego has to offer I think my heart belongs to places like these.
Thursday July 23rd
Strength 3 x 5 back squat 139#
WOD 7 rounds - 4 HSPU, 7 push presses 85#, 10 ball slams 20#
Time was something like 15:45. I felt good on the back squat even though I was doing it with the Hobbit and she can practically squat a VW Bug! Oh well. The workout was a good one. I like the 7 rounds because it is a mental challenge for you to get through 7 instead of 5. The weight for the PP's was heavy and I felt it. The thing with this one was that you ended up getting back to the push presses really quickly. The HSPU's were quick and the ball slams were quick so the next thing you know you are right back at the push presses. Yikes.
Friday July 24th
Strength: 3 power snatches on the minute for 10 minutes at 76#
WOD 15 minutes alternating max pullups and ring push ups with a run to the trash cans in between.
The snatches were a good warm up. I might have been able to go heavier but my form would have suffered. So I stuck with 76 and made sure that i was pulling with the arms and really getting full hip extension. As for the WOD. This was a tough one. I was able to get in 5 total rounds of 7 ring pushup on toes and 10 pullups. I might have been able to do more in the beginning rounds but that would have meant I would have done less in the later rounds and i wanted to stay steady the whole way. The run to the trash cans gave my muscles enough rest to be able to tackle the upcoming exercises. If the run wasn't included I think my pullup numbers would have been less. My triceps will be sore.
Saturday July 25
Tabata Day
squats, sit-ups, GHD back extensions, row
Made sure to get 15 each round for the squats and the sit-ups. 10 on the ghd was tough and my back and hammys were not happy. For the row I just stayed at a 1:58 pace for the 20 secs of work. That was a good "work out the kinks" sort of wod. I was really sore from the ring pushups and the heavy push presses and neg hspu but wanted to do something and this hit the spot.
Sunday rest
Thursday July 23rd
Strength 3 x 5 back squat 139#
WOD 7 rounds - 4 HSPU, 7 push presses 85#, 10 ball slams 20#
Time was something like 15:45. I felt good on the back squat even though I was doing it with the Hobbit and she can practically squat a VW Bug! Oh well. The workout was a good one. I like the 7 rounds because it is a mental challenge for you to get through 7 instead of 5. The weight for the PP's was heavy and I felt it. The thing with this one was that you ended up getting back to the push presses really quickly. The HSPU's were quick and the ball slams were quick so the next thing you know you are right back at the push presses. Yikes.
Friday July 24th
Strength: 3 power snatches on the minute for 10 minutes at 76#
WOD 15 minutes alternating max pullups and ring push ups with a run to the trash cans in between.
The snatches were a good warm up. I might have been able to go heavier but my form would have suffered. So I stuck with 76 and made sure that i was pulling with the arms and really getting full hip extension. As for the WOD. This was a tough one. I was able to get in 5 total rounds of 7 ring pushup on toes and 10 pullups. I might have been able to do more in the beginning rounds but that would have meant I would have done less in the later rounds and i wanted to stay steady the whole way. The run to the trash cans gave my muscles enough rest to be able to tackle the upcoming exercises. If the run wasn't included I think my pullup numbers would have been less. My triceps will be sore.
Saturday July 25
Tabata Day
squats, sit-ups, GHD back extensions, row
Made sure to get 15 each round for the squats and the sit-ups. 10 on the ghd was tough and my back and hammys were not happy. For the row I just stayed at a 1:58 pace for the 20 secs of work. That was a good "work out the kinks" sort of wod. I was really sore from the ring pushups and the heavy push presses and neg hspu but wanted to do something and this hit the spot.
Sunday rest
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Doing something new
July 17th - Did a workout that Steve had posted because it incorporated ring push up and I need those.
50 reps of each of the following: Double unders, ring push ups, lunges, KTE, double unders. Time was in the 13:45min range I think.
I decided to do this a little different and offered it to my class as well. For the ladies 50 ring push ups are hard and you are going to to muscle fatigue before you are able to do more. That is going to cause your heart rate to drop and your overall time to increase. So I did everything in the middle but just broke it up a little differently. So I would do 10 ring push ups then 10 KTE and then some lunges and back to ring push ups. I liked it this way better because it kept me moving and I felt like I was getting through the ring pushups faster because i was getting rest but still staying active.
Weekend - Saturday I rested, Sunday was some beach volleyball and Concert in the Park!
So I am starting full time with Ben and his programming. Kind of want to see what this kid is capable of but also be able to provide him some feedback about the programming and what I think about it. We'll see how it goes.
July 20
Warm up
3x5 press @ 70pounds
WOD AMRAP - 15 min
3 hang squat cleans 110#
6 pushups
9 KB swings 35#
Got 9 rounds
So he wanted me to go light with the KB so that my heart rate stayed up. That was fine. The squat was what killed me and slowed me down. I'm not that strong in the bottom of the squat and 110 is a heavy squat clean for me.
July 21
warm up with snatch technique work. Snatch balance and snatch pulls
WOD 5 rounds
9 OHS 75#
15 pull-ups
21 GHD sit ups
The OHS were easy and I got through those unbroken. The GHD situps were challenging but again able to get through those unbroken. The pull-ups slowed me way down. Sets of 5 the first two rounds and then threes. I'll tell you one thing my lats and abs are sore from the pullups and then the extension on the GHD machine. Like it hurts to lift my arms up over my head.
Going to try the crossfit football schedule of 2 on 1 off, 3 on 1 off schedule and see how it goes. Yesterday was a rest day and who knows what Ben might have in store for today. I can't wait!
50 reps of each of the following: Double unders, ring push ups, lunges, KTE, double unders. Time was in the 13:45min range I think.
I decided to do this a little different and offered it to my class as well. For the ladies 50 ring push ups are hard and you are going to to muscle fatigue before you are able to do more. That is going to cause your heart rate to drop and your overall time to increase. So I did everything in the middle but just broke it up a little differently. So I would do 10 ring push ups then 10 KTE and then some lunges and back to ring push ups. I liked it this way better because it kept me moving and I felt like I was getting through the ring pushups faster because i was getting rest but still staying active.
Weekend - Saturday I rested, Sunday was some beach volleyball and Concert in the Park!
So I am starting full time with Ben and his programming. Kind of want to see what this kid is capable of but also be able to provide him some feedback about the programming and what I think about it. We'll see how it goes.
July 20
Warm up
3x5 press @ 70pounds
WOD AMRAP - 15 min
3 hang squat cleans 110#
6 pushups
9 KB swings 35#
Got 9 rounds
So he wanted me to go light with the KB so that my heart rate stayed up. That was fine. The squat was what killed me and slowed me down. I'm not that strong in the bottom of the squat and 110 is a heavy squat clean for me.
July 21
warm up with snatch technique work. Snatch balance and snatch pulls
WOD 5 rounds
9 OHS 75#
15 pull-ups
21 GHD sit ups
The OHS were easy and I got through those unbroken. The GHD situps were challenging but again able to get through those unbroken. The pull-ups slowed me way down. Sets of 5 the first two rounds and then threes. I'll tell you one thing my lats and abs are sore from the pullups and then the extension on the GHD machine. Like it hurts to lift my arms up over my head.
Going to try the crossfit football schedule of 2 on 1 off, 3 on 1 off schedule and see how it goes. Yesterday was a rest day and who knows what Ben might have in store for today. I can't wait!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Still on cloud 9
So I finally got home from the games on Monday and hit the gym on Tuesday with a good one..
July 14
thrusters 65#
KB swings 35#
400m run
Time 15 something
A tough one but good. I had to do jumping because my hands are still a little torn from an older WOD and I didn't want them to rip open again. I did double up on jumping and that sucked. I still think I went faster doing jumping then if i had kipped but by doing jumping my heart rate never dropped. When I kip my heart rate drops a bit. Went straight through the thrusters on all sets as well as the KB swings.
July 15
Wanted to do a game wod so I picked
3 rounds
30 wall balls 14# ball
30 squat snatches 45#
Holy smokes batman! Leg buster! I can only imagine how miserable this was for the competitors. This was the last workout on the first day. The 5th WOD of the day after running, deadlifts, rowing and other misery they had to do this. YIKES! Fastest time at the games was low 11:00min. Truly amazing!
July 16
I had to cover Ben's classes and wasn't really into what Steve posted so Mel and I did
7 rounds
7 OHS 75#
7 Box jumps 24''
7 Wall Balls 16#
Time 13:28
Holy smokes batman! leg buster! Not sure what I was thinking when I made this WOD up. My legs were sore from yesterday but I really wanted to do some overhead squats. So why not. It was a good one. The numbers were challenging but low enough that you did not want to rest. You could get through 7 easily so that kept you moving the whole workout. Good stuff!
July 14
thrusters 65#
KB swings 35#
400m run
Time 15 something
A tough one but good. I had to do jumping because my hands are still a little torn from an older WOD and I didn't want them to rip open again. I did double up on jumping and that sucked. I still think I went faster doing jumping then if i had kipped but by doing jumping my heart rate never dropped. When I kip my heart rate drops a bit. Went straight through the thrusters on all sets as well as the KB swings.
July 15
Wanted to do a game wod so I picked
3 rounds
30 wall balls 14# ball
30 squat snatches 45#
Holy smokes batman! Leg buster! I can only imagine how miserable this was for the competitors. This was the last workout on the first day. The 5th WOD of the day after running, deadlifts, rowing and other misery they had to do this. YIKES! Fastest time at the games was low 11:00min. Truly amazing!
July 16
I had to cover Ben's classes and wasn't really into what Steve posted so Mel and I did
7 rounds
7 OHS 75#
7 Box jumps 24''
7 Wall Balls 16#
Time 13:28
Holy smokes batman! leg buster! Not sure what I was thinking when I made this WOD up. My legs were sore from yesterday but I really wanted to do some overhead squats. So why not. It was a good one. The numbers were challenging but low enough that you did not want to rest. You could get through 7 easily so that kept you moving the whole workout. Good stuff!
Is this Heaven? No it's the Crossfit games!
So I went up to Armoas early to help with the logistics of the games this year. I went up early last year but didn't help out as much. I got to the site on Wednesday and did not stop until Sunday night around 9pm! Wouldn't have changed it for the world!
I was in the thick of things at a level that I was not at last year. People asked me how long I have been working for CFHQ because they though I was working for them and not just volunteering. Organizing Judges, volunteers, running registration, yelling at people to get out of the way, working at the Crossfit store or beer garden, to cooking chicken at one of the vendors to make sure that all of our judges got fed and were happy! I did it all. I even tackled bees! Did it all with a huge smile on my face. I loved every minute of it. The great people that I worked with, the amazing strength that I got to witness in the competitors, the generosity of judges and volunteers to bust their ass all weekend to make it possible and just all of the special people who I got to meet. Just amazing.
Mel and Priscella decided they wanted to come up and watch. Well watching turned into volunteering at registration which turned into judging the affiliate competition which turned into working the beer garden. Priscella made some money from tips at the beer garden and Mel had to take a nap in the truck because she needs just a little more sleep then some to operate at a functional level. Both had a great time and I was glad that they were there with me to enjoy the games. Stella and Sarah came with the kids as well and camped the first night. Which was a WOD for the two of them in itself with 6 kids. But a fun experience for the kids and the moms at the games! The hill in Aromas babysat their kids and gave Stella's middle kid a sore butt from running up and down.
The memories, smiles and laughter, friends I made and the people who made this happen are things that I will never forget and can't wait to see them next year!
I was in the thick of things at a level that I was not at last year. People asked me how long I have been working for CFHQ because they though I was working for them and not just volunteering. Organizing Judges, volunteers, running registration, yelling at people to get out of the way, working at the Crossfit store or beer garden, to cooking chicken at one of the vendors to make sure that all of our judges got fed and were happy! I did it all. I even tackled bees! Did it all with a huge smile on my face. I loved every minute of it. The great people that I worked with, the amazing strength that I got to witness in the competitors, the generosity of judges and volunteers to bust their ass all weekend to make it possible and just all of the special people who I got to meet. Just amazing.
Mel and Priscella decided they wanted to come up and watch. Well watching turned into volunteering at registration which turned into judging the affiliate competition which turned into working the beer garden. Priscella made some money from tips at the beer garden and Mel had to take a nap in the truck because she needs just a little more sleep then some to operate at a functional level. Both had a great time and I was glad that they were there with me to enjoy the games. Stella and Sarah came with the kids as well and camped the first night. Which was a WOD for the two of them in itself with 6 kids. But a fun experience for the kids and the moms at the games! The hill in Aromas babysat their kids and gave Stella's middle kid a sore butt from running up and down.
The memories, smiles and laughter, friends I made and the people who made this happen are things that I will never forget and can't wait to see them next year!
Pre games WODs
Monday July 6th
Deadlift 1rm & Push jerk 1rm
Hadn't done either of these in awhile so was interested in what I was going to be able to do. I did well and was really happy with my numbers. For the deadlift I finished at 238 and the push jerk I got 135. Good numbers!
Tuesday July 7th
5 rounds
run 400m
30 box jumps 24''
30 wall ball 12#
Time: a little over 29min
Boy did I take a spill! Caught the edge on the box jump and ate shit. cracked my shin wide open. Bloody and bruised. Yuck! Still looks pretty nasty over a week later. Then I did it to the other leg later in the WOD. Just not as bad. Felt strong though!
Deadlift 1rm & Push jerk 1rm
Hadn't done either of these in awhile so was interested in what I was going to be able to do. I did well and was really happy with my numbers. For the deadlift I finished at 238 and the push jerk I got 135. Good numbers!
Tuesday July 7th
5 rounds
run 400m
30 box jumps 24''
30 wall ball 12#
Time: a little over 29min
Boy did I take a spill! Caught the edge on the box jump and ate shit. cracked my shin wide open. Bloody and bruised. Yuck! Still looks pretty nasty over a week later. Then I did it to the other leg later in the WOD. Just not as bad. Felt strong though!
Monday, July 6, 2009
I love Oly Lifting!
So everyone at the gym was missing the Oly lifting so Steve gave us a good one "grace's snatch"
30 clean and jerks and 30 full squat snatches. Women prescribed was 85# I knew that 85# clean and jerk would be easy but 30 full squatch snatches at 85# is tough. But I did it and felt really good. Time was somewhere around 22:00 min I think. But felt really good doing those snatches. I like snatches!
Friday I went into the gym a little early and wanted to get a short workout in to stay active but nothing too big. So pulled a card from the Hopper Deck and got Angie 50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10 double unders and sit-ups. A good one to stay active but not crush us for the weekend festivities! Time was around 10:30. My double unders are pretty good and you have to just grind through the sit-ups.
30 clean and jerks and 30 full squat snatches. Women prescribed was 85# I knew that 85# clean and jerk would be easy but 30 full squatch snatches at 85# is tough. But I did it and felt really good. Time was somewhere around 22:00 min I think. But felt really good doing those snatches. I like snatches!
Friday I went into the gym a little early and wanted to get a short workout in to stay active but nothing too big. So pulled a card from the Hopper Deck and got Angie 50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10 double unders and sit-ups. A good one to stay active but not crush us for the weekend festivities! Time was around 10:30. My double unders are pretty good and you have to just grind through the sit-ups.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Ben diabolical mind!
So I asked Ben to give me a workout on Wednesday that had some Oly Lifting in it. This is what I got.
7 rounds - 3 hang squat snatches 71#, 6 chest to bar pull-up’s, 9 kettlebell swings 53#
It was a good one. I thought the hang squat snatches were going to be tough but they ended up being the easiest part of the workout. The chest to bar pullup’s sucked and where the part that took the most time. Sets of 3’s or 2’s. The kettlebell swing was hard as well. That is a lot of weight to move! Time 16:26. Definitly something the classes should do.
7 rounds - 3 hang squat snatches 71#, 6 chest to bar pull-up’s, 9 kettlebell swings 53#
It was a good one. I thought the hang squat snatches were going to be tough but they ended up being the easiest part of the workout. The chest to bar pullup’s sucked and where the part that took the most time. Sets of 3’s or 2’s. The kettlebell swing was hard as well. That is a lot of weight to move! Time 16:26. Definitly something the classes should do.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
I going to start this again. I promise!
So I am going to start to post again on this because I've come to the conclusion it is a really good way to track my workouts! So starting tomorrow I'm back on it!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Nancy - 5 rounds 15 Overhead squats 400m run
So this is a benchmark workout and because I have been doing this whole blog thing I was able to look back and see that we did Nancy in on the 3rd of September. I went prescribed with 66# and my time was 18:29. This time I decided to go heavy because of the upcoming games and because I am strong on overhead squats. So I used 80# and my time was 18:36. So that is almost the same amount of time for the workout but am increase of 14#. That makes me feel good. It is really nice to see the data that shows you are getting strong and faster. You may feel stronger and your body may look different but to see the numbers just reconfirms everything.
5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 - Back squat
Here are the numbers 110 - 115 - 130 - 140 - 145
The set of 140 was harder then the set of 145. What I did do for the set of 145 was put the bar lower on my back. That helped and I was able to drive out of the bottom of the squat a lot easier then the last set when the bar was a little higher on my back. I'm still not great at squatting. I need to strengthen my legs. There is a lot I need to strengthen!
I booked my hotel for the Games and it is really starting to sink in that I'm competing. I'm glad that I signed up and registered for them back in March because I'm starting to wonder what the hell I was thinking!
Nancy - 5 rounds 15 Overhead squats 400m run
So this is a benchmark workout and because I have been doing this whole blog thing I was able to look back and see that we did Nancy in on the 3rd of September. I went prescribed with 66# and my time was 18:29. This time I decided to go heavy because of the upcoming games and because I am strong on overhead squats. So I used 80# and my time was 18:36. So that is almost the same amount of time for the workout but am increase of 14#. That makes me feel good. It is really nice to see the data that shows you are getting strong and faster. You may feel stronger and your body may look different but to see the numbers just reconfirms everything.
5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 - Back squat
Here are the numbers 110 - 115 - 130 - 140 - 145
The set of 140 was harder then the set of 145. What I did do for the set of 145 was put the bar lower on my back. That helped and I was able to drive out of the bottom of the squat a lot easier then the last set when the bar was a little higher on my back. I'm still not great at squatting. I need to strengthen my legs. There is a lot I need to strengthen!
I booked my hotel for the Games and it is really starting to sink in that I'm competing. I'm glad that I signed up and registered for them back in March because I'm starting to wonder what the hell I was thinking!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
It's crunch time!
4/1/09 – Suicide sprints
I have not done these since my high school days on the basketball court. They really sucked then and they still suck today. The shuttle runs were 50m – 100m – 50m. So all in all you are sprinting 400m. My times were anywhere from 1:30 – 1:47. It sucked big time while I was doing it but overall it felt good.
AMRAP in 15min of
5 pull-ups
7 knees to elbows
10 push jerks 95#
This was a grip workout that really killed me. I was able to do the 5 pullups in a row each time. Break up the KTE 3 – 2 – 2- and the onto the push jerks. 95# is heavy and these sucked. On a few of the rounds I missed my attempt because I wasn’t getting under the bar and trying to press it overhead. I’m not strong enough to press 95# overhead so it went onto the ground. It was really good to have Kayla as my partner because she reminded me to get drop lower and that really helped when I was so fatigued. Thanks Kayla. Little cues like that throughout the workout do help.
3 hang squat cleans on the minute for 15 minutes 95# (13 rounds) 115# (2 rounds)
Andy did this different then I expected but I really liked it. It made you feel the pull of the clean from the 3 different positions. Mid-shin, just above the knee and from the hang.
I liked this workout. Plus you ended up getting a rhythm down and really focusing on getting a big shrug, full hip extension and squat. Good stuff. The last two rounds with 115# really sucked. It was easy to get to my rack but driving out of the squat sucked!
4/4/09 and 4/5/09
I attended a Crossfit Kids certification and had a blast. I learned a lot. Not only about how to train kids but also how to look at things a lot different. Kids are so much fun and just a blast to work with. The cues that they used broke the movements down to such a simple level that it makes sense. I think I wrote a small book with all of the notes I took.
Plus it was good to chat with Jeff and Mikki Martin. They are just a wealth of knowledge and overall really cool people. Nichole was there and it was fun to hangout with her. She is moving back to SD and I am glad to hear that. It would be fun to workout with her.
It was a long weekend but a fun one! I will need to go to Brand X here and there to get a workout in.
10 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1
I had done a similar workout to this at the end of January but instead of bear crawl we had to do a 50m sprint. My time for that workout was 20:30. My time for this workout was 21:09. So about 40 seconds longer but the bearcrawls were a lot more time consuming then the 50m sprint. Which probably was more like a jog when I did it but still not as hard as bearcrawls. Bearcrawls just suck. On my last one I touched the wall and tried to stand up but couldn’t. So I just sat there. About a minute laster Gene joined me because he could not get up as well. Oh you gotta love it!
5 rounds
21 KB swings 53#
15 box jumps 24’’ box
9 L-pull ups
Andy made me go heavy and swing the big bell. The difference between a 35# KB and a 53# is huge. It really forces you to use you hips and just crack the thing up overhead. It sucked. I broke them up 11 – 10 for most of the rounds expect for the last two when I went 9 – 6 – 4. SUCKED. Box jumps were killed for the hip flexors after yesterday’s bearcrawls and thrusters. I still can’t do a prescribed l-pullup but I feel like I am getting better with the scaled version. I was able to hold myself up longer and keep my legs straighter on the descend. Time: 19:00
So today is the 8th. One week from today I will find out what the workouts are going to be for the Regionals. It’s getting really close and I am starting to get more and more nervous. I need to keep pick up the intensity a bit at the gym, keep going heavy and really push myself. YIKES!
I have not done these since my high school days on the basketball court. They really sucked then and they still suck today. The shuttle runs were 50m – 100m – 50m. So all in all you are sprinting 400m. My times were anywhere from 1:30 – 1:47. It sucked big time while I was doing it but overall it felt good.
AMRAP in 15min of
5 pull-ups
7 knees to elbows
10 push jerks 95#
This was a grip workout that really killed me. I was able to do the 5 pullups in a row each time. Break up the KTE 3 – 2 – 2- and the onto the push jerks. 95# is heavy and these sucked. On a few of the rounds I missed my attempt because I wasn’t getting under the bar and trying to press it overhead. I’m not strong enough to press 95# overhead so it went onto the ground. It was really good to have Kayla as my partner because she reminded me to get drop lower and that really helped when I was so fatigued. Thanks Kayla. Little cues like that throughout the workout do help.
3 hang squat cleans on the minute for 15 minutes 95# (13 rounds) 115# (2 rounds)
Andy did this different then I expected but I really liked it. It made you feel the pull of the clean from the 3 different positions. Mid-shin, just above the knee and from the hang.
I liked this workout. Plus you ended up getting a rhythm down and really focusing on getting a big shrug, full hip extension and squat. Good stuff. The last two rounds with 115# really sucked. It was easy to get to my rack but driving out of the squat sucked!
4/4/09 and 4/5/09
I attended a Crossfit Kids certification and had a blast. I learned a lot. Not only about how to train kids but also how to look at things a lot different. Kids are so much fun and just a blast to work with. The cues that they used broke the movements down to such a simple level that it makes sense. I think I wrote a small book with all of the notes I took.
Plus it was good to chat with Jeff and Mikki Martin. They are just a wealth of knowledge and overall really cool people. Nichole was there and it was fun to hangout with her. She is moving back to SD and I am glad to hear that. It would be fun to workout with her.
It was a long weekend but a fun one! I will need to go to Brand X here and there to get a workout in.
10 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1
I had done a similar workout to this at the end of January but instead of bear crawl we had to do a 50m sprint. My time for that workout was 20:30. My time for this workout was 21:09. So about 40 seconds longer but the bearcrawls were a lot more time consuming then the 50m sprint. Which probably was more like a jog when I did it but still not as hard as bearcrawls. Bearcrawls just suck. On my last one I touched the wall and tried to stand up but couldn’t. So I just sat there. About a minute laster Gene joined me because he could not get up as well. Oh you gotta love it!
5 rounds
21 KB swings 53#
15 box jumps 24’’ box
9 L-pull ups
Andy made me go heavy and swing the big bell. The difference between a 35# KB and a 53# is huge. It really forces you to use you hips and just crack the thing up overhead. It sucked. I broke them up 11 – 10 for most of the rounds expect for the last two when I went 9 – 6 – 4. SUCKED. Box jumps were killed for the hip flexors after yesterday’s bearcrawls and thrusters. I still can’t do a prescribed l-pullup but I feel like I am getting better with the scaled version. I was able to hold myself up longer and keep my legs straighter on the descend. Time: 19:00
So today is the 8th. One week from today I will find out what the workouts are going to be for the Regionals. It’s getting really close and I am starting to get more and more nervous. I need to keep pick up the intensity a bit at the gym, keep going heavy and really push myself. YIKES!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
A nice weekend!
Had a good rest weekend. Saturday the weather was amazing. I sat on the deck and fell asleep. Sunday I had an early morning football game and then went on a hike with Mel and Mike Marriot from the gym. It was a good hike. We did pieces from the Sunset and Big Laguna Trail. We stopped at Water of the Woods for some snacks and you could clearly tell that we are pretty conscience about what we eat. I had brought salami, blueberries and some cashews. Mel brought a blood orange some almonds and some really tasty dark chocolate. A good snack to go with good friends and a good hike. I think we did something like 6.5 miles. A nice Sunday! I hope to hike more. I kind of slacked off recently. I’ll post pictures when I get them from Mel.
In terms of workouts…here you go
Deadlifts 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 I went 195 – 205 – 215 – 220 – 225. That was good. I felt strong. The last set was tough and I could feel my back not maintaining perfect form but I was dramatically rounding it and I’m not too sore today. So it felt good. I would have liked to give 230 a try but didn’t want to over do it. Next time. I would really like to see what my one rep max would be since the last time I did it I think it was only 210 or something considerably lower then 225.
10 rounds of 10 OHS 76#, 10 burpees – Time 22:04
I really did well on this workout. I like overhead squats and can just get through the burpees. I was able to get all 10 overhead squats without breaking them up for the whole 10 rounds. So that helped keep the time low and then I just had to get through the burpees. So I really liked this workout! It is interesting to think about doing a workout that is 100 OHS and 100 burpess compared to a workout that is 10 rounds of 10 and 10. It is completely different mind game when you break it up into sets of 10. Even though you are going to be doing the same amount of work. Funny how that works.
Today they are calling for shuttle sprints. A lot of sprints. Should be pretty miserable!
In terms of workouts…here you go
Deadlifts 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 I went 195 – 205 – 215 – 220 – 225. That was good. I felt strong. The last set was tough and I could feel my back not maintaining perfect form but I was dramatically rounding it and I’m not too sore today. So it felt good. I would have liked to give 230 a try but didn’t want to over do it. Next time. I would really like to see what my one rep max would be since the last time I did it I think it was only 210 or something considerably lower then 225.
10 rounds of 10 OHS 76#, 10 burpees – Time 22:04
I really did well on this workout. I like overhead squats and can just get through the burpees. I was able to get all 10 overhead squats without breaking them up for the whole 10 rounds. So that helped keep the time low and then I just had to get through the burpees. So I really liked this workout! It is interesting to think about doing a workout that is 100 OHS and 100 burpess compared to a workout that is 10 rounds of 10 and 10. It is completely different mind game when you break it up into sets of 10. Even though you are going to be doing the same amount of work. Funny how that works.
Today they are calling for shuttle sprints. A lot of sprints. Should be pretty miserable!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Welcome back, hello FRAN
So what’s a better way to celebrate coming back to the gym from being away on vacation then doing Fran. Yup Fran. Just what I wanted to see. Yeah right. I was kind of hoping for a strength day. Oh well.
Here’s some background….. Prescribed Fran at the Level One Cert (november) TIME: 8:11
Crossfit Coronado 57# Fran (November 24) TIME: 6:14
So this is the first time that I have done it prescribed in Coronado. I actually did 67# and my time was 7:02. Kind of disappointed. I would have really liked to see a six as the first number but oh well. It was a minute faster from when I last did it. I still need to work on the pull-ups. I went straight through the 21 thrusters and then broke then up 8 and 7 and then went straight through the last 9. But it’s the pull-ups that slow me down.
3/25/09 – Run 10K I have not ran a 10K in a really long time. I brought max with me and that was nice. My time probably was around a little more then an hour. Hey who cares what my time was I ran a 10K. It felt as good as a 10K could feel. Got some side aches toward the end and I don’t think I ran the course right but it felt good to run that distance.
3/26/09 – 5 rounds 15 burpees, 10 KB swings. Ben had me go a little heavier with the KB swings since we were only doing 10 each round and let me tell you the difference between 35# and 53# is huge. I really had to crack the hips to get the thing going. It sucked. Time: 9:37
3/27/09 – 5 – 15 – 25 – 15 – 5 Front squat, ring dips. This workout took me to a place I have really never been before. I thought I was going to breakdown. I’m not a good squatter and Andy thought it would be good to go a little heavy. So Mel and I decided to throw down with 102# Just 7 pounds more then prescribed. How big of a difference could that make? HUGE! My back was rounding, my elbows were dropping and my whole core was firing every time I was driving myself out of the squat. Holy shit it sucked. Then to ring dips on toes. But my legs were so tired from the squats that I got little assistance from them on the dips. Which is a good thing but just added to the suckyness. Time: 15:26.
Saturday and Sunday rest days. I have flag football in the morning on Sunday and then a few of us are going to go on a hike in the mountains. Should be fun. It’s just a 5 mile loop and flat for most of the way so that will be a nice active recovery day for me.
My legs are tight today and I would bet that they are going to get more sore for the football game tomorrow. So it will be good to stay active and keep them moving.
So what’s a better way to celebrate coming back to the gym from being away on vacation then doing Fran. Yup Fran. Just what I wanted to see. Yeah right. I was kind of hoping for a strength day. Oh well.
Here’s some background….. Prescribed Fran at the Level One Cert (november) TIME: 8:11
Crossfit Coronado 57# Fran (November 24) TIME: 6:14
So this is the first time that I have done it prescribed in Coronado. I actually did 67# and my time was 7:02. Kind of disappointed. I would have really liked to see a six as the first number but oh well. It was a minute faster from when I last did it. I still need to work on the pull-ups. I went straight through the 21 thrusters and then broke then up 8 and 7 and then went straight through the last 9. But it’s the pull-ups that slow me down.
3/25/09 – Run 10K I have not ran a 10K in a really long time. I brought max with me and that was nice. My time probably was around a little more then an hour. Hey who cares what my time was I ran a 10K. It felt as good as a 10K could feel. Got some side aches toward the end and I don’t think I ran the course right but it felt good to run that distance.
3/26/09 – 5 rounds 15 burpees, 10 KB swings. Ben had me go a little heavier with the KB swings since we were only doing 10 each round and let me tell you the difference between 35# and 53# is huge. I really had to crack the hips to get the thing going. It sucked. Time: 9:37
3/27/09 – 5 – 15 – 25 – 15 – 5 Front squat, ring dips. This workout took me to a place I have really never been before. I thought I was going to breakdown. I’m not a good squatter and Andy thought it would be good to go a little heavy. So Mel and I decided to throw down with 102# Just 7 pounds more then prescribed. How big of a difference could that make? HUGE! My back was rounding, my elbows were dropping and my whole core was firing every time I was driving myself out of the squat. Holy shit it sucked. Then to ring dips on toes. But my legs were so tired from the squats that I got little assistance from them on the dips. Which is a good thing but just added to the suckyness. Time: 15:26.
Saturday and Sunday rest days. I have flag football in the morning on Sunday and then a few of us are going to go on a hike in the mountains. Should be fun. It’s just a 5 mile loop and flat for most of the way so that will be a nice active recovery day for me.
My legs are tight today and I would bet that they are going to get more sore for the football game tomorrow. So it will be good to stay active and keep them moving.
Monday, March 23, 2009
I've been mean to my body!
So the reason that I came to Corvallis was to see one of my really good friends defend her PhD. She did great and it was fun to watch her give her presentation. But also part of the reason was too see all of my other friends that were coming into town and to celebrate! Man did I celebrate! Some people came into town that I had not seen since I moved away or some even longer then that. It was Corvallis in 2006. Out of control and having a great time with great friends.
I consumed more alcohol Thursday through Saturday then I had consumed in the past two months. Thursday it was wine with Steph and Liz, Friday it was way too much Markers and diet coke and then Saturday it was beer and whiskey and Coke at Paul's who has a kegarater in his basement.
My body hates me! I went on a run Saturday because I felt like I needed to sweat out all of the booze. I bet if you were to have licked me after my run you would have been able to taste a little whiskey!
So back on the wagon from here on out. I really need to get back on the Zone hard and cut out the booze for a long time. Here is a picture from Friday night. I think it sums it up pretty well.
Out of town working out
So since I am in Corvallis I know that I need to get in a few workouts so that my training doesn't drop off. I wasn't able to hit it as hard as I would have liked but here are a few of the workouts that I did.
3/18/09 - 400m sprints I was able to get to a track near the place I was staying and got in the sprint workout from my gym. 400m sprint rest 2min, 400m rest 1:30min, 400m rest 1:00min, 400m rest 30sec, 400m. My rest times were a little bit off because i didn't have someone to keep track of time and the fact that I was breathing so heavy I could do simple math in my head. I rest the right amount the first 3 rounds because I could breathe but the last two I think my rest time was a little bit more. Times were between 1:27 first one to 1:40 last one. I think it was a huge accomplishment on my part to even get out there and sprint. Glad I did it.
3/19/09 - I actually put Steph through a workout. She did a variations of the overhead lunge, burpee workout. She did 3 rounds 10 lunges each leg, holding a can of corn overhead in each hand and 10 burpees. This is a good one and really got her heart rate up. I was impressed that she was able to power through the burpees. No matter how you skin them they sucks. She was sore afterwards in her triceps and shoulder. This is due to holding the weight overhead and also the burpees. It was good. I really enjoyed sharing Crossfit with her.
I know that if I had decided to stay in Corvallis I would be training some of my friends and other people in Crossfit. It has done so much for me not only physically but my confidence, health and overall well being that I want to share it with the people that I love so that they can experience it. I know it is not for everone but I think a few of them would have really enjoyed it and would have gotten results. So even the short workout that I did with Steph was a ton of fun and it just felt really good to be sharing this experience with someone who means a lot to me.
I did a variation of the same just with more lunges and burpees. I held two bigger tomato cans overhead.
3/20/09 - I went and played racquetball with Lance. I really enjoy playing racquetball because I can see how much more stamina and endurance I have because of the crossfit workouts that i have been doing. Plus it is also nice to take the work that I have been doing in the gym and apply to a completely different thing. I would say that I got a small workout in, broke a sweat but not really anything intense. Lance on the other hand probably lost 5 pounds of sweat and at times looked like he might die. I enjoyed it in a cynical way.
3/21/09 - I got in an easy pace 4 mile run along the Yaquina Bay at Paul's house. It was a needed run but I felt like shit due to the horrible things I had done to my body the night before. But needed to sweat out all of the booze!
3/22/09 - rest and head back up to Portland to spend the next few days with Chris. Spent some time in a hot tub. Oh my. Hot tubs are great and feel so good. I need to find a friend with a hot tub in San Diego. Potentially a guy friend. That would be even better!
3/23/09 - Went to Crossfit MLK. I had met Chris at the Level One Cert in Portland and remembered that he was working on opening this new gym in Portland and I wanted to check it out. It is huge and has a ton of equipment. That's cool. It is in an old bank building with a vault and everything. He said that i could come to the 10:00am class. The workout was:
15 power cleans, 30 ring dips
12 pc, 24 rd
9 pc, 18 rd
6 pc, 12 rd
3 pc, 6 rd
Prescribed was 105# for the ladies and I would have liked to do that weight but he put on 95#. I would have done 105# if I was in Coronado but since he didn't know me and didn't want to push too hard he went safe and put on 95#. It still was a good workout. The first 15 I powered through and I think me form was pretty bad. As I started to get tired and needed to really be explosive my form got a lot better. I really need to drive from the starting position and shrug hard. I came down a few times on mt collarbone and I know that there will be a nice bruise there tomorrow. Time was 12:48. Overall a good workout and I liked working with Chris. I will come back to his gym the next time I am in Portland.
3/18/09 - 400m sprints I was able to get to a track near the place I was staying and got in the sprint workout from my gym. 400m sprint rest 2min, 400m rest 1:30min, 400m rest 1:00min, 400m rest 30sec, 400m. My rest times were a little bit off because i didn't have someone to keep track of time and the fact that I was breathing so heavy I could do simple math in my head. I rest the right amount the first 3 rounds because I could breathe but the last two I think my rest time was a little bit more. Times were between 1:27 first one to 1:40 last one. I think it was a huge accomplishment on my part to even get out there and sprint. Glad I did it.
3/19/09 - I actually put Steph through a workout. She did a variations of the overhead lunge, burpee workout. She did 3 rounds 10 lunges each leg, holding a can of corn overhead in each hand and 10 burpees. This is a good one and really got her heart rate up. I was impressed that she was able to power through the burpees. No matter how you skin them they sucks. She was sore afterwards in her triceps and shoulder. This is due to holding the weight overhead and also the burpees. It was good. I really enjoyed sharing Crossfit with her.
I know that if I had decided to stay in Corvallis I would be training some of my friends and other people in Crossfit. It has done so much for me not only physically but my confidence, health and overall well being that I want to share it with the people that I love so that they can experience it. I know it is not for everone but I think a few of them would have really enjoyed it and would have gotten results. So even the short workout that I did with Steph was a ton of fun and it just felt really good to be sharing this experience with someone who means a lot to me.
I did a variation of the same just with more lunges and burpees. I held two bigger tomato cans overhead.
3/20/09 - I went and played racquetball with Lance. I really enjoy playing racquetball because I can see how much more stamina and endurance I have because of the crossfit workouts that i have been doing. Plus it is also nice to take the work that I have been doing in the gym and apply to a completely different thing. I would say that I got a small workout in, broke a sweat but not really anything intense. Lance on the other hand probably lost 5 pounds of sweat and at times looked like he might die. I enjoyed it in a cynical way.
3/21/09 - I got in an easy pace 4 mile run along the Yaquina Bay at Paul's house. It was a needed run but I felt like shit due to the horrible things I had done to my body the night before. But needed to sweat out all of the booze!
3/22/09 - rest and head back up to Portland to spend the next few days with Chris. Spent some time in a hot tub. Oh my. Hot tubs are great and feel so good. I need to find a friend with a hot tub in San Diego. Potentially a guy friend. That would be even better!
3/23/09 - Went to Crossfit MLK. I had met Chris at the Level One Cert in Portland and remembered that he was working on opening this new gym in Portland and I wanted to check it out. It is huge and has a ton of equipment. That's cool. It is in an old bank building with a vault and everything. He said that i could come to the 10:00am class. The workout was:
15 power cleans, 30 ring dips
12 pc, 24 rd
9 pc, 18 rd
6 pc, 12 rd
3 pc, 6 rd
Prescribed was 105# for the ladies and I would have liked to do that weight but he put on 95#. I would have done 105# if I was in Coronado but since he didn't know me and didn't want to push too hard he went safe and put on 95#. It still was a good workout. The first 15 I powered through and I think me form was pretty bad. As I started to get tired and needed to really be explosive my form got a lot better. I really need to drive from the starting position and shrug hard. I came down a few times on mt collarbone and I know that there will be a nice bruise there tomorrow. Time was 12:48. Overall a good workout and I liked working with Chris. I will come back to his gym the next time I am in Portland.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Some fun things I've been doing
So on non-workout notes.
I went to my first gala and had a ton of fun. It is like a wedding on steroids. Free food, free booze and dancing. The gala was to raise money for PROEBA. A binational education program that the SD Natural History Museum does. We have given them money in the past to help facilitate the program. My Spanish teacher at the Museum works with PROEBA and Libby and Janet are in my class and they are sort of big wigs at the Museum. That is kind of how I got to go. I was able to work coat check for 2 hours and then enjoy the party. It was a ton of fun. Here are a few pics.
This is a picture of the ladies from Spanish class. Libby, Karen, Gilligan, me and Janet. We are a fun group!
This is what it looked like. Quite the spread! Really cool. There was a bottle of tequila at every table for people to share. I saw somebody leaving the party with a bottle tucked in his jacket!
Here is a picture of me with a dinosaur in the background. I was a few drinks in at this point and was having a good time. Had some killer mojoitos!
Jimmy and Christy had some friends from Philly come out to SD for the week. They all know each other from playing flag football in Philly. So they organized a pick up tournament Philly vs. San Diego sort of thing. It was a lot of fun and we got our asses kick. They are a lot better then us. Quicker to the ball on defense, faster to get the long pass and overall just really good. They were all really nice and a lot of fun to hang with. I invited Mel to come out and play because we are always in need of girls and I thought she might enjoy it. She had never played before and totally kicked ass. Had 5 catches, a few with some extra yard after catch and almost a touchdown. She also had a good pull on a flag for someone who has never played before. I was impressed. Maybe next season she should play.
I took a shot to the eye that resulted in a pretty good shiner. I will try to get a picture of it before it goes away and post it! I look like I have been beaten. After football we went back to Jimmy and Christy for a BBQ. Good food and good friends.
I went to my first gala and had a ton of fun. It is like a wedding on steroids. Free food, free booze and dancing. The gala was to raise money for PROEBA. A binational education program that the SD Natural History Museum does. We have given them money in the past to help facilitate the program. My Spanish teacher at the Museum works with PROEBA and Libby and Janet are in my class and they are sort of big wigs at the Museum. That is kind of how I got to go. I was able to work coat check for 2 hours and then enjoy the party. It was a ton of fun. Here are a few pics.
Jimmy and Christy had some friends from Philly come out to SD for the week. They all know each other from playing flag football in Philly. So they organized a pick up tournament Philly vs. San Diego sort of thing. It was a lot of fun and we got our asses kick. They are a lot better then us. Quicker to the ball on defense, faster to get the long pass and overall just really good. They were all really nice and a lot of fun to hang with. I invited Mel to come out and play because we are always in need of girls and I thought she might enjoy it. She had never played before and totally kicked ass. Had 5 catches, a few with some extra yard after catch and almost a touchdown. She also had a good pull on a flag for someone who has never played before. I was impressed. Maybe next season she should play.
I took a shot to the eye that resulted in a pretty good shiner. I will try to get a picture of it before it goes away and post it! I look like I have been beaten. After football we went back to Jimmy and Christy for a BBQ. Good food and good friends.
I've been bad!
So I haven't kept up with this lately and that has meant i have forgot some of my times but nothing too serious. Here's the latest workout info!
I decided to do a workout that incorporated something that we don’t do a lot at the gym and with something that I could do in Jo’s garage. So I did Turkish get-ups and burpees. Kind of a spin off of Lori’s b-day workout. It was 40 TGU’s 10 burpees, 10 TGU’s 40 burpees, 10 TGU’s 10 burpees, 40 TGU. This was tough but a good one. Time was around 20 min.
3/2 – 3/3 Rest
3/4/09 – Back at CrossFit Coronado and for a good one. The workout was 5 rounds of 10 DL @ 195, 15 ring dips. 195 is really heavy and I had a hard time trying to figure out what weight to use. I wanted to do 195 but I think the workout would have taken me 30min. So I scaled back and did 175 (disappointed) and my time was about 16min I think. Not sure. This is what happens when you don’t stay up on your blog and don’t write down times. You forget and that makes it hard to keep track of things. But the main things that I want to get across via this blog are the times but also how I felt. I would have liked to go heavier. At least 188 like I had for the last heavy deadlift workout. It was frustrating not to be able to go prescribed. I haven’t felt that way in a long time when it comes to the posted weights. I still can’t do HSPU and ring dips and I am working on that but when it comes to weight I usually am prescribed and so this workout was kind of an ego check as well.
Quarter gone bad
15 seconds of work followed by 45 seconds of rest. 5 rounds of weighted pull-ups, burpees and thrusters. PU with 12 pounds and 95# thrusters. You score is the total number of reps completed. I got 86. My numbers broke out like this
PU 6, 6, 6, 7, 6
Burpees 6, 6, 6, 7, 7
Thrusters 4, 4, 4, 3, 4
Thrusters were hard and 95# is a lot of weight!
3/6/09 – I attended my first gala at the SD Natural History Museum. Had a ton of fun and will post pic’s on my facebook page. Should have gone to the gym in the morning but did not want to get out of bed.
3/7 – 3/8 Rest
Back squat 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2
Last time I did my 3 rep max was 150. So I really wanted to get a bigger number then that and just see how it went from there. My numbers were 135 – 158 – 163 (f). I stopped and just screwed around the gym and helped some other people out. I got a new PR for back squat and that was good.
5 rounds
12 L-PU
20 box jumps 24’’ box
12 burpees
Not sure what my time was. This workout was a good one. Going from box jumps to burpees really sucked and keeps your heart rate up. Neg L-PU’s for me. But those felt a little easier then in the past so that make me happy.
400m walking lunge: 15:27
This is a much more fun workout when you do it at the gym with everyone then by yourself on a track. Good times!
3/12/09 – rest
I’m pretty sore from the walking lunges and the box jumps/burpees.
30 sec max effort, rest 2 min
1 min max effort rest 1:30 min
1:30 min max effort rest 1 min
2 min max effort rest 30 sec
1 min max effort
Deadlift @ 95#
My rounds looked like this 16, 37, 40, 44, 23 - for a total of 160 deadlifts. Awesome workout!
I can tell that I am going to just get more sore from this workout on top of what we had done earlier in the week.
3 rounds
10 OHS 95#
15 burpee pull-ups
25 kettlebell swings
Time: 19:46
The original workout called for DL instead of OHS but I wanted to do something other then DL since we did those earlier in the weal and I haven’t done OHS in a long time so we thought we would do those instead. I like OHS and this was a good full body workout. Shoulders are sore and core a little tight. Feels good!
3/15/09 – rest
3/16/09 – 5 rounds 6 hang squat cleans 12 pull-ups 97# I like cleans and was able to get the bar up to my shoulders pretty quick and easy. The hard part was the squat with 97 pounds. That’s heavy and I am weal when it comes to squats. So driving up from the squat was hard. Plus after the pull-ups your grip started to go to pot. It was a good grip workout. Time was 10:51. Nice to see that it was under 11min.
I decided to do a workout that incorporated something that we don’t do a lot at the gym and with something that I could do in Jo’s garage. So I did Turkish get-ups and burpees. Kind of a spin off of Lori’s b-day workout. It was 40 TGU’s 10 burpees, 10 TGU’s 40 burpees, 10 TGU’s 10 burpees, 40 TGU. This was tough but a good one. Time was around 20 min.
3/2 – 3/3 Rest
3/4/09 – Back at CrossFit Coronado and for a good one. The workout was 5 rounds of 10 DL @ 195, 15 ring dips. 195 is really heavy and I had a hard time trying to figure out what weight to use. I wanted to do 195 but I think the workout would have taken me 30min. So I scaled back and did 175 (disappointed) and my time was about 16min I think. Not sure. This is what happens when you don’t stay up on your blog and don’t write down times. You forget and that makes it hard to keep track of things. But the main things that I want to get across via this blog are the times but also how I felt. I would have liked to go heavier. At least 188 like I had for the last heavy deadlift workout. It was frustrating not to be able to go prescribed. I haven’t felt that way in a long time when it comes to the posted weights. I still can’t do HSPU and ring dips and I am working on that but when it comes to weight I usually am prescribed and so this workout was kind of an ego check as well.
Quarter gone bad
15 seconds of work followed by 45 seconds of rest. 5 rounds of weighted pull-ups, burpees and thrusters. PU with 12 pounds and 95# thrusters. You score is the total number of reps completed. I got 86. My numbers broke out like this
PU 6, 6, 6, 7, 6
Burpees 6, 6, 6, 7, 7
Thrusters 4, 4, 4, 3, 4
Thrusters were hard and 95# is a lot of weight!
3/6/09 – I attended my first gala at the SD Natural History Museum. Had a ton of fun and will post pic’s on my facebook page. Should have gone to the gym in the morning but did not want to get out of bed.
3/7 – 3/8 Rest
Back squat 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2
Last time I did my 3 rep max was 150. So I really wanted to get a bigger number then that and just see how it went from there. My numbers were 135 – 158 – 163 (f). I stopped and just screwed around the gym and helped some other people out. I got a new PR for back squat and that was good.
5 rounds
12 L-PU
20 box jumps 24’’ box
12 burpees
Not sure what my time was. This workout was a good one. Going from box jumps to burpees really sucked and keeps your heart rate up. Neg L-PU’s for me. But those felt a little easier then in the past so that make me happy.
400m walking lunge: 15:27
This is a much more fun workout when you do it at the gym with everyone then by yourself on a track. Good times!
3/12/09 – rest
I’m pretty sore from the walking lunges and the box jumps/burpees.
30 sec max effort, rest 2 min
1 min max effort rest 1:30 min
1:30 min max effort rest 1 min
2 min max effort rest 30 sec
1 min max effort
Deadlift @ 95#
My rounds looked like this 16, 37, 40, 44, 23 - for a total of 160 deadlifts. Awesome workout!
I can tell that I am going to just get more sore from this workout on top of what we had done earlier in the week.
3 rounds
10 OHS 95#
15 burpee pull-ups
25 kettlebell swings
Time: 19:46
The original workout called for DL instead of OHS but I wanted to do something other then DL since we did those earlier in the weal and I haven’t done OHS in a long time so we thought we would do those instead. I like OHS and this was a good full body workout. Shoulders are sore and core a little tight. Feels good!
3/15/09 – rest
3/16/09 – 5 rounds 6 hang squat cleans 12 pull-ups 97# I like cleans and was able to get the bar up to my shoulders pretty quick and easy. The hard part was the squat with 97 pounds. That’s heavy and I am weal when it comes to squats. So driving up from the squat was hard. Plus after the pull-ups your grip started to go to pot. It was a good grip workout. Time was 10:51. Nice to see that it was under 11min.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Snow in Utah
It is nice to be visiting Jo in Provo. Jackson has been a bit cranky but that's understandable since his molars are coming in. We checked out BYU and she showed me where she spent a lot of time while in law school. Jackson and I played in the grass and are becoming buddies. But it is cold out here. It was 22 degrees when we were leaving this morning to go snowmobiling. That is cold! You forget that it is still winter and cold in other places when you live in San Diego!
I am really trying to stick with working out and eating well. So far so good. I had some ice cream tonight and it was good. I can't remember the last time I had ice cream.
2/27/09: Went to Crossfit Utah Valley. It was a cool gym. Tucked away in some industrial buildings but had everything that you needed to get in a good workout.
3 rounds: 25 knees to elbows, 25 wall ball (16# @ 8ft), 25 KB swings (35#) Time 13:07. There were some good athletes there at the gym and they really pushed the time fast. That was fun. The KTE sucked but the wall balls I was able to go straight through and the KB swings I broke up 15 - 10 except for the last round when I went a straight 25 to try to catch the girl next to me. She beat me with a time of 13:03. So close.
2/28/09: Went snowmobiling. Had a ton of fun and was a pretty good upper body workout pulling the sled around.
I did get a workout in at the gym in the garage and it was a good one. I did:
5 rounds: 20 (10 each leg) overhead lunges (8# dumbbell in each arm), 21 burpees Time: no clue
This was a lot harder then I though. But when I started to think about it that's over 100 burpees. I don't care what else you are doing in a workout 100 burpees is sucky enough!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Monday: Deadlifts 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3
I like strength days and it is nice to come to the gym on a Monday and do a strength day. I recently did a 3rep max deadlift session while I was at Crossfit Phoenix but that was just a 3 x 3. So this was a few more reps but I wanted to get a new pr. I went 199 - 204 - 209 - 214 - 219(1). So that is a 3lb increase from when I did it at CF Phoenix. That made me happy. I might have been able to get 219 but I could feel that I could not keep the arch or at least a flat back and it's just not worth it to hurt myself. So next time I know to shot for 219.
Tuesday: 100 thrusters and at the top of the minute 3 burpees, 3 knees to elbow.
This sucked. I mean really. The logic was to try to get in 5 thrusters each minute after you were done with the burpees and knees to elbow. Yeah right. After I completed the burpees and KTE I only had about 30 seconds to do thrusters. So if I could get 3 or 4 I was happy. Time: 27:42.
Wednesday: shoulder press 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 push jerk 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5
I had my numbers from the last time that we did this in November so I had a place to start and a weight to shoot for.
Here are my new numbers:
SP 66 - 76 - 81 - 86 - 91(f)
PJ 86 - 91 - 96 - 106 - 116(3)
So since I last did this we didn't have the whole 36# bar issue. So taking that into consideration it's a 10# PR for me on the shoulder press. That's a cool thing to see that my shoulders and arms are getting stronger.
As for the push jerk. Same thing a 10# PR for the 5 rep. I was able to get 116 three times but every time that fourth one got me. I would be able to get it to about head level but did not want to drop lower to get it up. I wish I would have tired to do the heavy weight without split jerking because I think I might have gotten lower because I am more comfortable in the squat then I am the split jerk. Maybe next time. But overall I am happy to see my numbers.
So I am in Provo Utah right now visiting my best friend from high school. Plan on having a ton of fun with Jo, Corey and their 1 year old Jackson. I will post pictures of the kid cause he is cute! Plus I am going to go to Crossfit Utah Valley to get a workout in.
Good Stuff!
I like strength days and it is nice to come to the gym on a Monday and do a strength day. I recently did a 3rep max deadlift session while I was at Crossfit Phoenix but that was just a 3 x 3. So this was a few more reps but I wanted to get a new pr. I went 199 - 204 - 209 - 214 - 219(1). So that is a 3lb increase from when I did it at CF Phoenix. That made me happy. I might have been able to get 219 but I could feel that I could not keep the arch or at least a flat back and it's just not worth it to hurt myself. So next time I know to shot for 219.
Tuesday: 100 thrusters and at the top of the minute 3 burpees, 3 knees to elbow.
This sucked. I mean really. The logic was to try to get in 5 thrusters each minute after you were done with the burpees and knees to elbow. Yeah right. After I completed the burpees and KTE I only had about 30 seconds to do thrusters. So if I could get 3 or 4 I was happy. Time: 27:42.
Wednesday: shoulder press 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 push jerk 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5
I had my numbers from the last time that we did this in November so I had a place to start and a weight to shoot for.
Here are my new numbers:
SP 66 - 76 - 81 - 86 - 91(f)
PJ 86 - 91 - 96 - 106 - 116(3)
So since I last did this we didn't have the whole 36# bar issue. So taking that into consideration it's a 10# PR for me on the shoulder press. That's a cool thing to see that my shoulders and arms are getting stronger.
As for the push jerk. Same thing a 10# PR for the 5 rep. I was able to get 116 three times but every time that fourth one got me. I would be able to get it to about head level but did not want to drop lower to get it up. I wish I would have tired to do the heavy weight without split jerking because I think I might have gotten lower because I am more comfortable in the squat then I am the split jerk. Maybe next time. But overall I am happy to see my numbers.
So I am in Provo Utah right now visiting my best friend from high school. Plan on having a ton of fun with Jo, Corey and their 1 year old Jackson. I will post pictures of the kid cause he is cute! Plus I am going to go to Crossfit Utah Valley to get a workout in.
Good Stuff!
DL 3 rep max,
PJ 1 rep max PJ 3 rep max,
PR Deadlift,
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Back to San Diego
Back to my gym! It's always nice to come back to the gym and see all of my friends. After a great trip to Phoenix it was nice to come home. The hotel was nice and it was good to get out of town but nothing beats your own bed. While I was in Phoenix I was looking through my pictures the other day and came across one of the farm that I used to spend a lot of time at when I lived in Corvallis. I really miss this place, the amazing people here and the memories I have. Got a little sentimental.
Monday was holiday so I went to the 9am class because Mel and I wanted to go and see Slumdog Millionaire. The 9am class is fun to go to every once in awhile but the make-up of the class was different since it was a holiday.
WOD Front squats 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3. I went 120 – 125 – 130 – 135 – 135 (2)
So that was good. A new PR!
Tuesday was a killer. Truly a reminder that Andy is slightly sadistic.
5 rounds: 7 deadlifts (188#), 15 pull-ups. Everything about it sucked. The weight was heavy, I’m not great at stringing a ton of pull-ups in a row and by round two I had to break the deadlifts up 3 - 4 and then it was 3 -2 – 2- and the it was singles for the last two rounds. Not fun and I was sore. Time was 14:52
Wednesday Kayla and I went to Coach B’s to work on our oly lifts. A ton of fun and great advice. I worked mostly on position to make sure I was pulling the weight off the ground properly. Kayla really worked on getting deeper into the squat position but slowly lowering herself down and stretching. By the end of the night she was able to get pretty low into the squat. Good stuff.
Thursday – rest day! Thank goodness because they were doing Murph at the gym and that just sucks.
Friday – thruster, burpee workout. 1st minute one thruster, 2nd minute 2 burpees, 3rd minute, 4th minute 4 burpee…and so on. Do as many rounds as possible until you can’t complete the required number of exercises. I was able to complete 12 burpees but was not able to get 13 thrusters in. I think I probably could have if I was feeling 100% and pushed myself but oh well.
Saturday – open gm and I just played around a bit. Did some ab’s, jump roped, double unders, overhead lunges with 15# bar and some other stuff. Wasn’t really feeling a workout but wanted to move around a bit.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Aches, bruises, soreness, exhaustion.... also known as Crossfit!
So I don't think there is an extended period of time that I have gone without being sore, having bruises and just feeling exhausted after a workout since I have started Crossfit and have been doing the three on one off routine. Yeah If I go away and am not able to workout that's a totally different story. But when I'm hitting it hard my body get worked. I like it. I sleep better.
A quick inventory......
I've got some serious bruises on my collarbones from Ben's workout
I've got bruises on my thighs from lowering the bar during Bens workout
My shins are bruised from Bens workout and doing deadlifts at Crossfit phoenix
I got a few bruises on my knees from not getting them out of the way when doing quick deadlifts
All I have to say is I look like a battered wife. Not sexy!
So working out while in Phoenix has been great. Crossfit Phoenix is awesome and I will make an effort to come back and get a workout in when ever I am in town. Alisha and Scott were great and got a sweet gym. I did two workout with the crew there. A great group and fun to workout with.
Back squats 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3
I went 130 - 135 - 140 - 145 - 150 A new PR for me. What was interesting was this was day one for me and when we did back squats at the gym it was day three after squat cleans and sprints. So again it shows me that rest is needed and when I come back from a rest day I should be able to hit it hard an get faster times and PR's. Watch out Mel here I come!
Then after the strength we did a half Cindy: 10 mins AMRAP of 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats. It felt good to get some cardio in after the strength. I got 6 rounds plus pullups. Pushups were still the area that slowed me way down.
Back at Crossfit Phoenix
Deadlift 3 - 3 - 3
I went 185 - 205 - 210 Awesome. I am not sure what my 3 rep max was but I think it was around 200. So again an improvement. There were a few other women in the class that were getting some and that was fun to watch.
Then for the workout we did....
Deadlifts 135#
Overhead Squats 65#
Shit man this sucked and I was tired. My time was 6:35. I crushed it but it still sucked! My hammies, arms, lats, triceps are sore. But it was a good workout. I haven't done deadlifts for awhile and I was glad to see it in the workout.
Overall a great time at Crossfit Phonix!
Decided to checkout a different gym today. So I went to Crossfit Scottsdale and it is a totally different gym then Crossfit Phoenix. I think that's the cool thing about Crossfit gyms. All of them are different and have different workouts based on trainers, clients, location, space and much more. Crossfit Scottsdale is in a small area behind a nutrition and wellness clinic. It is probably as big as the new side of my gym in Coronado. So they can't really do a ton of weight work. So the workout was a cardio-kick-my-ass workout.
We started with 5 min of jump rope. 5 minutes is a long time to jump rope. Then to continue to warm up we did all of the following with a jump rope
100 singles
50 double under
50 one leg
50 other leg
50 side to side (where you just jump side to side)
50 front to backs (jumping front to back)
50 forward jumps in a line
50 backwards jumps in a line
100 high steps
I think my calves are going to be pretty miserable tomorrow. Jump ropes are a creation from the devil!
Then my workout was:
2 rounds of
500 m row (he wanted it sub 2 min which he got but sucked)
25 jumping pullups
10 kipping pullups
25 push presses 65#
15 HSPU with bands (which rocked! Fun to get inverted but made the HSPU hard!)
25 jumping squats 15# bar
10 throwing ball squats 20# ball
1 min hold overhead squat 15# bar
This was right up there in sucky-ness as fight gone bad. You don't stop, your legs are killing you and your heart feels like it is going to jump out of your chest. It sucked but something I needed after two really hard strength day and more weight workouts. So I am glad I did it.
Then to finish off the class we each got a wallball (I got the 14# one) and did
10 shoulder presses - rest 10 seconds
10 push presses - rest 10 seconds
10 thrusters - rest 10 seconds
10 shoulder presses, 10 push presses, 10 thrusters - no rest in between
rest 15 seconds then again
10 shoulder presses, 10 push presses, 10 thrusters - no rest in between
then 20 burpees
I know what you are thinking. You've got to be kidding me. That's totally how I felt. My arms were killing me. I could barely hold the ball up. This was a tough workout. I spent about 30 minutes in the hot tub at the hotel!
Thanks to Crossfit Scottsdale and Luke for putting me through the misery. It was a good one!
So now I am off to bed. I think I am going to sleep really well tonight! Tomorrow REST DAY!
A quick inventory......
I've got some serious bruises on my collarbones from Ben's workout
I've got bruises on my thighs from lowering the bar during Bens workout
My shins are bruised from Bens workout and doing deadlifts at Crossfit phoenix
I got a few bruises on my knees from not getting them out of the way when doing quick deadlifts
All I have to say is I look like a battered wife. Not sexy!
So working out while in Phoenix has been great. Crossfit Phoenix is awesome and I will make an effort to come back and get a workout in when ever I am in town. Alisha and Scott were great and got a sweet gym. I did two workout with the crew there. A great group and fun to workout with.
Back squats 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3
I went 130 - 135 - 140 - 145 - 150 A new PR for me. What was interesting was this was day one for me and when we did back squats at the gym it was day three after squat cleans and sprints. So again it shows me that rest is needed and when I come back from a rest day I should be able to hit it hard an get faster times and PR's. Watch out Mel here I come!
Then after the strength we did a half Cindy: 10 mins AMRAP of 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats. It felt good to get some cardio in after the strength. I got 6 rounds plus pullups. Pushups were still the area that slowed me way down.
Back at Crossfit Phoenix
Deadlift 3 - 3 - 3
I went 185 - 205 - 210 Awesome. I am not sure what my 3 rep max was but I think it was around 200. So again an improvement. There were a few other women in the class that were getting some and that was fun to watch.
Then for the workout we did....
Deadlifts 135#
Overhead Squats 65#
Shit man this sucked and I was tired. My time was 6:35. I crushed it but it still sucked! My hammies, arms, lats, triceps are sore. But it was a good workout. I haven't done deadlifts for awhile and I was glad to see it in the workout.
Overall a great time at Crossfit Phonix!
Decided to checkout a different gym today. So I went to Crossfit Scottsdale and it is a totally different gym then Crossfit Phoenix. I think that's the cool thing about Crossfit gyms. All of them are different and have different workouts based on trainers, clients, location, space and much more. Crossfit Scottsdale is in a small area behind a nutrition and wellness clinic. It is probably as big as the new side of my gym in Coronado. So they can't really do a ton of weight work. So the workout was a cardio-kick-my-ass workout.
We started with 5 min of jump rope. 5 minutes is a long time to jump rope. Then to continue to warm up we did all of the following with a jump rope
100 singles
50 double under
50 one leg
50 other leg
50 side to side (where you just jump side to side)
50 front to backs (jumping front to back)
50 forward jumps in a line
50 backwards jumps in a line
100 high steps
I think my calves are going to be pretty miserable tomorrow. Jump ropes are a creation from the devil!
Then my workout was:
2 rounds of
500 m row (he wanted it sub 2 min which he got but sucked)
25 jumping pullups
10 kipping pullups
25 push presses 65#
15 HSPU with bands (which rocked! Fun to get inverted but made the HSPU hard!)
25 jumping squats 15# bar
10 throwing ball squats 20# ball
1 min hold overhead squat 15# bar
This was right up there in sucky-ness as fight gone bad. You don't stop, your legs are killing you and your heart feels like it is going to jump out of your chest. It sucked but something I needed after two really hard strength day and more weight workouts. So I am glad I did it.
Then to finish off the class we each got a wallball (I got the 14# one) and did
10 shoulder presses - rest 10 seconds
10 push presses - rest 10 seconds
10 thrusters - rest 10 seconds
10 shoulder presses, 10 push presses, 10 thrusters - no rest in between
rest 15 seconds then again
10 shoulder presses, 10 push presses, 10 thrusters - no rest in between
then 20 burpees
I know what you are thinking. You've got to be kidding me. That's totally how I felt. My arms were killing me. I could barely hold the ball up. This was a tough workout. I spent about 30 minutes in the hot tub at the hotel!
Thanks to Crossfit Scottsdale and Luke for putting me through the misery. It was a good one!
So now I am off to bed. I think I am going to sleep really well tonight! Tomorrow REST DAY!
BS 3 rep max,
DL 3 rep max,
half cindy,
other gym visits
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Off to Phoenix
So I am headed to Phoenix tomorrow for a web development training for the USFWS. It should be fun. I enjoy traveling for work and I am staying in a nice hotel. Plus I am going to visit a few Crossfit gyms while I am out there. This is going to be a teat for me to see how I stand among other girls. If I go into these gyms and do the workout prescribed and beat all of the other girls in the gym I will feel good about where I am in terms of training. If I go and get crushed and am not on the top of my game then I will know that I need to pick it up a notch and train harder. I don't want to go to the Regionals and look like someone who shouldn't even be there. I'll keep you posted.
2-4-09 Back squat 3-3-3-3-3
I went 136 - 141 - 146 - 151 (only was able to get 2) 146 I looked and my last 3 rep was 146 but it was when we didn't have the whole "bar" controversy. So before it was actually only 135 and now it is a true 146. So that is a new pr. But still disappointing. I really need to work on my leg strength because this is what keeping my clean numbers down and potentially my snatch and OHS. Need to do more squatting!
2 -5 -09 Went up to Coach B's with Ben for a little Olympic Weightlifting. I really like going up here because I learn a lot and I get to watch other people lift and learn a lot about cues and what coach has then do to build strength and power. Good times. Worked on snatch and cleans. I could tell that my hamstrings were tired from the sprints,cleans and squats that we did at the gym. So my pull from the ground was not looking too hot and coach made sure to tell me. Next time I am going to be taking Kayla up with me. I think it is going to be good for her to come up and work with Coach. I think she is going to like it and it will make her stronger!
2-6-09 Ben 4 Rounds of 90 sec 0f power cleans (max reps) then 20 burpees 90 sec rest between rounds. This one sucked. It wasn't a cardio workout for me. It was a muscle fatigue on the cleans. Quads burned, grip went to shit and the weight seemed to get heavier each round. Kayla and I worked together. We did 80# and my score went 25, 22, 20, 20. Good stuff.
On a side note I must comment on how crazy hard Kayla hit this workout! I have never seen her get it like this before. It was nits. Her whole goal was to beat Ben. That's what she wanted to do. She had to get more reps then Ben. I was worried that she was going to hard out of the gates and was going to taper off at the end but she didn't. She stayed strong the whole time and was able to get more reps then he did. Good stuff.
2-7-08 Skill day
I decided to work on things that I am not good at for the Saturday workout. So I did some handstand push-ups, ring holds, ring dips and ring push-ups. It was good to work on these and my triceps were sore today. It's hard to work on the things that you are not good at but it is necessary!
2-4-09 Back squat 3-3-3-3-3
I went 136 - 141 - 146 - 151 (only was able to get 2) 146 I looked and my last 3 rep was 146 but it was when we didn't have the whole "bar" controversy. So before it was actually only 135 and now it is a true 146. So that is a new pr. But still disappointing. I really need to work on my leg strength because this is what keeping my clean numbers down and potentially my snatch and OHS. Need to do more squatting!
2 -5 -09 Went up to Coach B's with Ben for a little Olympic Weightlifting. I really like going up here because I learn a lot and I get to watch other people lift and learn a lot about cues and what coach has then do to build strength and power. Good times. Worked on snatch and cleans. I could tell that my hamstrings were tired from the sprints,cleans and squats that we did at the gym. So my pull from the ground was not looking too hot and coach made sure to tell me. Next time I am going to be taking Kayla up with me. I think it is going to be good for her to come up and work with Coach. I think she is going to like it and it will make her stronger!
2-6-09 Ben 4 Rounds of 90 sec 0f power cleans (max reps) then 20 burpees 90 sec rest between rounds. This one sucked. It wasn't a cardio workout for me. It was a muscle fatigue on the cleans. Quads burned, grip went to shit and the weight seemed to get heavier each round. Kayla and I worked together. We did 80# and my score went 25, 22, 20, 20. Good stuff.
On a side note I must comment on how crazy hard Kayla hit this workout! I have never seen her get it like this before. It was nits. Her whole goal was to beat Ben. That's what she wanted to do. She had to get more reps then Ben. I was worried that she was going to hard out of the gates and was going to taper off at the end but she didn't. She stayed strong the whole time and was able to get more reps then he did. Good stuff.
2-7-08 Skill day
I decided to work on things that I am not good at for the Saturday workout. So I did some handstand push-ups, ring holds, ring dips and ring push-ups. It was good to work on these and my triceps were sore today. It's hard to work on the things that you are not good at but it is necessary!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Kayla peed in the woods!

1/25/09 - Went on a hike with Evan, Kayla, Mel and Max. It was a hike I have done already but we decided to go up river a bit and do some rock hopping and bouldering. I had a blast and so did Max. Kayla was really funny and took her awhile to get her rock climbing feet on. But she did finally and gained a lot of confidence by the end. Mel changed shoes mid trip and felt a lot more comfortable with her Keens on. Good time had by all. Kayla peed outside. Quite an accomplishment. We are so proud of her!
1/26/09 - Tabata Deadlifts 115# and box jumps 24''. Score total reps. 121. The deadlifts were light and I was able to get at least 10 each round. The box jumps was were my number went down. I wanted to challenge myself with a bigger box and 24'' is pretty high. But is was a good challenge.
8 rounds: 20 sec max effort thrusters 66#, 10 seconds rest, 20 sec max effort pull-ups, 10 sec rest, 50 meter sprint. Score total reps. 105. I went to the morning class and it was really hard to get any sort of motivation to go harder or faster. I am just not quite awake and my body isn't ready to be doing thrusters and pull-ups. I was able to get 7 or 8 on the thrusters but only 5 - 7 on the pull-ups. Still weak at stringing together pull-ups.
1/28/09 and 1/29/09 - Rest days
1/30/09 - 5 - 15 - 20 - 15 - 5 Squat snatches 200 m sprint in between reps. The weight called for 75# but my one rep max for snatch is 86# so I didn't think I could do it. Looking back now I should have done it prescribed. Oh well. For the first 5 - 15 - 20 I used 66# and then for the last 15 and 5 I increased the weight to 71#. Time was something in the 25 minute range.
I really liked this workout and I was able to get deep into the squat each time I did a snatch. Which made me feel really good. I want to feel comfortable in the full squat with weight overhead. But I also need to work on leg strength so that when the weight gets heavier and heavier I will be able to get out of the squat and stand up.
Ben's crazy workout
Ball Slams 80 - 60 - 35 - 15
Hollow Rocks 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
Burpees 20 - 15 - 10 - 5
This sucked and my legs were sore the next day because of the ball slams. I used a 20# ball for the ball slams and it became very clear to me from the beginning that I was going to have to clean and jerk the ball up for better use of stronger muscles rather then curling it. My arms would be trashed if I had to curl it everything I caught it from the ground. Yuck. Time was 20:30.
Rest day but an active rest day. I did an easy 100 squats and 100 sit-ups. It took close to 10 mins. This was more to get the legs moving and get the muscles engaged because they were sore and I did not want to stiffen up during the day and get tighter.
Squat Clean 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1
I love strength days and I love squat cleans so this put a smile on my face. Plus I was able to workout with Kayla and Mel and that is fun. Those two girls are strong and like to go heavy.
I went 100 - 115 - 120 - 125 - 130 (f). I totally had the 130 on my rack and was good to go but could not stand out of the squat. Bummer. One of the lifts I got so low in the squat my elbows hit my knees. So that's good but I need to also remember to get full hip extension. I don't want to get under the too fast that I don't pull enough. Something to think about.
After the workout i felt like I needed some cardio and Max was full of energy so we went on a run. I really didn't know how far we were going to go but it ended up being a 4 mile run. Boy would I pay for this when I saw what tomorrows WOD was!
Partner workout: Sprints
4 - 800m (2 each)
8 - 400m (4 each)
12 - 200m (6 each)
Time was 36:36. This was a lot of sprinting and it really sucked! I mean really. Plus the fact that I decided to do a little extra running after yesterday's workout. What a stupid idea! Kayla and I partnered together and my splits were about 10 - 15 seconds faster which meant she got a little less rest but she wants to get stronger so her you go sweetheart! Get stronger!
1/26/09 - Tabata Deadlifts 115# and box jumps 24''. Score total reps. 121. The deadlifts were light and I was able to get at least 10 each round. The box jumps was were my number went down. I wanted to challenge myself with a bigger box and 24'' is pretty high. But is was a good challenge.
8 rounds: 20 sec max effort thrusters 66#, 10 seconds rest, 20 sec max effort pull-ups, 10 sec rest, 50 meter sprint. Score total reps. 105. I went to the morning class and it was really hard to get any sort of motivation to go harder or faster. I am just not quite awake and my body isn't ready to be doing thrusters and pull-ups. I was able to get 7 or 8 on the thrusters but only 5 - 7 on the pull-ups. Still weak at stringing together pull-ups.
1/28/09 and 1/29/09 - Rest days
1/30/09 - 5 - 15 - 20 - 15 - 5 Squat snatches 200 m sprint in between reps. The weight called for 75# but my one rep max for snatch is 86# so I didn't think I could do it. Looking back now I should have done it prescribed. Oh well. For the first 5 - 15 - 20 I used 66# and then for the last 15 and 5 I increased the weight to 71#. Time was something in the 25 minute range.
I really liked this workout and I was able to get deep into the squat each time I did a snatch. Which made me feel really good. I want to feel comfortable in the full squat with weight overhead. But I also need to work on leg strength so that when the weight gets heavier and heavier I will be able to get out of the squat and stand up.
Ben's crazy workout
Ball Slams 80 - 60 - 35 - 15
Hollow Rocks 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
Burpees 20 - 15 - 10 - 5
This sucked and my legs were sore the next day because of the ball slams. I used a 20# ball for the ball slams and it became very clear to me from the beginning that I was going to have to clean and jerk the ball up for better use of stronger muscles rather then curling it. My arms would be trashed if I had to curl it everything I caught it from the ground. Yuck. Time was 20:30.
Rest day but an active rest day. I did an easy 100 squats and 100 sit-ups. It took close to 10 mins. This was more to get the legs moving and get the muscles engaged because they were sore and I did not want to stiffen up during the day and get tighter.
Squat Clean 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1
I love strength days and I love squat cleans so this put a smile on my face. Plus I was able to workout with Kayla and Mel and that is fun. Those two girls are strong and like to go heavy.
I went 100 - 115 - 120 - 125 - 130 (f). I totally had the 130 on my rack and was good to go but could not stand out of the squat. Bummer. One of the lifts I got so low in the squat my elbows hit my knees. So that's good but I need to also remember to get full hip extension. I don't want to get under the too fast that I don't pull enough. Something to think about.
After the workout i felt like I needed some cardio and Max was full of energy so we went on a run. I really didn't know how far we were going to go but it ended up being a 4 mile run. Boy would I pay for this when I saw what tomorrows WOD was!
Partner workout: Sprints
4 - 800m (2 each)
8 - 400m (4 each)
12 - 200m (6 each)
Time was 36:36. This was a lot of sprinting and it really sucked! I mean really. Plus the fact that I decided to do a little extra running after yesterday's workout. What a stupid idea! Kayla and I partnered together and my splits were about 10 - 15 seconds faster which meant she got a little less rest but she wants to get stronger so her you go sweetheart! Get stronger!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Another week!
1/21/09 Ladder workout HSPU's and L-pull-up's. Really do I need to say more. I can't do either of these movements proper and so I do the push ups from a box and the l-pull up's are more like jumping pull up to a slowly descend s -hold. Sucks Time was something like 26:00. Plus the whole vibe in the gym was pretty shitty. Nobody was happy to do this workout!
1/22/09 Went out to Coach B to get some oly lifting in. The minute I left the garage I wanted to go back. He is so good to work with. We did some skill transfer work for the snatch. Muscle snatches and then we did a progression of snatches from different starting positions. High hang, mid thigh and then from the ground. We progressed through that with increasing weight as we went. The we did just one rep from the ground of snatches to build up in weight. I think my max weight for the night was something near 84#. It was hard to figure out because everything is in kilos and I was able to use the lighter womens bar. I think it only weights 33# and has a nice diameter for the grip. Since women tend to have smaller hands.
Then we did some clean and jerk work. I really need to work on faster elbows and really thinking about getting them around and under the bar. Then we did a little front squatting. Coach said that I need to work on my leg strength. Lastly we did some box jumps. Good stuff. If I could I would really like to get to his gym once a week but I know that would never work out. Maybe at least 2 - 3 times a month. A Saturday here or there would be good.
1/23/09 "2 min drill" 4 rounds of 1 clean and jerk and 1 burpee ASAP in 2 min. Rest 1 min. in between rounds. 8-8-7-7. 95# This was a tough one. 95# gets pretty heavy pretty quick. But I like cleans and jerking is fun as well so I liked this one. Good to see the other girls in the gym getting some and going heavy!
1/24/09 - usually Saturday is do what you want day but Andy had a different plan so half the class did one workout and the other half did another. I wanted to do the thruster workout so that's what I did.
1-10 thrusters 50m sprint 95# Time 20:30 This sucked. That is a total of 55 95# thrusters and plus all of the cleans that you have to do to get the bar up off the ground when you are to tired to do another thruster. So I probably did at least 20 cleans on top of it. My shruggers are sore still from Friday and Saturday.
1/22/09 Went out to Coach B to get some oly lifting in. The minute I left the garage I wanted to go back. He is so good to work with. We did some skill transfer work for the snatch. Muscle snatches and then we did a progression of snatches from different starting positions. High hang, mid thigh and then from the ground. We progressed through that with increasing weight as we went. The we did just one rep from the ground of snatches to build up in weight. I think my max weight for the night was something near 84#. It was hard to figure out because everything is in kilos and I was able to use the lighter womens bar. I think it only weights 33# and has a nice diameter for the grip. Since women tend to have smaller hands.
Then we did some clean and jerk work. I really need to work on faster elbows and really thinking about getting them around and under the bar. Then we did a little front squatting. Coach said that I need to work on my leg strength. Lastly we did some box jumps. Good stuff. If I could I would really like to get to his gym once a week but I know that would never work out. Maybe at least 2 - 3 times a month. A Saturday here or there would be good.
1/23/09 "2 min drill" 4 rounds of 1 clean and jerk and 1 burpee ASAP in 2 min. Rest 1 min. in between rounds. 8-8-7-7. 95# This was a tough one. 95# gets pretty heavy pretty quick. But I like cleans and jerking is fun as well so I liked this one. Good to see the other girls in the gym getting some and going heavy!
1/24/09 - usually Saturday is do what you want day but Andy had a different plan so half the class did one workout and the other half did another. I wanted to do the thruster workout so that's what I did.
1-10 thrusters 50m sprint 95# Time 20:30 This sucked. That is a total of 55 95# thrusters and plus all of the cleans that you have to do to get the bar up off the ground when you are to tired to do another thruster. So I probably did at least 20 cleans on top of it. My shruggers are sore still from Friday and Saturday.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The heart of the southwest
So Max and I loaded up the truck and went on a camping trip to Kofa NWR. I have wanted to check out this Refuge since I moved down here. All of the pictures that I saw looked really cool and it isn't that far from San Diego. So I took Thursday and Friday off and we headed east. It took about 2.5 hours to get to Yuma and then about another hour to get into the refuge and find a camping spot for the night. An amazing trip and I am going back that's for sure. Saw a bunch of wildlife (roadrunner, mule deer, gila woodpecker, golder eagle) plus checked out some cool mines, old cabins, natural springs and slot canyons. Here are justr a few of the pictures. The sunrises and sunsets got better everytime. Plus I spent five days driving around in four wheel drive and testing my nerves in some places. Awesome!

Heavy FGB!
So the whole bar weight at the gym is totally fucking with my numbers and it's a pain in the ass.
Past fight gone bad numbers have been:
October 31st: 261 with 65#SDHP and PP (but really only 56#), and 10# wall ball
September 9th: 220 with 75# SDHP and PP (but really only 66# and 20# wall ball
So this time......1/20/09
257 with a true 65# SDHP and PP but using a 10# wall ball
Round One: PP 22 Row 12 WB 25 SDHP 18 BJ 20 - 97 total
Round Two: PP 17 Row 10 WB 24 SDHP 10 BJ 21 - 82 total
Round Three: PP 15 Row 10 WB 21 SDHP 11 BJ 21- 78 total
So looking at the numbers compared to the September 9th they went up by 20 points. It would have been interesting to do this with the 20# wall ball and see what my number would have been then. I think it still would have been higher then 220. When I did similar weight and used the 20# WB my total for WB was 50, this time similar weight 10# WB total was 70. So there is 20 points of the difference between the two. I increased my box jump numbers this time. I only broke 20 one round last time and I had 20 each round this time. Okay so if you are still reading this you can see that there is a bit of an obsession but it is important for me to see progress. Even if it is just small things here and there it is important for me to see progress.
Here is a re-cap of the other workouts that I have done since last post.
1/13/09 - Rest day
1/14/09 - AMRAP in 20 min of
10 ring dips, 15 pull-ups, 20 sit-ups
I was able to get in a total of 9 rounds but the last two I did jumping pull ups because I got a blood blister and I didn't want to tear it. So 7 strict rounds was good for me. I don't like ring-dips!
1/15/09 - 1/18/09 Kofa NWR Camping Trip see upcoming post. Awesome!
1/19/09: 5 rounds
5 reps of: 1 hang power snatch, 3 overhead squats (65#)
15 burpees
Time: 16:40
Felt great! The time off was good and I think my body needed it. So I hit it pretty hard for this workout. Plus I love going overhead and 65# is not a very heavy overhead squat. By the end of the rounds I was having a harder time with the one hang power snatch. It was becoming a half power snatch with a little push press in there. Need to work on getting fully under the bar.
Past fight gone bad numbers have been:
October 31st: 261 with 65#SDHP and PP (but really only 56#), and 10# wall ball
September 9th: 220 with 75# SDHP and PP (but really only 66# and 20# wall ball
So this time......1/20/09
257 with a true 65# SDHP and PP but using a 10# wall ball
Round One: PP 22 Row 12 WB 25 SDHP 18 BJ 20 - 97 total
Round Two: PP 17 Row 10 WB 24 SDHP 10 BJ 21 - 82 total
Round Three: PP 15 Row 10 WB 21 SDHP 11 BJ 21- 78 total
So looking at the numbers compared to the September 9th they went up by 20 points. It would have been interesting to do this with the 20# wall ball and see what my number would have been then. I think it still would have been higher then 220. When I did similar weight and used the 20# WB my total for WB was 50, this time similar weight 10# WB total was 70. So there is 20 points of the difference between the two. I increased my box jump numbers this time. I only broke 20 one round last time and I had 20 each round this time. Okay so if you are still reading this you can see that there is a bit of an obsession but it is important for me to see progress. Even if it is just small things here and there it is important for me to see progress.
Here is a re-cap of the other workouts that I have done since last post.
1/13/09 - Rest day
1/14/09 - AMRAP in 20 min of
10 ring dips, 15 pull-ups, 20 sit-ups
I was able to get in a total of 9 rounds but the last two I did jumping pull ups because I got a blood blister and I didn't want to tear it. So 7 strict rounds was good for me. I don't like ring-dips!
1/15/09 - 1/18/09 Kofa NWR Camping Trip see upcoming post. Awesome!
1/19/09: 5 rounds
5 reps of: 1 hang power snatch, 3 overhead squats (65#)
15 burpees
Time: 16:40
Felt great! The time off was good and I think my body needed it. So I hit it pretty hard for this workout. Plus I love going overhead and 65# is not a very heavy overhead squat. By the end of the rounds I was having a harder time with the one hang power snatch. It was becoming a half power snatch with a little push press in there. Need to work on getting fully under the bar.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Checkin where I stand
1/7/09 - AMRAP in 20 min of 5 push jerks 76#, 10 box jumps 20'' 15 KB swings Rounds: 9 1/3 I think if I really pushed myself just a bit harder I could have reached 10. I need to pick up my kettlebell swings. I liked the push jerks and felt strong. Good workout.
200m run, 50 sit-ups, 400m run, 40 KTE, 800m run, 30 situps, 400m run, 40 KTE, 200m run, 50 sit-ups. YUCK! I really do not like knees to elbows. Time: 21:55
1/9/09 - Rest day
1/10/09 - So I decided that I was going to one of the workouts that was done at the games and see what my time would be. Just to get an idea where I stand. It was 5 rounds of 5 deadlifts @ 185#, 10 burpees. Time: 5:43 This one hurt. I have not hurt like this in awhile. My legs and core are still sore on Monday. I looked at the times at the games and my time is not the worst but it is at the top. So something to think about. I did do this workout way back in July after the games @ 155# and I think my time was slower. So it is really nice to see the progress that I have been making.
1/11/09 - 5 rounds 400m run, 50 squats. This really was needed. I needed to get out and do something because my legs were so sore from Sat. workout. It felt good just to be moving. Didn't keep time but a successful workout none the less.
1/12/09 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 Squat Snatch: So finally get to put the stuff I learned at the Oly cert to work. My last PR for snatch was 90 coronado weight (81# real weight). So when I saw this come up I was excited. Plus I got to work with Kayla and that is fun. It is nice to see her feeling better and really wanting to hit it hard.
We roughly went something like 75 - 85 - 95 (86 real weight) - 100 (f) - 100(f). So that is a 5 pound increase and a new PR. So today at the gym I was happy. Plus I am getting pretty low in my catch position and that's cool as well. I really need to focus on active shoulder when the bar comes up. It really makes a difference. It was really nice to get past that 90# snag that I was stuck on for so long. I can feel I am getting stronger so it is nice to see how work on technique plus an increase in strength can really help push the numbers up. Pretty cool!
On another note I had a pretty good weekend. Went to lunch and a movie with a group of girls. Some from the gym and some from Priscella's gym. It was totally a girls day out sort of thing. We saw Bride Wars. A good chick flick that was better then I expected. Then Saturday night Max and I went and hiked Cowles Mt. in the dark because the moon was so bright you didn't even need a headlamp. It was pretty. But there were a lot of people doing the same thing I was and I wasn't really into the big crowds.
Sunday I went and watch the Chargers have a poor showing against the Steelers. Pretty sad but the company was fun and we all had a good time. Dave and Jess hosted and a ton of people from the gym came over. Good times had by all. I had some crab dip and meatballs!
200m run, 50 sit-ups, 400m run, 40 KTE, 800m run, 30 situps, 400m run, 40 KTE, 200m run, 50 sit-ups. YUCK! I really do not like knees to elbows. Time: 21:55
1/9/09 - Rest day
1/10/09 - So I decided that I was going to one of the workouts that was done at the games and see what my time would be. Just to get an idea where I stand. It was 5 rounds of 5 deadlifts @ 185#, 10 burpees. Time: 5:43 This one hurt. I have not hurt like this in awhile. My legs and core are still sore on Monday. I looked at the times at the games and my time is not the worst but it is at the top. So something to think about. I did do this workout way back in July after the games @ 155# and I think my time was slower. So it is really nice to see the progress that I have been making.
1/11/09 - 5 rounds 400m run, 50 squats. This really was needed. I needed to get out and do something because my legs were so sore from Sat. workout. It felt good just to be moving. Didn't keep time but a successful workout none the less.
1/12/09 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 Squat Snatch: So finally get to put the stuff I learned at the Oly cert to work. My last PR for snatch was 90 coronado weight (81# real weight). So when I saw this come up I was excited. Plus I got to work with Kayla and that is fun. It is nice to see her feeling better and really wanting to hit it hard.
We roughly went something like 75 - 85 - 95 (86 real weight) - 100 (f) - 100(f). So that is a 5 pound increase and a new PR. So today at the gym I was happy. Plus I am getting pretty low in my catch position and that's cool as well. I really need to focus on active shoulder when the bar comes up. It really makes a difference. It was really nice to get past that 90# snag that I was stuck on for so long. I can feel I am getting stronger so it is nice to see how work on technique plus an increase in strength can really help push the numbers up. Pretty cool!
On another note I had a pretty good weekend. Went to lunch and a movie with a group of girls. Some from the gym and some from Priscella's gym. It was totally a girls day out sort of thing. We saw Bride Wars. A good chick flick that was better then I expected. Then Saturday night Max and I went and hiked Cowles Mt. in the dark because the moon was so bright you didn't even need a headlamp. It was pretty. But there were a lot of people doing the same thing I was and I wasn't really into the big crowds.
Sunday I went and watch the Chargers have a poor showing against the Steelers. Pretty sad but the company was fun and we all had a good time. Dave and Jess hosted and a ton of people from the gym came over. Good times had by all. I had some crab dip and meatballs!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Sore abs!
1-4-09 "Michael" - 3 rounds 800m run, 50 back extensions, 50 sit-ups
I was able to do the back extensions and sit-ups on the Glute-Ham machine and it made a huge difference. Time: 34:03
So here's the thing....I felt fine on Monday. Abs were a little sore but not bad. Back didn't hurt at all. As I went to bed on Monday night I was a little more sore in my upper abs but really didn't think much about it. Then in the middle of the night I rolled over to sleep on my stomach and put my arms above my head and I screamed. I mean it hurts to even touch that part of my body. My stomach is so sore that it hurts to sit upright. I didn't think I would get this sore. I thought about taking an extra rest day because I was so sore. But wanted to stick with the three on one off so I worked through it.
1-5-09 Rest Day.
1-6-09 3 rounds 400m run, 21 SDHP, 15 pull-ups. I went with the first group and they set a pretty quick pace which was good because it pushed me. Plus I wanted to go a little heavier so I used a 53# kettlebell. I like SDHP's plus this will help with a better number for fight gone bad. Time was 11:55. Glad to see that I got under 12 min. Plus I beat all of the other women in the gym who went prescribed. I am pretty competitive and I like to be at the top. So when I actually am it feels good.
I was really happy to see the way some of the girls at the gym tonight pushed themselves to go hard. Mel used a 53# KB, Priscella and Kelly both did kipping pull-ups for the whole workout and Katie (Matt's girl) did really good with 45# SDHP for being such a newbie. Way to get some girls!
On another note I have given up sugar. Pretty much all refined sugar. I still will get some sugar from the fruits that I eat but that is about it. I am tryng these new bars where all of the sugar comes from honey. So I really don't get any sugar in my diet. We'll see how this goes. I might make an exception on my cheat days so that I don't feel like I can never eat sugar. I will keep it in small quantites thought. I am drinking a beer right now and it is tasty!
I was able to do the back extensions and sit-ups on the Glute-Ham machine and it made a huge difference. Time: 34:03
So here's the thing....I felt fine on Monday. Abs were a little sore but not bad. Back didn't hurt at all. As I went to bed on Monday night I was a little more sore in my upper abs but really didn't think much about it. Then in the middle of the night I rolled over to sleep on my stomach and put my arms above my head and I screamed. I mean it hurts to even touch that part of my body. My stomach is so sore that it hurts to sit upright. I didn't think I would get this sore. I thought about taking an extra rest day because I was so sore. But wanted to stick with the three on one off so I worked through it.
1-5-09 Rest Day.
1-6-09 3 rounds 400m run, 21 SDHP, 15 pull-ups. I went with the first group and they set a pretty quick pace which was good because it pushed me. Plus I wanted to go a little heavier so I used a 53# kettlebell. I like SDHP's plus this will help with a better number for fight gone bad. Time was 11:55. Glad to see that I got under 12 min. Plus I beat all of the other women in the gym who went prescribed. I am pretty competitive and I like to be at the top. So when I actually am it feels good.
I was really happy to see the way some of the girls at the gym tonight pushed themselves to go hard. Mel used a 53# KB, Priscella and Kelly both did kipping pull-ups for the whole workout and Katie (Matt's girl) did really good with 45# SDHP for being such a newbie. Way to get some girls!
On another note I have given up sugar. Pretty much all refined sugar. I still will get some sugar from the fruits that I eat but that is about it. I am tryng these new bars where all of the sugar comes from honey. So I really don't get any sugar in my diet. We'll see how this goes. I might make an exception on my cheat days so that I don't feel like I can never eat sugar. I will keep it in small quantites thought. I am drinking a beer right now and it is tasty!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
New Year and a year older!
12-25-08 Christmas. Why not do 150 burpees! Oh the fun. It was good for me to do this one and to see how much faster I was able to get these done from when I did them last year. It took me about 16:20. I was happy with that. This could become my Christmas tradition. We'll see.
AMRAP in 20 min of
1 round of Cindy (5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats)
1 power clean
As you move to round two do only one round of Cindy but increase the power cleans based on each round you are on. 4 round do 4 power cleans.
I went with prescribed 95#. Killer. I was able to get in just about 9 rounds. Mel and I had to double up and that meant that there were times when we had to share the bar for the cleans. So I know if I had the bar to myself I would have gotten 9.
Filthy fifty - 30:30 I went to the 9am class for this and really enjoyed it. Dani was there and it was good to workout with her. It is just great to have another really strong girl in the gym to compete with. Dani is a top crossfitter and someone who I can use to gauge myself against. I might make a few trips over to her gym now and then to get a workout with her. One thing that I realized from having her at the gym is that it would be nice to have a really strong female training to push me harder. I don't know. Something to think about.
3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 OHS - For me I ended up being able to do 125- 3 times. Felt good. Then we did AMRAP of OHS with 75 (actually 66#) I was able to get 23 of them before I needed to drop the bar. I like overhead squats.
On a side note. A new years goal is to be able to do bodyweight overhead squats. I don't want to committ to a number of reps. I just want to start with one and go from there!
1-1-08 - Rest day. Happy new year
5 rounds : 5 thrusters, 10 hang power snatch, 15 back squats, 400m run
1/2 body weight: 75# This sucked. I mean really sucked. The thrusters and the back squats were not that bad but the 75# snatches were really hard and kicked my ass. Time 29:26. Under 30 mins was my goal. Made it!
Evan made up a workout for me to do and it was a good one. I really like the mix of movements involved
5 rounds: 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats, 200m run, 6 get-ups (12k KB), 10 burpees, 15 KB swings (16K kb). The get-ups took a lot of time but were not too hard. I think the core workout that I get from doing those. I am getting really high on my pull-ups and that is good. Time was something like 34:00. The watch has issues.
Not sure what i am going to do tomorrow. I need to get something in. Maybe a 10k trail run. That would be good. I have not ran in a long time.
AMRAP in 20 min of
1 round of Cindy (5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats)
1 power clean
As you move to round two do only one round of Cindy but increase the power cleans based on each round you are on. 4 round do 4 power cleans.
I went with prescribed 95#. Killer. I was able to get in just about 9 rounds. Mel and I had to double up and that meant that there were times when we had to share the bar for the cleans. So I know if I had the bar to myself I would have gotten 9.
Filthy fifty - 30:30 I went to the 9am class for this and really enjoyed it. Dani was there and it was good to workout with her. It is just great to have another really strong girl in the gym to compete with. Dani is a top crossfitter and someone who I can use to gauge myself against. I might make a few trips over to her gym now and then to get a workout with her. One thing that I realized from having her at the gym is that it would be nice to have a really strong female training to push me harder. I don't know. Something to think about.
3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 OHS - For me I ended up being able to do 125- 3 times. Felt good. Then we did AMRAP of OHS with 75 (actually 66#) I was able to get 23 of them before I needed to drop the bar. I like overhead squats.
On a side note. A new years goal is to be able to do bodyweight overhead squats. I don't want to committ to a number of reps. I just want to start with one and go from there!
1-1-08 - Rest day. Happy new year
5 rounds : 5 thrusters, 10 hang power snatch, 15 back squats, 400m run
1/2 body weight: 75# This sucked. I mean really sucked. The thrusters and the back squats were not that bad but the 75# snatches were really hard and kicked my ass. Time 29:26. Under 30 mins was my goal. Made it!
Evan made up a workout for me to do and it was a good one. I really like the mix of movements involved
5 rounds: 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats, 200m run, 6 get-ups (12k KB), 10 burpees, 15 KB swings (16K kb). The get-ups took a lot of time but were not too hard. I think the core workout that I get from doing those. I am getting really high on my pull-ups and that is good. Time was something like 34:00. The watch has issues.
Not sure what i am going to do tomorrow. I need to get something in. Maybe a 10k trail run. That would be good. I have not ran in a long time.
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