Wednesday, December 24, 2008
A lot of workouts
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Squat Clean
On another note I just want to say how much fun it is to workout with the girls at the gym. They kick ass. I was fortunate to workout with Kelly last night and she really went hard. 5 months ago she didn't like to do weights because she felt like she wasn't strong and that weights were not her things. But something has clicked and now she really looks forward to the strength days and she has been getting new PR's ever time she lifting. It is really cool to see how someone can change and make huge accomplishments when they just change the way they think about things. Congrats Kelly, nicely done!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Oly Cert
Thursday was a rest day for me. Really trying to do the 3 on 1 off routine. It is nice to have a day off when I can get things done around the house and walk the dog before it gets dark.
Friday WOD: 1 – 10 – 1 Hang power snatch, strict pull-ups. Prescribed was 45# but I decided to go heavy. Really the only reason I went heavy was because we had a few top crossfitters visiting the gym that night. Maggie was one of them. She is a really good crossfitter and I think she finished 5th at the games. Well she decided to do it with 75#. Holy shit 75#, and strict pull-ups the whole way. Impressive! So it was nice to have another girl in the gym go heavy because it makes me get a little more competitive and go heavy. Since I am not able to do strict pull-ups I did kipping the whole way. At first Ben wanted me to go 2 – 1 but that only lasted a few rounds. I don’t remember what my time was, but overall a good workout.
Saturday and Sunday I attended the Olympic Weightlifting Certification. There was a group of us from the gym that attended. It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot. I hope I don’t forget all of it. We did snatch work all day Saturday and then clean and jerk work all day Sunday. I was exhausted by the end of the day Sunday. My body was tired. But overall I had a really good time. Here is the picture of the group that went from Crossfit Coronado. Minus Evan who was taking the photo. Coach B was a wealth ok knowledge and I was really impressive with his teaching capabilities.

Tuesday was tabata Diane. Deadlifts and hand stand pushups. 8 rounds of each exercise 20 seconds of work 10 seconds of rest. I did 153# deadlifts and neg handstand push ups. My total score was 65 but broke out 44 deadlifts and 21 neg handstand pushups. I went to the 9am class and they were a lot of fun to workout with. They are funny women who make me laugh. It seems like this is the time that they get to be away from the kids and the house so they are a bit out of control. Props to Ben for tackling this class. I could not handle all of these women.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Here's a lot to read!
Yeah you read that right. Can you believe that shit. It was absolutely miserable. It crushed a lot of people at the gym. It was hard and the deadlifts sucked. The OHS were such light weight you thought you would be able to get through it pretty quick and then get to the deadlifts but even with the light weight it still sucked. My time was somewhere around 32 min.
Wednesday I was traveling up to Burbank to hangout with mom for the holiday and I decided to stop by Crossfit – Elite Fitness Academy to get in a workout. I met Eric the owner and he was a really cool guy. He has a really good gym and I really like the way that it is set up. All of the space outside is really nice and it would be cool if we could do some more workouts outside. The WOD was AMRAP of 55# SDHP and 16# wall ball at 8 feet. I completed 7 rounds. It felt really good to come into the gym and get the same number of rounds as the highest girl. That’s where my competitiveness comes out. Plus I also feel like I am representing Crossfit Coronado and Andy so I make sure to get some and go hard.
Thursday I spent the day with mom and had Thanksgiving dinner. We had Cornish Game hens and some veggies, rolls and a slice of pie for dessert. It was good and not Zone friendly!
Friday the gym had one workout for everyone. It was a tabata mash up with HSPU, Wall Ball, Ring push ups and SDHP. You keep score by counting only the lowest number rep at each station. Mine were 2 at the HSPU (I did negs), 6 at wall ball (20#) 6 at ring push ups (did them from my knees so that I could get full range of motion) and 10 on SDHP (65#). So my total would be 24. Had the day off of work so I took care of things around the house and got ready for the trip out to the desert that I was going to go on with Josh and Jes from Washington.
Saturday and Sunday I was out in Anza-Borrego again with Josh and Jes. We camped in Hawk canyon and did a few hikes near camp the first night. Then on Sunday we went to Blair Valley and hiked Smugglers canyon and looked at pictographs, and then did Cool canyon to look at the plants that like in the canyon. Both hikes were really cool and we had a really good time. The H’s were in town for a conference and it was really good to be able to hangout with them. Here is a picture of the three of us in The Slot at Anza-Borrego.
Monday WOD: 10 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 burpee pull-up and the 2 power clean in between each round. 95# Time: 14:40 I really liked this workout. I am strong on the cleans and one pull-up is really easy for me. So it was just the cardio of the burpees combined with the pull-up that took awhile. But overall a fun and that was challenging but fun!
Tuesday WOD: Front Squat I was pretty disappointed with my weight on this one. I feel like I should be able to do more and went home pretty distressed. Oh well you can't get what you want all of the time. My series went 129 - 139 - 149 (f) - 144 - 149 (f). FUCK REALLY WANTED 149! This is a PR for me anyway. Last time it was 133#. So an 11# increase is pretty good.
Wednesday WOD 5 rounds of 5 reps (push jerk, right lunge, left lunge, push press, right lunge, left lunge) 15KTE. 45# I really flew through the OH Lung progression and should have gone up in weight but I knew that I would be slow on the KTE. That was the case but I was still able to do the 45# pretty easily. So my time was fast 13:44 but I should have gone up in weight. I need to push myself more.
Monday, November 24, 2008
In the desert!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Back in SD
I took both Saturday and Sunday off. Needed the rest, traveling and had a football game.
As for working was fun to come back and get into the grueling workouts designed by Andy Stumpf. Oh how I have missed them!
Monday WOD: "Isabindy" (Isabell and Cindy) 3 rounds 10 squat snatch, 5 rounds of Cindy (5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups and 15 squats)
So let me do the math for you. That is 75 pull-ups, 150 push-ups and 225 squats plus the 30 full squat snatches. This one was brutal in many different ways. First: It was a long one. My time was 34:00. That is a long workout and a mental challenge to continue to push through it. Second were the fucking push-ups. Damn those were hard. I was only good for straight 10 for the first round. Then it became 3 - 3 - 2 - 2 or 3 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 1 and lastly sets of ones at the end. Yuck. What was a positive note to all of it is that I was able to work in the butterfly kip and I'm getting it. It will take more time to get the flow but it totally helped speed up the pull ups of cindy. NICE!
Tuesday WOD: Deadlift 1 -1 - 1 - 1 - 1 going for max weight
I had to go to the morning class on Tuesday and it is nice to get the workout done and have the rest of the day to be able to do whatever you need to. But I go to the gym in the morning without looking at what the workout is so I don't have the opportunity to look at past pr or times from other workouts. So I went into this one not really sure what my PR deadlift was. I thought it was 231 but it ended up being 237. Doesn't matter because now it is 246. Nice. That is a good increase for me. I know that the lift was not pretty and it took awhile for me to get the bar fully up but it got up. Like Lori said "as long as it gets up we are happy." Oh Lori. You crack me up.
Starting to feel pretty sore tonight. My sholder and elbow don't hurt from doing butterfly kips. Something I have been told to watch because a lot of people have gotten hurt from doing them. My legs are tired and a little stiff. We'll see how they feel tomorrow morning .
Friday, November 14, 2008
Working out in Portland
Wednesday WOD: 3 rounds 10 push jerks, 20 hang power cleans, 30 deadlifts 65# Time 11:34 When Nichole said that this was going to be the workout and the weight that I was going to use I thought that it was going to be lite. But my forearms and grip was killing me by middle of round 2. It was hard to hold on the the bar while I was doing the cleans. Overall a good workout. I like it because my grip strength is weak and by working on that it will help with pull-ups and kettlebell swings.
Thursday WOD AMRAP in 10 minutes of 250m row, 12 slam balls (16#) 5 and a half rounds. This was a good short one to get the heart rate up pretty quickly. I don't get to row as much as I would like and this workout just reminded me how much rowing sucks. But a good one.
Friday: Rest day
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
It sure is green up here
This week is going to be busy but I am going to be able to get in some workouts. Monday was a rest day. This morning I went back to Recreate Fitness and did a workout at the old gym with Nathan and Tina. I am going to try
Sunday, November 9, 2008
In P-town
I came up early to attend a level one cert for Crossfit. I was interested to see how much more I would learn at the Cert. There was a lot that I had already learned through the work that I have been doing at Coronado but there was some other stuff that was really interesting. I don't really know a lot about programming or parts of the nutrition concepts but these were covered and I got a lot from them. Plus I was able to talk to a lot of other people and ask them a bunch of questions. Nadia was there and my goodness that chick is strong. Something to strive for that's for sure. So I think above all the thing about attending the cert is that I get excited about Crossfit, the programming, the workouts, the people and everything about it. Plus it also gets me excited to go back to the gym that I workout at and do these crazy workouts with all of my friends. The people that I workout with and sweat with and push the boundaries with are people that have become a real piece of my life and I miss them.
One of the major highlights that I am going to work on is the butterfly kip. I was able to do a few at the gym and I think that I like these a lot more then regular kipping. Just the fact that I was able to do a few was exciting and I can't wait to get back to the gym and practice more. This is where I want to go with pull-ups. If butterfly's are fast and more efficient why spend the time learning kipping. I was able to get the rhythm on a few but was not able to get above the bar. So I like these and am going to continue to work on them.
So back to the WODS
Thursday: Helen 3 rounds 400m run, 21 kettlebell swings and 12 pull-ups. Time 12:31
So this was a minute and a half slower then my last time. Here are my thoughts on that. Last time I did helen it was a Monday. So I was fully rested from the weekend. Where as this time I did it on Thursday. My fourth workout of the week. I also think that my pull-up times were slower this go around. So something to think about.
I am going to start to do a 3 on 1 off routine as much as possible for the next month or so to see how I feel. This was something that was talked about at the Cert and I see the logic. So I am going to apply it to my life for a bit and see how it goes.
Friday - rest day for travel
Saturday: FRAN yup that's right. They had us do Fran at the Cert. My time 8:11. Not bad. The fastest prescribed girl time was 7:24. So about 40 seconds slower. I went 21 straight thruster, 8 then 7 thrusters and then 5 and 4. The pull-ups are still slowing me down. I hate them and this just made it very clear that I need to work on these more and more.
Sunday: I am tired and I can feel my legs. But a workout was needed to be done. It was AMRAP of 7 med ball cleans, 7 burpees. I was able to get 11 rounds. My legs are tired!
I am going to go and workout tomorrow to start the 3 on 1 off routine. I get to workout with Nichole and that will be fun. I think we are going to be doing some back squats. We shall see.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Start of November
Workout data
Thursday WOD: AMRAP of 20 Double Unders, 10 HSPU, 5 squat cleans – 7 rounds
Double unders have gotten a lot easier for me and that really helped with this workout. I was able to get through those pretty quickly. I decided to do HSPU from a box instead of negatives, and went with 99# for squat cleans. Squat cleans are a comfortable movement for me and I like them so I tend to go heavier when I can. Plus all of the smaller weights were being used by the other ladies so it was just easier to use the 10K’s and 5lbs.
Friday WOD Fight Gone Bad – Heavy
So the usual weight for women on FGB is 55# and this time it was calling for 65# SDHP and PP. I have done FGB with the men’s weight and my score was 220 so I was shooting for 300. That didn’t happen. I wasn’t able to start with wall ball and I hate to admit it but that right there was a mental block for me.
Here are my numbers
Round One: SDHP 28, BJ 21, PP 20, Row 15, WB 19 = 103
Round Two: SDHP 20, BJ 20, PP 13, Row 15, WB 15 = 83
Round Three: SDHP 17, BJ 19, PP 11, Row 13, WB 15 = 75
Total 261
So my number was 40 points higher then when I did it with 75# but I would have liked to seen a higher number. It is the PP that really kicks my butt. Need to work on those. My row numbers were higher when I did it with 75#. Interesting.
Saturday I had to work and then Sunday I had a football game and then Max and I went on a hike at Cottonwood Creek. Here are two pics from the trip.
Monday WOD: Squat Snatch 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1
Still stuck at 90# BUT the depth that I got when I did 85# and 90# was really good and got me pretty happy. I got all the way down into the full squat and had to stand to up. That was cool.
Tuesday WOD: 5 400m sprints
YUCK times ranged between 1:27 - 1:35. Good cardio work.
Wednesday WOD
SP 1 – 1 – 1 – 1
PP 3 – 3 – 3 – 3
PJ 5 – 5 – 5 – 5
This was one of the workouts that I did when I started the blog. The bad thing is that I have been going to the morning class and that means I don’t know what my PR’s are or what my time was because I don’t have the time (or make the time) to check out my notes before I head to class. This is something that I am going to have to change because for me there is a lot of mental motivation that goes through on in my head when I know what my last times, PR’s were and that I want to break them.
So not knowing what I did last time I am not really happy with these numbers:
SP: 65, 75, 85, 90 (f),
PP: 95, 100, 105, 110,
PJ: 110 (3), 95, 100, 105
Compared to my last numbers.
Shoulder press: 85# is PR
Push press number went up from 95 to 110 (awesome)
Push Jerk still at 110
So some progress and some things to still work on. That’s the thing about Crossfit. Always something to work on.
As for diet…well it has been pretty bad. I have had a hunkering for white chocolate macadamia nut cookies lately. This has resulted in me fluctuating in weight. Right now I am near 150. I know that if I went back to Zone hardcore I would drop a quick 5 pounds. Knowing that I think I don’t worry about it too much. But in terms of workout times and how I progress the extra weight does not help. Ideally I think I would like to be around 140 but that would mean that I would have to be a real hardass about diet. One of my goals is to be able to do a body weight overhead squat.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Feeling strong
Friday WOD: 5 rounds 5 reps, 15 pull-ups (1 power snatch, 3 OHS = 1 rep) Time 18:11 I know that I am good at doing OHS and snatchs are hard but not grueling so I thought about going heavy but ended up sticking with 65 to get the pull-ups in all kipping. This was a tough one but one that I really like because it makes me focus more on my technique rather then going for a PR.
Monday WOD: Back squats – really didn’t workout much today. I had fun sort of training and working with a group of girls. The classes have been really crowded and I wasn’t really their mentally for the class when it is that big. It was fun to work with the girls and push them to try to get more weights on the back squats.
Tuesday WOD: Easy Fran 21-15-9 95# thrusters and weighted pull-up (12#) I was able to do the 95# thrusters but wasn’t able to get the weight to stay in between my legs and I really use my legs to get up to the bar so I just decided to do strict kipping the whole way. My time was 12:50. Not too bad. I am happy with that. It makes me really interested to see what my Fran time will be when we do it next.
Wednesday WOD: 5 rounds 400m run, 30 sit-ups 25 push-ups Time: 23:01 Push-ups kill me. I have to break those up into set of 10 then 5 and then 2’s by the end. I was happy with the speed at which I was running. I think that I am going to get a watch so that I can see how I progress through a workout. I would like to have known how long the thrusters compared to pull ups took me or what were my split times on the run. This information would be useful.
I have been thinking a lot lately if I would be interested in training. A few Friday’s ago I was at Priscillas house and we had a conservation about the need to have more female trainers at the gym. She said that she thought I would be a good trainer. I had thought about it a bit but really wasn’t too sure. But then later the following week Melanie and Claudia both asked when was I going to start to train. Then last night I was hanging out with Kelly and she said that I would be a good trainer because I have gained a lot of respect from both the females in the class as well as the males. I think about it a lot and think that I would be good and I really like to see the other people in the gym get strong and work with them to help achieve their goals. But at the same time I am a little hesitant because of the amount of time and the commitment that it will take. I love Crossfit and w it has done for me but I don’t want it to be who I am or consume all hours . I don’t know. I think I will talk to Andy about it when he gets back into town and also see how the OLY-Cert goes
Thursday, October 23, 2008
New PR's
Wednesday: OHS 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 I was excited when I saw this on the blog. I like overhead squats and it has been awhile since I have gone for a one rep max. I was able to get 134#. Which is not only a new PR for OHS but also for my push jerk. So it was a good day.
Wednesday afternoon I headed up to Los Angeles to meet up with my buddy Frank from Oregon. He was in town to see Martin Sexton at the House of Blues and asked if I wanted to come along. I like Frank. He's a good guy and I have a lot of fun when I hangout with him. The concert was good and it was a nice trip to LA.
Monday, October 20, 2008
I need to stay on top of this!
Wednesday: Deadlifts 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 Shoot for a new PR. Set a new PR at 237. I think the series went something like 207, 217, 227,232 ,237. Not a bad showing. Worked with PW and that was fun. I think we both push each other pretty hard.
Thursday: I had to work in Seal beach so I checked the CrossFit main page and found that crossfit laguna beach had a 5pm class that I could get to in time. So I gave them a call, talked to Jimmy and he said it would be fine if I came to the class. So I did. I really like checking out other gyms. The workout for the day was 7 rounds of 4 snatches, 4 OHS, 4 ealking lunges, 21 sit-ups. Not a very hard workout. I was the first one done. Time was 9:54 and I used 35#. Should have done 45#
Friday: I wanted to check out John Welbournes gym in Newport Beach so I went to that gym Friday at 9am and worked out with Max. Great gym to workout with and a fun coach. He had some really good cues for me while I was doing deadlifts and yalked shit with me every though he barely knew me. I liked that. The workout was deadlifts 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3. Try to get your max three set PR for deadlifts. Mine was an even 200. Even after the early deadlifts in the week. I felt a little tired but was happy with 200. Then we did a met-con that was amap of push-ups and sit-up. 5 rounds. I don't really like these types of workouts because I don't push myself hard enough. I need a goal or a time to shoot for. Or even someone to compete against.
Saturday and Sunday were rest days. I had a football game and went on a 5 mile hike with the dog. Good times.
Monday: 5 rounds of 6 deadlifts, 6 hand cleans, 6 front squats, 6 push presses, 6 back squats and 6 push-up. Bar cannot be put down anytime during the workout. I went heavier then prescribed and did 75#. Time was 11:54. I really felt this one in the shoulders. My arms were screaming when I went from the cleans to the squats and then into the push presses. Oh it was painful. But a good one!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Here you have it
Monday: Front squat 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3. Try to get your 3 rep max and nit your one rep max. Here's how I went 89 - 109 - 114 - 119 - 124. Not bad. The last set of 124 was a challenge but I was able to get all 3.
Tuesday: Partner workout 10 rounds of 7 wall ball (12#) and 7 burpees. I worked out with Kelly and Laura. This one was pretty deceiving. It doesn't sound too hard but around round 4 "oh god." Our times was 11:32. I pushed Kelly to use the heavier ball and she hurt afterwards but was glad that she went heavy.
So I was programming I think I would do something like Tabata Something else. That's squats, push-ups, pull-ups and sit-ups. This would engage the legs that are going to be sore from the squats on Monday and the wall balls today but it's tabata so not too bad. Plus it would get people on the bars for pull-ups and I think the gym as a whole needs these. Who knows. We'll just have to see what we have in store.
As for diet. It has been pretty bad. I have been eating out a lot and eating a lot of sweets. I have been craving cookies and ice cream lately. So I need to get on the wagon and jump back into Zone hard this week and next and see how different I feel. Oh it's just so hard at times!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Monday "Helen" 3 rounds 400m run, 21 kettlebell swings and 12 pullups. Did 35# KB and all KPU. Time 11:20
Tuesday "Diane" 21-15-9 Deadlift, HSPU's 143# DL and toes on Mt. Whittney Time: 5:10
Wednesday 21-15-9 Squat Clean, ring dips. 95# squat clean and ring dips with toes on box. Steve had a stopwatch issue so time was uncertain.
Find you 3 rep max of push jerk 3 - 3- 3 - 3 - 3. Kayla and I paired up and found our 1 rep max 125# and went down to 105 - 105 - 105 - 105 - 110. Good stuff
Tri by Fran: 21-15-9 thrusters pull-ups but the weight went from 45# first round 65# second and down to 45# for the third. This was a tough one but a really successful one for me on the kipping side of things. Really starting to get the hang of them and able to string more and more in a row. Was not able to do the whole workout kipping because I did not want to rip. So the last 15 and 9 were jumping.
What a fucking week!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
I'm busy
Thursday: Squat Snatch 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1. I went 65 - 75 - 85 - 90 - 95(f). So I'm still stuck at a 90# snatch
Friday: 3 rounds with a partners of: 50 HSPU's, 50 Deadlifts, 50 KTE's, farmers carry and 800m run. Weight was 143# deadlift and 35# farmers carry. 45:53. I partnered up with Gene and we had a good time. A touch workout in celebration of Steve's b-day.
Took the weekend off. Stick to the diet at about the 75% level. I'm interested to see what I will way in the morning.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Catch up
Monday WOD: 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 -3 Back Squat. The point was figure out what is your three rep max. Not a one rep max but what weight can you successfully get 3 squats in. I started with 133 and 143. Tried 151 and was only able to get two, So I dropped down and got 3 at 141 and then 3 at 146. So that is what my 3 rep max is. Crazy that 5 pounds made such a big difference.
Tuesday WOD: 4 rounds: 400m run, 21 kettlebell swings (35#) 21 knees to elbows. KTE suck. But this workout really worked grip strength and my forearms were really sore. From swinging the kettlebells and then holding myself on the bar. Time was 20:11
Wednesday I had to go to the morning class because Andy has a ceremony in the evening that a lot of people from the gym are going to. So I rolled out of bed really early and trekked over the bridge. The WOD was "BEAR" 5 rounds: of the sequence power clean, front squat, push press, back squat, push press. 7 times. So for one round you do a total of 35 of each of those exercises. It was a partner workout where you get to rest while the other is working. The bar can not get set on the ground or else you have to start at zero. I worked with Carrie who is a ton of fun and a good workout partner. Our time was 31:49. It was a grind of a workout to get through but we did it.
I have not been really good when it comes to diet. I had half an kit lat bar and some M&M's yesterday. I really don't know why but I was craving sweets all day. The candy was really good. I did feel a bit crummy with the workout on Tuesday. It could be because of the candy, or the heat, or the lack of water. Who knows.
The thing about the Zone is that it's not hard to figure out how to eat within the diet. The hardest thing is just sticking with it. You just really need to stick with it. That's the hard part. I don't need a lot of variety in my diet and I eat at home most of the time so I am able to control what I eat. It's just that I wanted candy yesterday and I made the decision to eat it and not stick within the diet. That was the decision.
Since Sean is out of town I decided to put up my rings and play with them a bit on the front porch. I have been practicing ring dips, negatives and the transition for the muscle up. It is nice to have them set up and be able to walk right outside the door and play around with them when I get back from taking out the garbage. So hopefully this will improve the areas where I need a lot of work.

Sunday, September 28, 2008
As for the rest of the weekend. Had to work a lot of Saturday here and there throughout the Complex. Saturday night went out with Christy and her brother to a Thai restaurant downtown and then a 30th birthday party for someone I don't know. Lynn from flag football invited us and we thought it would be fun just to go for a bit. The party was in this fancy bar. They rented it out for his birthday. Open bar, cake, cheese and Breakfast at Tiffany's playing on the wall. As ore and more people started to show up Christy and I realized we went not in fashion and the 80's tights are back. We saw a girl wearing them at the bar. Crazy! But glad that I went out and had a fun night hanging out.
Sunday we had our first flag football game for the season. We are going to be good and there are two people on the team that played with us in the past that are back on the team. I really like them. They are fun and add to the team. We killed the other team this morning. 33 - 0. It will be a fun season!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Push press with a little something something on the side!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
How about them Beavs!
It was hard to leave the northwest. It is just a pretty time of year and I miss all of my friends. They are such great people and I am lucky to have them in my life. I was able to go on a few hikes, pick chanterelles, and enjoy some good wine. All in all a great trip.
While I was in Oregon the diet was not too bad. I tried to stick with at least two Zone meals. I didn't drink as much as I thought I was going to so that was good. My weight didn't fluctuate too much. Nothing more then a crazy weekend down here. So I consider that a huge accomplishment.
Now I'm back in SD. Glad to be home to sleep in my own bed (even though the air mattress that Steph set up for me was comfy) and happy to spend time with Max. I sure did miss him while I was gone. Also bad to the gym. There were a few workouts that I was bummed to miss while I was gone and a few that I was just fine missing. It feels really good to be back at it full time.
Here are the last two WOD's
Wednesday: With the clock running do one pull-up one minute, two pull-ups at two minutes and so forth. Do kipping until failure and then switch to jumping. Go until you can not get the necessary amount. I was able to get to 9 kipping and then 33 jumping. It made a big difference when Andy pulled some plates off of my box. I had to use my upper body a lot more and couldn't rely on my legs.
Thursday: Max effort for 30 seconds of push-up's, sit-up's and turkish get-ups. Rest 2 min
Max effort for 1 min ".....". Rest 1:30 min
Max effort 1:30 min "......". Rest 1 min
Max effort 2 min "......". Rest 30 seconds
My numbers were 22-15-3, 23-30-8, 24-45-9, 30-55-12
I am glad to see that I was able to increase my number for push-ups each time. I am getting stronger here and it feels good to see that improvements.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
On vacation
Been in Oregon now for over a week. Got in a CrossFit workout at Recreate Fitness on Friday Sept 12 and then went and worked out with Scott at Crossfit Portland on Saturday. Monday I did kind of the same workout as the gym but had to do hang cleans (instead of power) and jerk. Got to 11 and then went down to 0 on the minute (11, 10, 9, 8...) with full squat clean with no press. Tuesday went on a 9 mile hike. Wednesday did tabata ring planks, air squats, sit-ups and burpees with a guy named Ryan. Thursday went on a hike and picked chanterelles and Friday morning (today) I did 400m lunges.
I have been okay when it comes to food. Not horrible but not great. Drinking a lot of beer and eating freaking good apple crisps and cake. Definitely not Zone. But I have been getting in some workouts and that makes me feel better. Tomorrow I am going to get up early, before the wedding day festivities begin and get in a good one: 5 rounds: 400m run, 20 squats, 20 push-ups, 20 sit-ups. We'll see how it goes.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Pirates in the Bay!

The morning WOD was 5 rounds: 20 pull-ups, 30 push-ups and 40 sit-ups. Rest 2 minutes between rounds. My times were 3:55, 4:44, 4:41, 4:59, 5:01. The first round I did all kipping. The rest of the rounds I did 10 kipping and 20 jumping (Andy made us go 2:1 jumping) push-ups on toes and ab-mat sit ups with anchor. The push-up were the piece that took the most amount of time. 30 push-ups are a lot and I hate them. It was nice to get the workout in though. Now I’m off to Portland. While I am in Portland I am going to workout at the old gym on Friday night and check out CrossFit Portland on Saturday morning. Sunday will be a rest day. I am going to try to stay with it while I am gone. Andy is going to give me a few workouts to do and told me to bring my rings. So I just need to make sure to motivate myself to actually do the workouts.
Yesterday’s WOD was nasty…SPRINTS
Partner workout: 10 200m sprints, 6 400m sprints and lastly 4 800m sprints. Man I am not a sprinter. I much prefer to go long distances over long periods. Francis and I partnered up and I know that I made it harder for her then she did for me. I had a lot more rest time. But she pushed through it and it will make her stronger!
The picture is what I saw this morning as I was coming into work. It reminds me of a pirate ship. I think it is really pretty. I would like to see what it looks like on the inside. I bet it has a lot of nice woodwork.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Fight Gone Bad. Need I say more
Round One: WB 25 SDHP 17 BJ 19 PP 12 Row 18 - 91 total
Round Two: WB 15 SDHP 12 BJ 20 PP 8 Row 17 - 72 total
Round Three: WB 10 SDHP 10 BJ 15 PP 8 Row 14 - 57 total
Total: 220
So this is a 4 point increase since the last time I did this back towards the end of July. So that is good. Plus this is the first time that I have done it jumping onto the box. So I am really happy with my number. I need to use the heavier wall ball more often cause that is what sucked the most. If I could get that number up as well as my Push Press. Oh the things to work on.
Dinner was a salad with tomatoes, pepperjack cheese and this tofu taco meat that Sean made up. It was tasty. To get a balanced carb block I had a slice of the homemade bread with a little honey on it. Probably more carbs then needed but it is high in fiber and really tasty! I mean you can't pass on homemade bread.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Quick and easy
Aaron is placed on the DL!
As for eating....I am dialed in during the week. When I can pack my lunch, eat what i have at the house, and snack on the "packages" that i have put together. When I put myself in situations where other food is available to me that is not Zone friendly is when I fall off target. This usually happens on the weekend when I go to concert in the park, or have drinks with friends. The choices that I make during this time are not horrible for me but they are just not what i should be eating. Like I'll have a handful of trailmix with cherries and chocolate. I'm just talking about a handful but the number of nuts, dried fruit and chocolate that comes in that handful puts me over the top in terms of carbs and fat. And we're talking about just a handful.
The workout at the gym on Friday was miserable. It was called "WTF." This one was a tough one. AMRAP in 20 min of 15 deadlifts, 10 back squats and 5 overhead squats. Since it was Friday and I pushed myself all week I decided to stick with it and went with 75#. Man it was tough. I really felt it in my lower back and abs during the squats and then my shoulders were screaming on the overheads. I got 8 rounds and a few deadlifts. On Saturday Mike M. ran the course and we did a king of low key not too intense 3 rounds of 10 burpees, 15 wall balls, 20 box jumps, 25 sit-ups and a farmers carry down and back. I did 12# wall ball, 24 inch box and 35# farmers carry. Time was something like 18:27. It was a good one and I felt pretty strong.
Then I went and watched the Beavs get crushed by Penn State. UGLY. I spent more time sitting in the yard getting sun then watching the game because I just couldn't take it. Oh the Beavs continue to break my heart!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Aaron comes to the gym!
So the WOD was a partner workout: 3 rounds of 25 push-ups, 15 wall balls, 25 kettlebell swings and 15 box jumps. A partner workout means that each person has to complete all of the reps but only one partner can work at a time. So we broke things up. Like I'd do 10 push-ups then he would do 10 and so forth. He pushed through the push-ups and wall balls but I think it was at the kettlebells that he realized that this is really going to suck. He finished the swings and started to do jump ups onto the box but that quickly turned into step ups. Start of round 2 he was already hurting. It became knee push-up and broken wall balls and kettlebell swings. He was grunting through it. It actually was good for him and I kind of enjoyed watching him push through. Not only are the workouts challenging for the body but there is also a mental toughness that goes along with all of it. There are points were you seriously question if you can keep going and it takes a lot to convince yourself that you can. It's tough. We did the prescribed weight for women 10# wall ball and 35# kettlebell. Time was 23:21. Not bad for someone who has never done CrossFit and had me next to him the whole time encouraging him on.
As the rest of the night progressed he started to get sore and walked a little funny. But he said it was a good sore. Today he sent me a text and said it was hard for him to get out of bed but he is interested in coming to the free Saturday workout. So that's a good sign. I know he won't join the gym or anything but at least he is doing something active and it's kind of a kick in the ass to show you that your not in great shape and there is a lot more that you can be doing. I was there!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
thunder, thunder, thunder clouds
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Oh Carbs how much do love thee.....

Sunday, August 31, 2008
Off the Trail
Friday, August 29, 2008
Quads, hanstrings and a side of glutes!
Today was a good one. A mix of thrusters and pull-ups. This was how it worked. I pull-up the first minute, 2 thrusters the 2nd, 3 pull-ups the third, 4 thrusters the 4th and so on. so at first it really doesn't seem that hard. Until you get to round 12. The it take some pushing to make sure you get all of the thrusters in. I was able to do kipping pull-ups until the 13th round and then started to do jumping. I was able to get the round of 20 thrusters in but just could not get 22 thrusters in 1 minute. I did the math and I did over 100 thrusters today. Man that is a lot. The thing that is crazy is that thrusters are not a complex movement but it takes a lot out of you. Actually they are killer.
Not sure what my plans for the long weekend are. I have to work tomorrow and kind of want to go camping since I have Monday off. So I might head up into the mountains or maybe not. It will depend on how I feel tomorrow after work.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Balboa Park
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
So we did snatches at the gym tonight. Probably the most complex move that we do at the gym. It's a tough one. For me the hardest part is pulling myself under the bar and getting into the squat position. I am strong enough to get the bar up to eye level but have a mental block when it comes to getting below it into the full squat. For some reason my mind does not think that it is a good idea to throw weight above my head and try to squat with it in the position. I don't know why. Sounds like fun to me.
So instead of going for a PR today I wanted to get in more reps so that I could really start to build the muscle memory of getting under the bar in the full squat. This meant that I did lighter weight. I was able to do 85# but dropped down to 75# to practice the movement. I like having a video to watch because it tells a lot about what I am doing. I am lifting the bar off the ground well and the pull up looks good. I don't think I came to full extension of the hips but I'm close. I need to focus on really shrugging the shoulders and then pulling myself under the bar. Practice, practice, practice.
A Suite at Petco

Monday, August 25, 2008
Weekend Update
Sunday Sean and I went on a hike. We were trying to find Boden Canyon but never got there. We ended up doing another trail. It was hot and we got a lot concerned about max so we backtracked and hung out in the San Ysabel River. Not much of a river this time of year but it was a good 10 degrees cooler in the creek bed and max was able to cool off and dig in the mud. It was fun. It was nice to go on a hike with Sean. he seemed like he enjoyed it and would be interested in going on more in the future. So that will be nice.
Sunday night I had a football game at 5pm. We killed them. We have a really fun team and the guys on the team are fast. It really like to watch them run. They are quick and can make cuts and plays that still surprise me. Kevin played ball at Iowa and ran track so he is really good. Plus he is an overall nice guy so that's cool.
Today I went to the 9am class to workout because tonight I am headed to a Padres game. The women in the class are fun and sure do have a lot of kids! The thing that I do like about the class is that it is mostly women and strong women who want to be strong. They really push themselves to go hard and not rest. I do think that there is a slight increase in intensity level in that class compared to the 5pm. I am not really sure why but I do feel it.
The WOD was 3 rounds: 400m run, 50 squats, 25 pull-ups. I was able to do it prescribed without ripping my hands. That was the huge success for the day. No tearing! Time was 20:02. Not bad. Still need to get more of those pull-ups in a row instead of breaking them up. I also need to work on pushing away from the bar when I get to the top. Really too much to have to think about when I am that tired. I really did push myself on the run and that felt good!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Weak shoulders!
Shoulder Press 1 - 1- 1 - 1- 1
Push Press 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3
Push Jerk 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5
My numbers were low because I really wanted to dial in on my technique rather then try to but a lot of weight overhead.
SP - 65 - 70 - 75 - 80 - 85
PP - 75 - 80 - 85 - 95(2) - 95(3)
PJ - 85 - 95 - 100 - 105 - 110
Thursday, August 21, 2008
I missed Fran!
So yesterday I was hungry! Usually if I am working out or doing something and not thinking about food then it really doesn't bother me. But since I was sitting in the car and didn't get in a workout my stomach was letting me know. But I didn't cheat! I went to my football game at 6pm and that bought me some time. I usually like to eat between 7:30 - 8:00pm. So by the time I got home from the game I was back on schedule. I found this cool blog that Crossfit Santa Cruz Central has that gives a lot of recipe's. I am going to plan out my meals and then go shopping.
Right now I am tyring to eat everything that I have in the fridge and cupboards before I go shopping. I think I spend A LOT of money at the store just buying things here and there when I want something instead of using the things that I have already. So I made a pack to try to use everything before I go shopping. Somethings will be impossible to go without but it is actually kind of a challenge to myself to get creative!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Here's the Gym
Monday, August 18, 2008
Full Squat Clean
Sunday, August 17, 2008
It's a pretty rough life!
I should go back to bed!